
by RyanCardin15
/// <reference types="node" /> import basem = require('./ClientApiBases'); import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('./interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces'); import Contracts = require("./interfaces/TestInterfaces"); import VSSInterfaces = require("./interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface ITestResultsApi extends basem.ClientApiBase { createTestIterationResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath?: string): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; createTestSubResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; deleteTestResultAttachment(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<void>; getTestIterationAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, iterationId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestIterationAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, iterationId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestResultAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestResultAttachments(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; getTestResultAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestSubResultAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestSubResultAttachments(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; getTestSubResultAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; deleteTestRunAttachment(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<void>; getTestRunAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestRunAttachments(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; getTestRunAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getBugsLinkedToTestResult(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; fetchSourceCodeCoverageReport(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.SourceViewBuildCoverage[]>; getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number): Promise<Contracts.BuildCoverage[]>; getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId?: number): Promise<Contracts.CodeCoverageSummary>; updateCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, coverageData?: Contracts.CodeCoverageData): Promise<void>; getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunCoverage[]>; addCustomFields(newFields: Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string): Promise<Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>; queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: Contracts.CustomTestFieldScope): Promise<Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>; getFileLevelCodeCoverage(fileCoverageRequest: Contracts.FileCoverageRequest, project: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getFlakyTestResultsByBuildDefinitionId(project: string, buildDefinitionId: number, minBuildCreatedDate: Date): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; getFlakyTestResultsByTestRun(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; queryTestResultHistory(filter: Contracts.ResultsFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultHistory>; getTestRunMessageLogs(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestMessageLogDetails[]>; getTestPipelineMetrics(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, metricNames?: Contracts.Metrics[], groupByNode?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.PipelineTestMetrics>; getTestResultDetailsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, groupBy?: string, filter?: string, orderby?: string, shouldIncludeResults?: boolean, queryRunSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; getTestResultDetailsForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number, publishContext?: string, groupBy?: string, filter?: string, orderby?: string, shouldIncludeResults?: boolean, queryRunSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; publishTestResultDocument(document: Contracts.TestResultDocument, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultDocument>; getResultGroupsByBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext: string, fields?: string[], continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.FieldDetailsForTestResults>>; getResultGroupsByRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, publishContext: string, releaseEnvId?: number, fields?: string[], continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.FieldDetailsForTestResults>>; queryTestResultsMetaData(testCaseReferenceIds: string[], project: string, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultMetaDataDetails): Promise<Contracts.TestResultMetaData[]>; updateTestResultsMetaData(testResultMetaDataUpdateInput: Contracts.TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput, project: string, testCaseReferenceId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultMetaData>; getTestResultsByQuery(query: Contracts.TestResultsQuery, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsQuery>; getTestResultsByQueryWiql(queryModel: Contracts.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails?: boolean, includeIterationDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; addTestResultsToTestRun(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; getTestResultById(project: string, runId: number, testResultId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult>; getTestResults(project: string, runId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails, skip?: number, top?: number, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], newTestsOnly?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; updateTestResults(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; getTestResultsByBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; getTestResultsByPipeline(customHeaders: any, project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; getTestResultsByRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvid?: number, publishContext?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; testResultsGroupDetails(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, shouldIncludeFailedAndAbortedResults?: boolean, queryGroupSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; queryTestResultsReportForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean, buildToCompare?: Contracts.BuildReference): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; queryTestResultsReportForPipeline(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; queryTestResultsReportForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number, publishContext?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean, releaseToCompare?: Contracts.ReleaseReference): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; queryTestResultsSummaryForReleases(releases: Contracts.ReleaseReference[], project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary[]>; queryTestSummaryByRequirement(resultsContext: Contracts.TestResultsContext, project: string, workItemIds?: number[]): Promise<Contracts.TestSummaryForWorkItem[]>; queryResultTrendForBuild(filter: Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.AggregatedDataForResultTrend[]>; queryResultTrendForRelease(filter: Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.AggregatedDataForResultTrend[]>; createTestRun(testRun: Contracts.RunCreateModel, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; deleteTestRun(project: string, runId: number): Promise<void>; getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeTags?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri?: string, owner?: string, tmiRunId?: string, planId?: number, includeRunDetails?: boolean, automated?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRun[]>; queryTestRuns(project: string, minLastUpdatedDate: Date, maxLastUpdatedDate: Date, state?: Contracts.TestRunState, planIds?: number[], isAutomated?: boolean, publishContext?: Contracts.TestRunPublishContext, buildIds?: number[], buildDefIds?: number[], branchName?: string, releaseIds?: number[], releaseDefIds?: number[], releaseEnvIds?: number[], releaseEnvDefIds?: number[], runTitle?: string, top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestRun>>; updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: Contracts.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; getTestRunSummaryByOutcome(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunStatistic>; getTestResultsSettings(project: string, settingsType?: Contracts.TestResultsSettingsType): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSettings>; updatePipelinesTestSettings(testResultsUpdateSettings: Contracts.TestResultsUpdateSettings, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSettings>; getSimilarTestResults(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, testResultId: number, testSubResultId: number, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunStatistic>; getCoverageStatusBadge(project: string, definition: string, branchName?: string, label?: string): Promise<string>; getTestTagsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; getTestTagsForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; updateTestRunTags(testTagsUpdateModel: Contracts.TestTagsUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; getTestTagSummaryForBuild(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTagSummary>; getTestTagSummaryForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTagSummary>; createBuildAttachmentInLogStore(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, buildId: number): Promise<void>; createTestRunLogStoreAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreAttachmentReference>; deleteTestRunLogStoreAttachment(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<void>; getTestRunLogStoreAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTestRunLogStoreAttachments(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreAttachment[]>; getTestRunLogStoreAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; createFailureType(testResultFailureType: Contracts.TestResultFailureTypeRequestModel, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultFailureType>; deleteFailureType(project: string, failureTypeId: number): Promise<void>; getFailureTypes(project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultFailureType[]>; queryTestHistory(filter: Contracts.TestHistoryQuery, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestHistoryQuery>; getTestLogsForBuild(customHeaders: any, project: string, buildId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; getTestResultLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; getTestSubResultLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; getTestRunLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForBuildLog(project: string, build: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, testLogStoreOperationType: Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForResultLog(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForSubResultLog(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForResult(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, filePath: string, type: Contracts.TestLogType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForRunLog(project: string, runId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForRun(project: string, runId: number, testLogStoreOperationType: Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType, filePath?: string, type?: Contracts.TestLogType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; getTestRunsBySessionId(project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<number[]>; createTestSession(session: Contracts.TestResultsSession, project: string): Promise<number>; getTestSession(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSession[]>; getTestSessionLayout(project: string, sessionId: string): Promise<any[]>; createEnvironment(environments: Contracts.TestSessionEnvironment[], project: string): Promise<void>; createNotification(notifications: Contracts.TestSessionNotification[], project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<number[]>; getSessionNotifications(project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestSessionNotification[]>; addTestResultsToTestRunSession(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; getTestSessionResults(project: string, runId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails, skip?: number, top?: number, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], newTestsOnly?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; updateTestResultsToTestRunSession(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<number[]>; createTestSettings(testSettings: Contracts.TestSettings, project: string): Promise<number>; deleteTestSettings(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Promise<void>; getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestSettings>; addWorkItemToTestLinks(workItemToTestLinks: Contracts.WorkItemToTestLinks, project: string): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemToTestLinks>; deleteTestMethodToWorkItemLink(project: string, testName: string, workItemId: number): Promise<boolean>; queryTestMethodLinkedWorkItems(project: string, testName: string): Promise<Contracts.TestToWorkItemLinks>; getTestResultWorkItemsById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; queryTestResultWorkItems(project: string, workItemCategory: string, automatedTestName?: string, testCaseId?: number, maxCompleteDate?: Date, days?: number, workItemCount?: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; } export declare class TestResultsApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITestResultsApi { constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], options?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestOptions); static readonly RESOURCE_AREA_ID = "c83eaf52-edf3-4034-ae11-17d38f25404c"; /** * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} iterationId * @param {string} actionPath */ createTestIterationResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath?: string): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId */ createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} testSubResultId */ createTestSubResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId */ deleteTestResultAttachment(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a test iteration attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId * @param {number} iterationId */ getTestIterationAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, iterationId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Returns a test iteration attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId * @param {number} iterationId */ getTestIterationAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, iterationId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Returns a test result attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId */ getTestResultAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId */ getTestResultAttachments(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; /** * Returns a test result attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId */ getTestResultAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Returns a test sub result attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId * @param {number} testSubResultId */ getTestSubResultAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Returns attachment references for test sub result. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} testSubResultId */ getTestSubResultAttachments(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; /** * Returns a test sub result attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId * @param {number} attachmentId * @param {number} testSubResultId */ getTestSubResultAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, attachmentId: number, testSubResultId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachmentReference>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} attachmentId */ deleteTestRunAttachment(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Returns a test run attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} attachmentId */ getTestRunAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ getTestRunAttachments(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestAttachment[]>; /** * Returns a test run attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} attachmentId */ getTestRunAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, attachmentId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId */ getBugsLinkedToTestResult(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId */ fetchSourceCodeCoverageReport(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.SourceViewBuildCoverage[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {number} flags */ getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number): Promise<Contracts.BuildCoverage[]>; /** * http://(tfsserver):8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/test/CodeCoverage?buildId=10&deltaBuildId=9 Request: build id and delta build id (optional) * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {number} deltaBuildId */ getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId?: number): Promise<Contracts.CodeCoverageSummary>; /** * http://(tfsserver):8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/test/CodeCoverage?buildId=10 Request: Json of code coverage summary * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {Contracts.CodeCoverageData} coverageData */ updateCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, coverageData?: Contracts.CodeCoverageData): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} flags */ getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunCoverage[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]} newFields * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addCustomFields(newFields: Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string): Promise<Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {Contracts.CustomTestFieldScope} scopeFilter */ queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: Contracts.CustomTestFieldScope): Promise<Contracts.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>; /** * Get file coverage for the specified file * * @param {Contracts.FileCoverageRequest} fileCoverageRequest - File details with pull request iteration context * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ getFileLevelCodeCoverage(fileCoverageRequest: Contracts.FileCoverageRequest, project: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildDefinitionId * @param {Date} minBuildCreatedDate */ getFlakyTestResultsByBuildDefinitionId(project: string, buildDefinitionId: number, minBuildCreatedDate: Date): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ getFlakyTestResultsByTestRun(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.ResultsFilter} filter * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ queryTestResultHistory(filter: Contracts.ResultsFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultHistory>; /** * Get test run message logs * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - ID of the run to get. */ getTestRunMessageLogs(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestMessageLogDetails[]>; /** * Get summary of test results. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} pipelineId - Pipeline Id. This is same as build Id. * @param {string} stageName - Name of the stage. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} phaseName - Name of the phase. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} jobName - Matrixing in YAML generates copies of a job with different inputs in matrix. JobName is the name of those input. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {Contracts.Metrics[]} metricNames * @param {boolean} groupByNode - Group summary for each node of the pipleine heirarchy */ getTestPipelineMetrics(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, metricNames?: Contracts.Metrics[], groupByNode?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.PipelineTestMetrics>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {string} groupBy * @param {string} filter * @param {string} orderby * @param {boolean} shouldIncludeResults * @param {boolean} queryRunSummaryForInProgress */ getTestResultDetailsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, groupBy?: string, filter?: string, orderby?: string, shouldIncludeResults?: boolean, queryRunSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId * @param {number} releaseEnvId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {string} groupBy * @param {string} filter * @param {string} orderby * @param {boolean} shouldIncludeResults * @param {boolean} queryRunSummaryForInProgress */ getTestResultDetailsForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number, publishContext?: string, groupBy?: string, filter?: string, orderby?: string, shouldIncludeResults?: boolean, queryRunSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestResultDocument} document * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ publishTestResultDocument(document: Contracts.TestResultDocument, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultDocument>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {string[]} fields * @param {string} continuationToken */ getResultGroupsByBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext: string, fields?: string[], continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.FieldDetailsForTestResults>>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {number} releaseEnvId * @param {string[]} fields * @param {string} continuationToken */ getResultGroupsByRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, publishContext: string, releaseEnvId?: number, fields?: string[], continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.FieldDetailsForTestResults>>; /** * Get list of test Result meta data details for corresponding testcasereferenceId * * @param {string[]} testCaseReferenceIds - TestCaseReference Ids of the test Result to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids (limit no. of ids 200). * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {Contracts.ResultMetaDataDetails} detailsToInclude - Details to include with test results metadata. Default is None. Other values are FlakyIdentifiers. */ queryTestResultsMetaData(testCaseReferenceIds: string[], project: string, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultMetaDataDetails): Promise<Contracts.TestResultMetaData[]>; /** * Update properties of test result meta data * * @param {Contracts.TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput} testResultMetaDataUpdateInput - TestResultMetaData update input TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} testCaseReferenceId - TestCaseReference Id of Test Result to be updated. */ updateTestResultsMetaData(testResultMetaDataUpdateInput: Contracts.TestResultMetaDataUpdateInput, project: string, testCaseReferenceId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultMetaData>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestResultsQuery} query * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ getTestResultsByQuery(query: Contracts.TestResultsQuery, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsQuery>; /** * @param {Contracts.QueryModel} queryModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {boolean} includeResultDetails * @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails * @param {number} skip * @param {number} top */ getTestResultsByQueryWiql(queryModel: Contracts.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails?: boolean, includeIterationDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestCaseResult[]} results * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ addTestResultsToTestRun(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testResultId * @param {Contracts.ResultDetails} detailsToInclude */ getTestResultById(project: string, runId: number, testResultId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {Contracts.ResultDetails} detailsToInclude * @param {number} skip * @param {number} top * @param {Contracts.TestOutcome[]} outcomes * @param {boolean} newTestsOnly */ getTestResults(project: string, runId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails, skip?: number, top?: number, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], newTestsOnly?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestCaseResult[]} results * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ updateTestResults(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {Contracts.TestOutcome[]} outcomes * @param {number} top * @param {string} continuationToken */ getTestResultsByBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; /** * Get a list of results. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} pipelineId - Pipeline Id. This is same as build Id. * @param {string} stageName - Name of the stage. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} phaseName - Name of the phase. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} jobName - Matrixing in YAML generates copies of a job with different inputs in matrix. JobName is the name of those input. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {Contracts.TestOutcome[]} outcomes - List of outcome of results * @param {number} top - Maximum number of results to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getTestResultsByPipeline(customHeaders: any, project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId * @param {number} releaseEnvid * @param {string} publishContext * @param {Contracts.TestOutcome[]} outcomes * @param {number} top * @param {string} continuationToken */ getTestResultsByRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvid?: number, publishContext?: string, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.ShallowTestCaseResult>>; /** * Get all the available groups details and for these groups get failed and aborted results. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} pipelineId - Pipeline Id. This is same as build Id. * @param {string} stageName - Name of the stage. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} phaseName - Name of the phase. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} jobName - Matrixing in YAML generates copies of a job with different inputs in matrix. JobName is the name of those input. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {boolean} shouldIncludeFailedAndAbortedResults - If true, it will return Ids of failed and aborted results for each test group * @param {boolean} queryGroupSummaryForInProgress - If true, it will calculate summary for InProgress runs as well. */ testResultsGroupDetails(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, shouldIncludeFailedAndAbortedResults?: boolean, queryGroupSummaryForInProgress?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsDetails>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails * @param {Contracts.BuildReference} buildToCompare */ queryTestResultsReportForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, publishContext?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean, buildToCompare?: Contracts.BuildReference): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; /** * Get summary of test results. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} pipelineId - Pipeline Id. This is same as build Id. * @param {string} stageName - Name of the stage. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} phaseName - Name of the phase. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {string} jobName - Matrixing in YAML generates copies of a job with different inputs in matrix. JobName is the name of those input. Maximum supported length for name is 256 character. * @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails - If true returns failure insights */ queryTestResultsReportForPipeline(project: string, pipelineId: number, stageName?: string, phaseName?: string, jobName?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId * @param {number} releaseEnvId * @param {string} publishContext * @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails * @param {Contracts.ReleaseReference} releaseToCompare */ queryTestResultsReportForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number, publishContext?: string, includeFailureDetails?: boolean, releaseToCompare?: Contracts.ReleaseReference): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary>; /** * @param {Contracts.ReleaseReference[]} releases * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ queryTestResultsSummaryForReleases(releases: Contracts.ReleaseReference[], project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultSummary[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestResultsContext} resultsContext * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number[]} workItemIds */ queryTestSummaryByRequirement(resultsContext: Contracts.TestResultsContext, project: string, workItemIds?: number[]): Promise<Contracts.TestSummaryForWorkItem[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter} filter * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ queryResultTrendForBuild(filter: Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.AggregatedDataForResultTrend[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter} filter * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ queryResultTrendForRelease(filter: Contracts.TestResultTrendFilter, project: string): Promise<Contracts.AggregatedDataForResultTrend[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.RunCreateModel} testRun * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createTestRun(testRun: Contracts.RunCreateModel, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ deleteTestRun(project: string, runId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {boolean} includeDetails * @param {boolean} includeTags */ getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeTags?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} buildUri * @param {string} owner * @param {string} tmiRunId * @param {number} planId * @param {boolean} includeRunDetails * @param {boolean} automated * @param {number} skip * @param {number} top */ getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri?: string, owner?: string, tmiRunId?: string, planId?: number, includeRunDetails?: boolean, automated?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRun[]>; /** * Query Test Runs based on filters. Mandatory fields are minLastUpdatedDate and maxLastUpdatedDate. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {Date} minLastUpdatedDate - Minimum Last Modified Date of run to be queried (Mandatory). * @param {Date} maxLastUpdatedDate - Maximum Last Modified Date of run to be queried (Mandatory, difference between min and max date can be atmost 7 days). * @param {Contracts.TestRunState} state - Current state of the Runs to be queried. * @param {number[]} planIds - Plan Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {boolean} isAutomated - Automation type of the Runs to be queried. * @param {Contracts.TestRunPublishContext} publishContext - PublishContext of the Runs to be queried. * @param {number[]} buildIds - Build Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {number[]} buildDefIds - Build Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {string} branchName - Source Branch name of the Runs to be queried. * @param {number[]} releaseIds - Release Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {number[]} releaseDefIds - Release Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {number[]} releaseEnvIds - Release Environment Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {number[]} releaseEnvDefIds - Release Environment Definition Ids of the Runs to be queried, comma separated list of valid ids. * @param {string} runTitle - Run Title of the Runs to be queried. * @param {number} top - Number of runs to be queried. Limit is 100 * @param {string} continuationToken - continuationToken received from previous batch or null for first batch. It is not supposed to be created (or altered, if received from last batch) by user. */ queryTestRuns(project: string, minLastUpdatedDate: Date, maxLastUpdatedDate: Date, state?: Contracts.TestRunState, planIds?: number[], isAutomated?: boolean, publishContext?: Contracts.TestRunPublishContext, buildIds?: number[], buildDefIds?: number[], branchName?: string, releaseIds?: number[], releaseDefIds?: number[], releaseEnvIds?: number[], releaseEnvDefIds?: number[], runTitle?: string, top?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestRun>>; /** * @param {Contracts.RunUpdateModel} runUpdateModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId */ updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: Contracts.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRun>; /** * Get test run summary, used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome. Test run should be in completed state. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - ID of the run to get. */ getTestRunSummaryByOutcome(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunStatistic>; /** * Get TestResultsSettings data * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {Contracts.TestResultsSettingsType} settingsType */ getTestResultsSettings(project: string, settingsType?: Contracts.TestResultsSettingsType): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSettings>; /** * Update project settings of test results * * @param {Contracts.TestResultsUpdateSettings} testResultsUpdateSettings * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ updatePipelinesTestSettings(testResultsUpdateSettings: Contracts.TestResultsUpdateSettings, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSettings>; /** * Gets the list of results whose failure matches with the provided one. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - id of test run * @param {number} testResultId - id of test result inside a test run * @param {number} testSubResultId - id of subresult inside a test result * @param {number} top - Maximum number of results to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getSimilarTestResults(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, testResultId: number, testSubResultId: number, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - ID of the run to get. */ getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestRunStatistic>; /** * <p>Gets the coverage status for the last successful build of a definition, optionally scoped to a specific branch</p> * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} definition - The ID or name of the definition. * @param {string} branchName - The branch name. * @param {string} label - The String to replace the default text on the left side of the badge. */ getCoverageStatusBadge(project: string, definition: string, branchName?: string, label?: string): Promise<string>; /** * Get all the tags in a build. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId - Build ID */ getTestTagsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; /** * Get all the tags in a release. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId - Release ID * @param {number} releaseEnvId - Release environment ID */ getTestTagsForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; /** * Update tags of a run, Tags can be Added and Deleted * * @param {Contracts.TestTagsUpdateModel} testTagsUpdateModel - TestTagsUpdateModel * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - RunId of the run */ updateTestRunTags(testTagsUpdateModel: Contracts.TestTagsUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTag[]>; /** * Get all the tags in a build. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId - Build ID */ getTestTagSummaryForBuild(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTagSummary>; /** * Get all the tags in a release. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} releaseId - Release ID * @param {number} releaseEnvId - Release environment ID */ getTestTagSummaryForRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, releaseEnvId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestTagSummary>; /** * Creates an attachment in the LogStore for the specified buildId. * * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel - Contains attachment info like stream, filename, comment, attachmentType * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId - BuildId */ createBuildAttachmentInLogStore(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, buildId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Creates an attachment in the LogStore for the specified runId. * * @param {Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel - Contains attachment info like stream, filename, comment, attachmentType * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Test RunId */ createTestRunLogStoreAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: Contracts.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreAttachmentReference>; /** * Deletes the attachment with the specified filename for the specified runId from the LogStore. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Test RunId * @param {string} filename - Attachment FileName */ deleteTestRunLogStoreAttachment(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<void>; /** * Returns the attachment with the specified filename for the specified runId from the LogStore. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Test RunId * @param {string} filename - Attachment FileName */ getTestRunLogStoreAttachmentContent(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Returns a list of attachments for the specified runId from the LogStore. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Test RunId */ getTestRunLogStoreAttachments(project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreAttachment[]>; /** * Returns the attachment with the specified filename for the specified runId from the LogStore. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Test RunId * @param {string} filename - Attachment FileName */ getTestRunLogStoreAttachmentZip(project: string, runId: number, filename: string): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Creates a new test failure type * * @param {Contracts.TestResultFailureTypeRequestModel} testResultFailureType * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createFailureType(testResultFailureType: Contracts.TestResultFailureTypeRequestModel, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultFailureType>; /** * Deletes a test failure type with specified failureTypeId * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} failureTypeId */ deleteFailureType(project: string, failureTypeId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Returns the list of test failure types. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ getFailureTypes(project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestResultFailureType[]>; /** * Get history of a test method using TestHistoryQuery * * @param {Contracts.TestHistoryQuery} filter - TestHistoryQuery to get history * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ queryTestHistory(filter: Contracts.TestHistoryQuery, project: string): Promise<Contracts.TestHistoryQuery>; /** * Get list of build attachments reference * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId - Id of the build to get * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the attachment to get * @param {string} directoryPath - directory path for which attachments are needed * @param {string} fileNamePrefix - file name prefix to filter the list of attachment * @param {boolean} fetchMetaData - Default is false, set if metadata is needed * @param {number} top - Number of test attachments reference to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getTestLogsForBuild(customHeaders: any, project: string, buildId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; /** * Get list of test result attachments reference * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run that contains the result * @param {number} resultId - Id of the test result * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of attachments to get * @param {string} directoryPath - directory path of attachments to get * @param {string} fileNamePrefix - file name prefix to filter the list of attachment * @param {boolean} fetchMetaData - Default is false, set if metadata is needed * @param {number} top - Numbe of attachments reference to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getTestResultLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; /** * Get list of test subresult attachments reference * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run that contains the results * @param {number} resultId - Id of the test result that contains subresult * @param {number} subResultId - Id of the test subresult * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the attachments to get * @param {string} directoryPath - directory path of the attachment to get * @param {string} fileNamePrefix - file name prefix to filter the list of attachments * @param {boolean} fetchMetaData - Default is false, set if metadata is needed * @param {number} top - Number of attachments reference to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getTestSubResultLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; /** * Get list of test run attachments reference * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the attachments to get * @param {string} directoryPath - directory path for which attachments are needed * @param {string} fileNamePrefix - file name prefix to filter the list of attachment * @param {boolean} fetchMetaData - Default is false, set if metadata is needed * @param {number} top - Number of attachments reference to return * @param {String} continuationToken - Header to pass the continuationToken */ getTestRunLogs(customHeaders: any, project: string, runId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, directoryPath?: string, fileNamePrefix?: string, fetchMetaData?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: String): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<Contracts.TestLog>>; /** * Get SAS Uri of a build attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} build - Id of the build to get * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the file * @param {string} filePath - filePath for which sas uri is needed */ getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForBuildLog(project: string, build: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Create and Get sas uri of the build container * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId - Id of the build to get * @param {Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType} testLogStoreOperationType - Type of operation to perform using sas uri */ testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForBuild(project: string, buildId: number, testLogStoreOperationType: Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Get SAS Uri of a test results attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run that contains result * @param {number} resultId - Id of the test result whose files need to be downloaded * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the file * @param {string} filePath - filePath for which sas uri is needed */ getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForResultLog(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Get SAS Uri of a test subresults attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run that contains result * @param {number} resultId - Id of the test result that contains subresult * @param {number} subResultId - Id of the test subresult whose file sas uri is needed * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the file * @param {string} filePath - filePath for which sas uri is needed */ getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForSubResultLog(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Create empty file for a result and Get Sas uri for the file * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run that contains the result * @param {number} resultId - Id of the test results that contains sub result * @param {number} subResultId - Id of the test sub result whose file sas uri is needed * @param {string} filePath - file path inside the sub result for which sas uri is needed * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - Type of the file for download */ testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForResult(project: string, runId: number, resultId: number, subResultId: number, filePath: string, type: Contracts.TestLogType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Get SAS Uri of a test run attachment * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the test run whose file has to be downloaded * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - type of the file * @param {string} filePath - filePath for which sas uri is needed */ getTestLogStoreEndpointDetailsForRunLog(project: string, runId: number, type: Contracts.TestLogType, filePath: string): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Create empty file for a run and Get Sas uri for the file * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - Id of the run to get endpoint details * @param {Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType} testLogStoreOperationType - Type of operation to perform using sas uri * @param {string} filePath - file path to create an empty file * @param {Contracts.TestLogType} type - Default is GeneralAttachment, type of empty file to be created */ testLogStoreEndpointDetailsForRun(project: string, runId: number, testLogStoreOperationType: Contracts.TestLogStoreOperationType, filePath?: string, type?: Contracts.TestLogType): Promise<Contracts.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails>; /** * Retrieves Test runs associated to a session * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} sessionId - Id of TestResults session to obtain Test Runs for. */ getTestRunsBySessionId(project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<number[]>; /** * Creates TestResultsSession object in TCM data store * * @param {Contracts.TestResultsSession} session - Received session object. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createTestSession(session: Contracts.TestResultsSession, project: string): Promise<number>; /** * Retrieves TestResultsSession metadata object in TCM data store * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} buildId */ getTestSession(project: string, buildId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestResultsSession[]>; /** * Retrieves TestResultsSession Layout object in TCM data store * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} sessionId */ getTestSessionLayout(project: string, sessionId: string): Promise<any[]>; /** * Creates Environment object in TCM data store * * @param {Contracts.TestSessionEnvironment[]} environments - Received Environment object. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createEnvironment(environments: Contracts.TestSessionEnvironment[], project: string): Promise<void>; /** * Creates Notification object in TCM data store for a given session * * @param {Contracts.TestSessionNotification[]} notifications - Notification(s) to add for the specified sessionId * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} sessionId - ID of Session to add Notification */ createNotification(notifications: Contracts.TestSessionNotification[], project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<number[]>; /** * Retrieves TestResultsSession Notification objects in TCM data store * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} sessionId - Id of TestResults session to obtain Notifications for. */ getSessionNotifications(project: string, sessionId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestSessionNotification[]>; /** * Add Test Results to test run session * * @param {Contracts.TestCaseResult[]} results * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - RunId of test run */ addTestResultsToTestRunSession(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {Contracts.ResultDetails} detailsToInclude * @param {number} skip * @param {number} top * @param {Contracts.TestOutcome[]} outcomes * @param {boolean} newTestsOnly */ getTestSessionResults(project: string, runId: number, detailsToInclude?: Contracts.ResultDetails, skip?: number, top?: number, outcomes?: Contracts.TestOutcome[], newTestsOnly?: boolean): Promise<Contracts.TestCaseResult[]>; /** * Creates TestResultsMRX objects in TCM data store for existing test results * * @param {Contracts.TestCaseResult[]} results - Results object with only test results MRX properties and existing testResultId * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId - RunId of test run */ updateTestResultsToTestRunSession(results: Contracts.TestCaseResult[], project: string, runId: number): Promise<number[]>; /** * @param {Contracts.TestSettings} testSettings * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createTestSettings(testSettings: Contracts.TestSettings, project: string): Promise<number>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} testSettingsId */ deleteTestSettings(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} testSettingsId */ getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Promise<Contracts.TestSettings>; /** * @param {Contracts.WorkItemToTestLinks} workItemToTestLinks * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addWorkItemToTestLinks(workItemToTestLinks: Contracts.WorkItemToTestLinks, project: string): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemToTestLinks>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} testName * @param {number} workItemId */ deleteTestMethodToWorkItemLink(project: string, testName: string, workItemId: number): Promise<boolean>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} testName */ queryTestMethodLinkedWorkItems(project: string, testName: string): Promise<Contracts.TestToWorkItemLinks>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} runId * @param {number} testCaseResultId */ getTestResultWorkItemsById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; /** * Query Test Result WorkItems based on filter * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} workItemCategory - can take values Microsoft.BugCategory or all(for getting all workitems) * @param {string} automatedTestName * @param {number} testCaseId * @param {Date} maxCompleteDate * @param {number} days * @param {number} workItemCount */ queryTestResultWorkItems(project: string, workItemCategory: string, automatedTestName?: string, testCaseId?: number, maxCompleteDate?: Date, days?: number, workItemCount?: number): Promise<Contracts.WorkItemReference[]>; }