
by RyanCardin15
export declare enum InputDataType { /** * No data type is specified. */ None = 0, /** * Represents a textual value. */ String = 10, /** * Represents a numberic value. */ Number = 20, /** * Represents a value of true or false. */ Boolean = 30, /** * Represents a Guid. */ Guid = 40, /** * Represents a URI. */ Uri = 50 } /** * Describes an input for subscriptions. */ export interface InputDescriptor { /** * The ids of all inputs that the value of this input is dependent on. */ dependencyInputIds: string[]; /** * Description of what this input is used for */ description: string; /** * The group localized name to which this input belongs and can be shown as a header for the container that will include all the inputs in the group. */ groupName: string; /** * If true, the value information for this input is dynamic and should be fetched when the value of dependency inputs change. */ hasDynamicValueInformation: boolean; /** * Identifier for the subscription input */ id: string; /** * Mode in which the value of this input should be entered */ inputMode: InputMode; /** * Gets whether this input is confidential, such as for a password or application key */ isConfidential: boolean; /** * Localized name which can be shown as a label for the subscription input */ name: string; /** * Gets whether this input is included in the default generated action description. */ useInDefaultDescription: boolean; /** * Information to use to validate this input's value */ validation: InputValidation; /** * A hint for input value. It can be used in the UI as the input placeholder. */ valueHint: string; /** * Information about possible values for this input */ values: InputValues; } /** * Defines a filter for subscription inputs. The filter matches a set of inputs if any (one or more) of the groups evaluates to true. */ export interface InputFilter { /** * Groups of input filter expressions. This filter matches a set of inputs if any (one or more) of the groups evaluates to true. */ conditions: InputFilterCondition[]; } /** * An expression which can be applied to filter a list of subscription inputs */ export interface InputFilterCondition { /** * Whether or not to do a case sensitive match */ caseSensitive: boolean; /** * The Id of the input to filter on */ inputId: string; /** * The "expected" input value to compare with the actual input value */ inputValue: string; /** * The operator applied between the expected and actual input value */ operator: InputFilterOperator; } export declare enum InputFilterOperator { Equals = 0, NotEquals = 1 } export declare enum InputMode { /** * This input should not be shown in the UI */ None = 0, /** * An input text box should be shown */ TextBox = 10, /** * An password input box should be shown */ PasswordBox = 20, /** * A select/combo control should be shown */ Combo = 30, /** * Radio buttons should be shown */ RadioButtons = 40, /** * Checkbox should be shown(for true/false values) */ CheckBox = 50, /** * A multi-line text area should be shown */ TextArea = 60 } /** * Describes what values are valid for a subscription input */ export interface InputValidation { dataType: InputDataType; isRequired: boolean; maxLength: number; maxValue: number; minLength: number; minValue: number; pattern: string; patternMismatchErrorMessage: string; } /** * Information about a single value for an input */ export interface InputValue { /** * Any other data about this input */ data: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * The text to show for the display of this value */ displayValue: string; /** * The value to store for this input */ value: string; } /** * Information about the possible/allowed values for a given subscription input */ export interface InputValues { /** * The default value to use for this input */ defaultValue: string; /** * Errors encountered while computing dynamic values. */ error: InputValuesError; /** * The id of the input */ inputId: string; /** * Should this input be disabled */ isDisabled: boolean; /** * Should the value be restricted to one of the values in the PossibleValues (True) or are the values in PossibleValues just a suggestion (False) */ isLimitedToPossibleValues: boolean; /** * Should this input be made read-only */ isReadOnly: boolean; /** * Possible values that this input can take */ possibleValues: InputValue[]; } /** * Error information related to a subscription input value. */ export interface InputValuesError { /** * The error message. */ message: string; } export interface InputValuesQuery { currentValues: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * The input values to return on input, and the result from the consumer on output. */ inputValues?: InputValues[]; /** * Subscription containing information about the publisher/consumer and the current input values */ resource: any; } export declare var TypeInfo: { InputDataType: { enumValues: { none: number; string: number; number: number; boolean: number; guid: number; uri: number; }; }; InputDescriptor: { fields: any; }; InputFilter: { fields: any; }; InputFilterCondition: { fields: any; }; InputFilterOperator: { enumValues: { equals: number; notEquals: number; }; }; InputMode: { enumValues: { none: number; textBox: number; passwordBox: number; combo: number; radioButtons: number; checkBox: number; textArea: number; }; }; InputValidation: { fields: any; }; InputValue: { fields: any; }; InputValues: { fields: any; }; InputValuesError: { fields: any; }; InputValuesQuery: { fields: any; }; };