by RyanCardin15
import GraphInterfaces = require("../../interfaces/GraphInterfaces");
* Information about the location of a REST API resource
export interface ApiResourceLocation {
* Area name for this resource
area?: string;
* Unique Identifier for this location
id?: string;
* Maximum api version that this resource supports (current server version for this resource)
maxVersion?: string;
* Minimum api version that this resource supports
minVersion?: string;
* The latest version of this resource location that is in "Release" (non-preview) mode
releasedVersion?: string;
* Resource name
resourceName?: string;
* The current resource version supported by this resource location
resourceVersion?: number;
* This location's route template (templated relative path)
routeTemplate?: string;
* Represents version information for a REST Api resource
export interface ApiResourceVersion {
* String representation of the Public API version. This is the version that the public sees and is used for a large group of services (e.g. the TFS 1.0 API)
apiVersion?: string;
* Is the public API version in preview
isPreview?: boolean;
* Internal resource version. This is defined per-resource and is used to support build-to-build compatibility of API changes within a given (in-preview) public api version. For example, within the TFS 1.0 API release cycle, while it is still in preview, a resource's data structure may be changed. This resource can be versioned such that older clients will still work (requests will be sent to the older version) and new/upgraded clients will talk to the new version of the resource.
resourceVersion?: number;
* Enumeration of the options that can be passed in on Connect.
export declare enum ConnectOptions {
* Retrieve no optional data.
None = 0,
* Includes information about AccessMappings and ServiceDefinitions.
IncludeServices = 1,
* Includes the last user access for this host.
IncludeLastUserAccess = 2,
* This is only valid on the deployment host and when true. Will only return inherited definitions.
IncludeInheritedDefinitionsOnly = 4,
* When true will only return non inherited definitions. Only valid at non-deployment host.
IncludeNonInheritedDefinitionsOnly = 8
export declare enum DeploymentFlags {
None = 0,
Hosted = 1,
OnPremises = 2
* Defines an "actor" for an event.
export interface EventActor {
* Required: This is the identity of the user for the specified role.
id?: string;
* Required: The event specific name of a role.
role?: string;
* Defines a scope for an event.
export interface EventScope {
* Required: This is the identity of the scope for the type.
id?: string;
* Optional: The display name of the scope
name?: string;
* Required: The event specific type of a scope.
type?: string;
export interface IdentityRef extends GraphInterfaces.GraphSubjectBase {
* Deprecated - Can be retrieved by querying the Graph user referenced in the "self" entry of the IdentityRef "_links" dictionary
directoryAlias?: string;
id?: string;
* Deprecated - Available in the "avatar" entry of the IdentityRef "_links" dictionary
imageUrl?: string;
* Deprecated - Can be retrieved by querying the Graph membership state referenced in the "membershipState" entry of the GraphUser "_links" dictionary
inactive?: boolean;
* Deprecated - Can be inferred from the subject type of the descriptor (Descriptor.IsAadUserType/Descriptor.IsAadGroupType)
isAadIdentity?: boolean;
* Deprecated - Can be inferred from the subject type of the descriptor (Descriptor.IsGroupType)
isContainer?: boolean;
isDeletedInOrigin?: boolean;
* Deprecated - not in use in most preexisting implementations of ToIdentityRef
profileUrl?: string;
* Deprecated - use Domain+PrincipalName instead
uniqueName?: string;
export interface IdentityRefWithEmail extends IdentityRef {
preferredEmailAddress?: string;
* The JSON model for JSON Patch Operations
export interface JsonPatchDocument {
* The JSON model for a JSON Patch operation
export interface JsonPatchOperation {
* The path to copy from for the Move/Copy operation.
from?: string;
* The patch operation
op: Operation;
* The path for the operation. In the case of an array, a zero based index can be used to specify the position in the array (e.g. /biscuits/0/name). The "-" character can be used instead of an index to insert at the end of the array (e.g. /biscuits/-).
path: string;
* The value for the operation. This is either a primitive or a JToken.
value?: any;
export interface JsonWebToken {
export declare enum JWTAlgorithm {
None = 0,
HS256 = 1,
RS256 = 2
export declare enum Operation {
Add = 0,
Remove = 1,
Replace = 2,
Move = 3,
Copy = 4,
Test = 5
* A list that contains a single page of results from a query.
export interface PagedList<T> extends Array<T> {
* A string that can be passed to the same endpoint that returned this PagedList in order to retrieve the next page of results.
continuationToken?: string;
* Represents the public key portion of an RSA asymmetric key.
export interface PublicKey {
* Gets or sets the exponent for the public key.
exponent?: number[];
* Gets or sets the modulus for the public key.
modulus?: number[];
export interface Publisher {
* Name of the publishing service.
name?: string;
* Service Owner Guid Eg. Tfs : 00025394-6065-48CA-87D9-7F5672854EF7
serviceOwnerId?: string;
* The class to represent a REST reference link. RFC: The RFC is not fully implemented, additional properties are allowed on the reference link but as of yet we don't have a need for them.
export interface ReferenceLink {
href?: string;
export interface ResourceRef {
id?: string;
url?: string;
export interface ServiceEvent {
* This is the id of the type. Constants that will be used by subscribers to identify/filter events being published on a topic.
eventType?: string;
* This is the service that published this event.
publisher?: Publisher;
* The resource object that carries specific information about the event. The object must have the ServiceEventObject applied for serialization/deserialization to work.
resource?: any;
* This dictionary carries the context descriptors along with their ids.
resourceContainers?: {
[key: string]: any;
* This is the version of the resource.
resourceVersion?: string;
* A signed url allowing limited-time anonymous access to private resources.
export interface SignedUrl {
* Timestamp when access expires.
signatureExpires?: Date;
* The URL to allow access to.
url?: string;
export interface TeamMember {
identity?: IdentityRef;
isTeamAdmin?: boolean;
* A single secured timing consisting of a duration and start time
export interface TimingEntry {
* Duration of the entry in ticks
elapsedTicks?: number;
* Properties to distinguish timings within the same group or to provide data to send with telemetry
properties?: {
[key: string]: any;
* Offset from Server Request Context start time in microseconds
startOffset?: number;
* A set of secured performance timings all keyed off of the same string
export interface TimingGroup {
* The total number of timing entries associated with this group
count?: number;
* Overall duration of all entries in this group in ticks
elapsedTicks?: number;
* A list of timing entries in this group. Only the first few entries in each group are collected.
timings?: TimingEntry[];
* This class describes a trace filter, i.e. a set of criteria on whether or not a trace event should be emitted
export interface TraceFilter {
area?: string;
exceptionType?: string;
isEnabled?: boolean;
layer?: string;
level?: number;
method?: string;
* Used to serialize additional identity information (display name, etc) to clients. Not set by default. Server-side callers should use OwnerId.
owner?: IdentityRef;
ownerId?: string;
path?: string;
processName?: string;
service?: string;
serviceHost?: string;
timeCreated?: Date;
traceId?: string;
tracepoint?: number;
uri?: string;
userAgent?: string;
userLogin?: string;
export declare enum UserProfileBackupState {
Inactive = 0,
Active = 1
export declare enum UserProfileSyncState {
None = 0,
Completed = 1,
NewProfileDataAndImageRetrieved = 2,
ProfileDataBackupDone = 3,
NewProfileDataSet = 4,
NewProfileDataUpdateFailed = 5,
NewProfileImageUpdateFailed = 6
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapper extends VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
value?: any[];
* This class is used to serialize collections as a single JSON object on the wire.
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<T> extends VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
* The serialized item.
value?: T;
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
* The number of serialized items.
count?: number;
* This is the type used for firing notifications intended for the subsystem in the Notifications SDK. For components that can't take a dependency on the Notifications SDK directly, they can use ITeamFoundationEventService.PublishNotification and the Notifications SDK ISubscriber implementation will get it.
export interface VssNotificationEvent {
* Optional: A list of actors which are additional identities with corresponding roles that are relevant to the event.
actors?: EventActor[];
* Optional: A list of artifacts referenced or impacted by this event.
artifactUris?: string[];
* Required: The event payload. If Data is a string, it must be in Json or XML format. Otherwise it must have a serialization format attribute.
data?: any;
* Required: The name of the event. This event must be registered in the context it is being fired.
eventType?: string;
* How long before the event expires and will be cleaned up. The default is to use the system default.
expiresIn?: any;
* The id of the item, artifact, extension, project, etc.
itemId?: string;
* How long to wait before processing this event. The default is to process immediately.
processDelay?: any;
* Optional: A list of scopes which are relevant to the event.
scopes?: EventScope[];
* This is the time the original source event for this VssNotificationEvent was created. For example, for something like a build completion notification SourceEventCreatedTime should be the time the build finished not the time this event was raised.
sourceEventCreatedTime?: Date;
export interface WrappedException {
customProperties?: {
[key: string]: any;
errorCode?: number;
eventId?: number;
helpLink?: string;
innerException?: WrappedException;
message?: string;
stackTrace?: string;
typeKey?: string;
typeName?: string;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
ConnectOptions: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
includeServices: number;
includeLastUserAccess: number;
includeInheritedDefinitionsOnly: number;
includeNonInheritedDefinitionsOnly: number;
DeploymentFlags: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
hosted: number;
onPremises: number;
JsonPatchOperation: any;
JWTAlgorithm: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
hS256: number;
rS256: number;
Operation: {
enumValues: {
add: number;
remove: number;
replace: number;
move: number;
copy: number;
test: number;
SignedUrl: any;
TraceFilter: any;
UserProfileBackupState: {
enumValues: {
inactive: number;
active: number;
UserProfileSyncState: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
completed: number;
newProfileDataAndImageRetrieved: number;
profileDataBackupDone: number;
newProfileDataSet: number;
newProfileDataUpdateFailed: number;
newProfileImageUpdateFailed: number;
VssNotificationEvent: any;