* Contains information about the progress or result of an async operation.
export interface Operation extends OperationReference {
* Links to other related objects.
_links?: any;
* Detailed messaged about the status of an operation.
detailedMessage?: string;
* Result message for an operation.
resultMessage?: string;
* URL to the operation result.
resultUrl?: OperationResultReference;
* Reference for an async operation.
export interface OperationReference {
* Unique identifier for the operation.
id?: string;
* Unique identifier for the plugin.
pluginId?: string;
* The current status of the operation.
status?: OperationStatus;
* URL to get the full operation object.
url?: string;
export interface OperationResultReference {
* URL to the operation result.
resultUrl?: string;
* The status of an operation.
export declare enum OperationStatus {
* The operation does not have a status set.
NotSet = 0,
* The operation has been queued.
Queued = 1,
* The operation is in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* The operation was cancelled by the user.
Cancelled = 3,
* The operation completed successfully.
Succeeded = 4,
* The operation completed with a failure.
Failed = 5
export declare var TypeInfo: {
Operation: any;
OperationReference: any;
OperationStatus: {
enumValues: {
notSet: number;
queued: number;
inProgress: number;
cancelled: number;
succeeded: number;
failed: number;