
by RyanCardin15
import basem = require('./ClientApiBases'); import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('./interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces'); import WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces = require("./interfaces/WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces"); export interface IWorkItemTrackingProcessApi extends basem.ClientApiBase { createProcessBehavior(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorCreateRequest, processId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; deleteProcessBehavior(processId: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<void>; getProcessBehavior(processId: string, behaviorRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; getProcessBehaviors(processId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior[]>; updateProcessBehavior(behaviorData: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorUpdateRequest, processId: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; createControlInGroup(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; moveControlToGroup(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string, removeFromGroupId?: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; removeControlFromGroup(processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string): Promise<void>; updateControl(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; addFieldToWorkItemType(field: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.AddProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; getAllWorkItemTypeFields(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField[]>; getWorkItemTypeField(processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; removeWorkItemTypeField(processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string): Promise<void>; updateWorkItemTypeField(field: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; addGroup(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; moveGroupToPage(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string, removeFromPageId: string, removeFromSectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; moveGroupToSection(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string, removeFromSectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; removeGroup(processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string): Promise<void>; updateGroup(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; getFormLayout(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.FormLayout>; createList(picklist: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; deleteList(listId: string): Promise<void>; getList(listId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; getListsMetadata(): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickListMetadata[]>; updateList(picklist: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList, listId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; addPage(page: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page>; removePage(processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string): Promise<void>; updatePage(page: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page>; createNewProcess(createRequest: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessModel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; deleteProcessById(processTypeId: string): Promise<void>; editProcess(updateRequest: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessModel, processTypeId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; getListOfProcesses(expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo[]>; getProcessByItsId(processTypeId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; addProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processRuleCreate: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessRuleRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; deleteProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<void>; getProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; getProcessWorkItemTypeRules(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule[]>; updateProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processRule: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessRuleRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; createStateDefinition(stateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; deleteStateDefinition(processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<void>; getStateDefinition(processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; getStateDefinitions(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel[]>; hideStateDefinition(hideStateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.HideStateModel, processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; updateStateDefinition(stateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel, processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; deleteSystemControl(processId: string, witRefName: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control[]>; getSystemControls(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control[]>; updateSystemControl(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; createProcessWorkItemType(workItemType: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest, processId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; deleteProcessWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<void>; getProcessWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; getProcessWorkItemTypes(processId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType[]>; updateProcessWorkItemType(workItemTypeUpdate: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; addBehaviorToWorkItemType(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior, processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; getBehaviorForWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; getBehaviorsForWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior[]>; removeBehaviorFromWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<void>; updateBehaviorToWorkItemType(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior, processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; } export declare class WorkItemTrackingProcessApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IWorkItemTrackingProcessApi { constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], options?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestOptions); static readonly RESOURCE_AREA_ID = "5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5"; /** * Creates a single behavior in the given process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorCreateRequest} behavior * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process */ createProcessBehavior(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorCreateRequest, processId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; /** * Removes a behavior in the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} behaviorRefName - The reference name of the behavior */ deleteProcessBehavior(processId: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a behavior of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} behaviorRefName - The reference name of the behavior * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand} expand */ getProcessBehavior(processId: string, behaviorRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; /** * Returns a list of all behaviors in the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand} expand */ getProcessBehaviors(processId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetBehaviorsExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior[]>; /** * Replaces a behavior in the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorUpdateRequest} behaviorData * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} behaviorRefName - The reference name of the behavior */ updateProcessBehavior(behaviorData: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehaviorUpdateRequest, processId: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessBehavior>; /** * Creates a control in a group. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control} control - The control. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group to add the control to. */ createControlInGroup(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; /** * Moves a control to a specified group. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control} control - The control. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group to move the control to. * @param {string} controlId - The ID of the control. * @param {string} removeFromGroupId - The group ID to remove the control from. */ moveControlToGroup(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string, removeFromGroupId?: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; /** * Removes a control from the work item form. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group. * @param {string} controlId - The ID of the control to remove. */ removeControlFromGroup(processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Updates a control on the work item form. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control} control - The updated control. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group. * @param {string} controlId - The ID of the control. */ updateControl(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, groupId: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; /** * Adds a field to a work item type. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.AddProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest} field * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ addFieldToWorkItemType(field: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.AddProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; /** * Returns a list of all fields in a work item type. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ getAllWorkItemTypeFields(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField[]>; /** * Returns a field in a work item type. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} fieldRefName - The reference name of the field. * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel} expand */ getWorkItemTypeField(processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; /** * Removes a field from a work item type. Does not permanently delete the field. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} fieldRefName - The reference name of the field. */ removeWorkItemTypeField(processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string): Promise<void>; /** * Updates a field in a work item type. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest} field * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} fieldRefName - The reference name of the field. */ updateWorkItemTypeField(field: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string, fieldRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemTypeField>; /** * Adds a group to the work item form. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group} group - The group. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page to add the group to. * @param {string} sectionId - The ID of the section to add the group to. */ addGroup(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; /** * Moves a group to a different page and section. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group} group - The updated group. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page the group is in. * @param {string} sectionId - The ID of the section the group is i.n * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group. * @param {string} removeFromPageId - ID of the page to remove the group from. * @param {string} removeFromSectionId - ID of the section to remove the group from. */ moveGroupToPage(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string, removeFromPageId: string, removeFromSectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; /** * Moves a group to a different section. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group} group - The updated group. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page the group is in. * @param {string} sectionId - The ID of the section the group is in. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group. * @param {string} removeFromSectionId - ID of the section to remove the group from. */ moveGroupToSection(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string, removeFromSectionId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; /** * Removes a group from the work item form. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page the group is in * @param {string} sectionId - The ID of the section to the group is in * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group */ removeGroup(processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Updates a group in the work item form. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group} group - The updated group. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page the group is in. * @param {string} sectionId - The ID of the section the group is in. * @param {string} groupId - The ID of the group. */ updateGroup(group: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group, processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string, sectionId: string, groupId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Group>; /** * Gets the form layout. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ getFormLayout(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.FormLayout>; /** * Creates a picklist. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList} picklist - Picklist */ createList(picklist: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; /** * Removes a picklist. * * @param {string} listId - The ID of the list */ deleteList(listId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a picklist. * * @param {string} listId - The ID of the list */ getList(listId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; /** * Returns meta data of the picklist. * */ getListsMetadata(): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickListMetadata[]>; /** * Updates a list. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList} picklist * @param {string} listId - The ID of the list */ updateList(picklist: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList, listId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.PickList>; /** * Adds a page to the work item form. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page} page - The page. * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ addPage(page: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page>; /** * Removes a page from the work item form * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} pageId - The ID of the page */ removePage(processId: string, witRefName: string, pageId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Updates a page on the work item form * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page} page - The page * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ updatePage(page: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Page>; /** * Creates a process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessModel} createRequest - CreateProcessModel. */ createNewProcess(createRequest: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessModel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; /** * Removes a process of a specific ID. * * @param {string} processTypeId */ deleteProcessById(processTypeId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Edit a process of a specific ID. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessModel} updateRequest * @param {string} processTypeId */ editProcess(updateRequest: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessModel, processTypeId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; /** * Get list of all processes including system and inherited. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel} expand */ getListOfProcesses(expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo[]>; /** * Get a single process of a specified ID. * * @param {string} processTypeId * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel} expand */ getProcessByItsId(processTypeId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetProcessExpandLevel): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessInfo>; /** * Adds a rule to work item type in the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessRuleRequest} processRuleCreate * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ addProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processRuleCreate: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessRuleRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; /** * Removes a rule from the work item type in the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} ruleId - The ID of the rule */ deleteProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a single rule in the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} ruleId - The ID of the rule */ getProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; /** * Returns a list of all rules in the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ getProcessWorkItemTypeRules(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule[]>; /** * Updates a rule in the work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessRuleRequest} processRule * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} ruleId - The ID of the rule */ updateProcessWorkItemTypeRule(processRule: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessRuleRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string, ruleId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessRule>; /** * Creates a state definition in the work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel} stateModel * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ createStateDefinition(stateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; /** * Removes a state definition in the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} stateId - ID of the state */ deleteStateDefinition(processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a single state definition in a work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} stateId - The ID of the state */ getStateDefinition(processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; /** * Returns a list of all state definitions in a work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ getStateDefinitions(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel[]>; /** * Hides a state definition in the work item type of the process.Only states with customizationType:System can be hidden. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.HideStateModel} hideStateModel * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} stateId - The ID of the state */ hideStateDefinition(hideStateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.HideStateModel, processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; /** * Updates a given state definition in the work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel} stateModel * @param {string} processId - ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {string} stateId - ID of the state */ updateStateDefinition(stateModel: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateInputModel, processId: string, witRefName: string, stateId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemStateResultModel>; /** * Deletes a system control modification on the work item form. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} controlId - The ID of the control. */ deleteSystemControl(processId: string, witRefName: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control[]>; /** * Gets edited system controls for a work item type in a process. To get all system controls (base + edited) use layout API(s) * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ getSystemControls(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control[]>; /** * Updates/adds a system control on the work item form. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control} control * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. * @param {string} controlId - The ID of the control. */ updateSystemControl(control: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control, processId: string, witRefName: string, controlId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.Control>; /** * Creates a work item type in the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest} workItemType * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process on which to create work item type. */ createProcessWorkItemType(workItemType: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.CreateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest, processId: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; /** * Removes a work item type in the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process. * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type. */ deleteProcessWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a single work item type in a process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand} expand - Flag to determine what properties of work item type to return */ getProcessWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefName: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; /** * Returns a list of all work item types in a process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand} expand - Flag to determine what properties of work item type to return */ getProcessWorkItemTypes(processId: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.GetWorkItemTypeExpand): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType[]>; /** * Updates a work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest} workItemTypeUpdate * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefName - The reference name of the work item type */ updateProcessWorkItemType(workItemTypeUpdate: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest, processId: string, witRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.ProcessWorkItemType>; /** * Adds a behavior to the work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior} behavior * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefNameForBehaviors - Work item type reference name for the behavior */ addBehaviorToWorkItemType(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior, processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; /** * Returns a behavior for the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefNameForBehaviors - Work item type reference name for the behavior * @param {string} behaviorRefName - The reference name of the behavior */ getBehaviorForWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; /** * Returns a list of all behaviors for the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefNameForBehaviors - Work item type reference name for the behavior */ getBehaviorsForWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior[]>; /** * Removes a behavior for the work item type of the process. * * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefNameForBehaviors - Work item type reference name for the behavior * @param {string} behaviorRefName - The reference name of the behavior */ removeBehaviorFromWorkItemType(processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string, behaviorRefName: string): Promise<void>; /** * Updates a behavior for the work item type of the process. * * @param {WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior} behavior * @param {string} processId - The ID of the process * @param {string} witRefNameForBehaviors - Work item type reference name for the behavior */ updateBehaviorToWorkItemType(behavior: WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior, processId: string, witRefNameForBehaviors: string): Promise<WorkItemTrackingProcessInterfaces.WorkItemTypeBehavior>; }