
by RyanCardin15
/// <reference types="node" /> import basem = require('./ClientApiBases'); import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('./interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces'); import TaskAgentInterfaces = require("./interfaces/TaskAgentInterfaces"); import VSSInterfaces = require("./interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface ITaskAgentApiBase extends basem.ClientApiBase { addAgentCloud(agentCloud: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; deleteAgentCloud(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; getAgentCloud(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; getAgentClouds(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud[]>; updateAgentCloud(updatedCloud: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud, agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; getAgentCloudTypes(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloudType[]>; getAgentRequestsForQueue(project: string, queueId: number, top: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>>; queueAgentRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, project: string, queueId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; addAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; deleteAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<void>; getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeAssignedRequest?: boolean, includeLastCompletedRequest?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; getAgents(poolId: number, agentName?: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeAssignedRequest?: boolean, includeLastCompletedRequest?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[], demands?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]>; replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; getAzureManagementGroups(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.AzureManagementGroupQueryResult>; getAzureSubscriptions(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.AzureSubscriptionQueryResult>; generateDeploymentGroupAccessToken(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<string>; addDeploymentGroup(deploymentGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; deleteDeploymentGroup(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; getDeploymentGroup(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; getDeploymentGroups(project: string, name?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands, continuationToken?: string, top?: number, ids?: number[]): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>>; updateDeploymentGroup(deploymentGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupUpdateParameter, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; getDeploymentGroupsMetrics(project: string, deploymentGroupName?: string, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupMetrics>>; getAgentRequestsForDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; getAgentRequestsForDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineIds?: number[], completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; refreshDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; generateDeploymentPoolAccessToken(poolId: number): Promise<string>; getDeploymentPoolsSummary(poolName?: string, expands?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentPoolSummaryExpands, poolIds?: number[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentPoolSummary[]>; getAgentRequestsForDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; getAgentRequestsForDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetIds?: number[], ownerId?: number, completedOn?: Date, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; refreshDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint): Promise<string[]>; getEnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecords(project: string, environmentId: number, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecord>>; addEnvironment(environmentCreateParameter: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; deleteEnvironment(project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<void>; getEnvironmentById(project: string, environmentId: number, expands?: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; getEnvironments(project: string, name?: string, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>>; updateEnvironment(environmentUpdateParameter: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentUpdateParameter, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; getTaskHubLicenseDetails(hubName: string, includeEnterpriseUsersCount?: boolean, includeHostedAgentMinutesCount?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails>; updateTaskHubLicenseDetails(taskHubLicenseDetails: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails, hubName: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails>; validateInputs(inputValidationRequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.InputValidationRequest): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.InputValidationRequest>; deleteAgentRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, result?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskResult, agentShuttingDown?: boolean): Promise<void>; getAgentRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, includeStatus?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; getAgentRequests(poolId: number, top: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>>; getAgentRequestsForAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; getAgentRequestsForAgents(poolId: number, agentIds?: number[], completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; getAgentRequestsForPlan(poolId: number, planId: string, jobId?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; queueAgentRequestByPool(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; updateAgentRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, updateOptions?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentRequestUpdateOptions): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; addKubernetesResource(createParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResourceCreateParameters, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResource>; deleteKubernetesResource(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<void>; getKubernetesResource(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResource>; generateDeploymentMachineGroupAccessToken(project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<string>; addDeploymentMachineGroup(machineGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; deleteDeploymentMachineGroup(project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<void>; getDeploymentMachineGroup(project: string, machineGroupId: number, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; getDeploymentMachineGroups(project: string, machineGroupName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup[]>; updateDeploymentMachineGroup(machineGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup, project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; getDeploymentMachineGroupMachines(project: string, machineGroupId: number, tagFilters?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; updateDeploymentMachineGroupMachines(deploymentMachines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[], project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; addDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; deleteDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<void>; getDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; getDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, tags?: string[], name?: string, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; replaceDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; updateDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; updateDeploymentMachines(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[], project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; createAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(definition: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; deleteAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<void>; getAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; getAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinitions(poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition[]>; updateAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(definition: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition, poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; deleteAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<void>; getAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; getAgentPoolMaintenanceJobLogs(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getAgentPoolMaintenanceJobs(poolId: number, definitionId?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob[]>; queueAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(job: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; updateAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(job: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob, poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; deleteMessage(poolId: number, messageId: number, sessionId: string): Promise<void>; getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage>; refreshAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<void>; refreshAgents(poolId: number): Promise<void>; sendMessage(message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage, poolId: number, requestId: number): Promise<void>; getPackage(packageType: string, platform: string, version: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.PackageMetadata>; getPackages(packageType: string, platform?: string, top?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.PackageMetadata[]>; getAgentPoolMetadata(poolId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; setAgentPoolMetadata(customHeaders: any, agentPoolMetadata: any, poolId: number): Promise<void>; hasPoolPermissions(poolId: number, permissions: number): Promise<boolean>; addAgentPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; deleteAgentPool(poolId: number): Promise<void>; getAgentPool(poolId: number, properties?: string[], actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; getAgentPools(poolName?: string, properties?: string[], poolType?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolType, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>; getAgentPoolsByIds(poolIds: number[], actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>; updateAgentPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; addAgentQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue, project?: string, authorizePipelines?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>; createTeamProject(project?: string): Promise<void>; deleteAgentQueue(queueId: number, project?: string): Promise<void>; getAgentQueue(queueId: number, project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>; getAgentQueues(project?: string, queueName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; getAgentQueuesByIds(queueIds: number[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; getAgentQueuesByNames(queueNames: string[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; getAgentQueuesForPools(poolIds: number[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; getAgentCloudRequests(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloudRequest[]>; getResourceLimits(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ResourceLimit[]>; getResourceUsage(parallelismTag?: string, poolIsHosted?: boolean, includeRunningRequests?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ResourceUsage>; getTaskGroupHistory(project: string, taskGroupId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupRevision[]>; deleteSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string): Promise<void>; downloadSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string, ticket: string, download?: boolean): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string, includeDownloadTicket?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; getSecureFiles(project: string, namePattern?: string, includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; getSecureFilesByIds(project: string, secureFileIds: string[], includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; getSecureFilesByNames(project: string, secureFileNames: string[], includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; querySecureFilesByProperties(condition: string, project: string, namePattern?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; updateSecureFile(secureFile: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile, project: string, secureFileId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; updateSecureFiles(secureFiles: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[], project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; uploadSecureFile(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, project: string, name: string, authorizePipelines?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; createAgentSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession>; deleteAgentSession(poolId: number, sessionId: string): Promise<void>; addDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; deleteDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<void>; getDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; getDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, tags?: string[], name?: string, partialNameMatch?: boolean, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands, agentStatus?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentStatusFilter, agentJobResult?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobResultFilter, continuationToken?: string, top?: number, enabled?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[]): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>>; replaceDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; updateDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; updateDeploymentTargets(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetUpdateParameter[], project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; addTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; deleteTaskGroup(project: string, taskGroupId: string, comment?: string): Promise<void>; getTaskGroup(project: string, taskGroupId: string, versionSpec: string, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; getTaskGroupRevision(project: string, taskGroupId: string, revision: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTaskGroups(project: string, taskGroupId?: string, expanded?: boolean, taskIdFilter?: string, deleted?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: Date, queryOrder?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupQueryOrder): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; publishTaskGroup(taskGroupMetadata: TaskAgentInterfaces.PublishTaskGroupMetadata, project: string, parentTaskGroupId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; undeleteTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; updateTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdateParameter, project: string, taskGroupId?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; updateTaskGroupProperties(taskGroupUpdateProperties: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase, project: string, taskGroupId: string, disablePriorVersions?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; deleteTaskDefinition(taskId: string): Promise<void>; getTaskContentZip(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; getTaskDefinition(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition>; getTaskDefinitions(taskId?: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean, allVersions?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]>; updateAgentUpdateState(poolId: number, agentId: number, currentState: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; updateAgentUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: { [key: string]: string; }, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; addVariableGroup(variableGroupParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; deleteVariableGroup(groupId: number, projectIds: string[]): Promise<void>; shareVariableGroup(variableGroupProjectReferences: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupProjectReference[], variableGroupId: number): Promise<void>; updateVariableGroup(variableGroupParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters, groupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; getVariableGroup(project: string, groupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; getVariableGroups(project: string, groupName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupActionFilter, top?: number, continuationToken?: number, queryOrder?: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupQueryOrder): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup[]>; getVariableGroupsById(project: string, groupIds: number[], loadSecrets?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup[]>; addVirtualMachineGroup(createParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroupCreateParameters, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; deleteVirtualMachineGroup(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<void>; getVirtualMachineGroup(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; updateVirtualMachineGroup(resource: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; getVirtualMachines(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number, continuationToken?: string, name?: string, partialNameMatch?: boolean, tags?: string[], top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine>>; updateVirtualMachines(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine[], project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine[]>; createAadOAuthRequest(tenantId: string, redirectUri: string, promptOption?: TaskAgentInterfaces.AadLoginPromptOption, completeCallbackPayload?: string, completeCallbackByAuthCode?: boolean): Promise<string>; getVstsAadTenantId(): Promise<string>; getYamlSchema(validateTaskNames?: boolean): Promise<any>; } export declare class TaskAgentApiBase extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITaskAgentApiBase { constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], options?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestOptions); static readonly RESOURCE_AREA_ID = "a85b8835-c1a1-4aac-ae97-1c3d0ba72dbd"; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud} agentCloud */ addAgentCloud(agentCloud: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; /** * @param {number} agentCloudId */ deleteAgentCloud(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; /** * @param {number} agentCloudId */ getAgentCloud(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; /** */ getAgentClouds(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud} updatedCloud * @param {number} agentCloudId */ updateAgentCloud(updatedCloud: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud, agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloud>; /** * Get agent cloud types. * */ getAgentCloudTypes(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloudType[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} queueId * @param {number} top * @param {string} continuationToken */ getAgentRequestsForQueue(project: string, queueId: number, top: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} queueId */ queueAgentRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, project: string, queueId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; /** * Adds an agent to a pool. You probably don't want to call this endpoint directly. Instead, [configure an agent]( using the agent download package. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent - Details about the agent being added * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool in which to add the agent */ addAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * Delete an agent. You probably don't want to call this endpoint directly. Instead, [use the agent configuration script]( to remove an agent from your organization. * * @param {number} poolId - The pool ID to remove the agent from * @param {number} agentId - The agent ID to remove */ deleteAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Get information about an agent. * * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool containing the agent * @param {number} agentId - The agent ID to get information about * @param {boolean} includeCapabilities - Whether to include the agent's capabilities in the response * @param {boolean} includeAssignedRequest - Whether to include details about the agent's current work * @param {boolean} includeLastCompletedRequest - Whether to include details about the agents' most recent completed work * @param {string[]} propertyFilters - Filter which custom properties will be returned */ getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeAssignedRequest?: boolean, includeLastCompletedRequest?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * Get a list of agents. * * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool containing the agents * @param {string} agentName - Filter on agent name * @param {boolean} includeCapabilities - Whether to include the agents' capabilities in the response * @param {boolean} includeAssignedRequest - Whether to include details about the agents' current work * @param {boolean} includeLastCompletedRequest - Whether to include details about the agents' most recent completed work * @param {string[]} propertyFilters - Filter which custom properties will be returned * @param {string[]} demands - Filter by demands the agents can satisfy */ getAgents(poolId: number, agentName?: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeAssignedRequest?: boolean, includeLastCompletedRequest?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[], demands?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]>; /** * Replace an agent. You probably don't want to call this endpoint directly. Instead, [use the agent configuration script]( to remove and reconfigure an agent from your organization. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent - Updated details about the replacing agent * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool to use * @param {number} agentId - The agent to replace */ replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * Update agent details. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent - Updated details about the agent * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool to use * @param {number} agentId - The agent to update */ updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * Returns list of azure subscriptions * */ getAzureManagementGroups(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.AzureManagementGroupQueryResult>; /** * Returns list of azure subscriptions * */ getAzureSubscriptions(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.AzureSubscriptionQueryResult>; /** * GET a PAT token for managing (configuring, removing, tagging) deployment targets in a deployment group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group in which deployment targets are managed. */ generateDeploymentGroupAccessToken(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<string>; /** * Create a deployment group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupCreateParameter} deploymentGroup - Deployment group to create. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addDeploymentGroup(deploymentGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; /** * Delete a deployment group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group to be deleted. */ deleteDeploymentGroup(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Get a deployment group by its ID. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter} actionFilter - Get the deployment group only if this action can be performed on it. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands} expand - Include these additional details in the returned object. */ getDeploymentGroup(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; /** * Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} name - Name of the deployment group. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter} actionFilter - Get only deployment groups on which this action can be performed. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands} expand - Include these additional details in the returned objects. * @param {string} continuationToken - Get deployment groups with names greater than this continuationToken lexicographically. * @param {number} top - Maximum number of deployment groups to return. Default is **1000**. * @param {number[]} ids - Comma separated list of IDs of the deployment groups. */ getDeploymentGroups(project: string, name?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupActionFilter, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupExpands, continuationToken?: string, top?: number, ids?: number[]): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>>; /** * Update a deployment group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupUpdateParameter} deploymentGroup - Deployment group to update. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group. */ updateDeploymentGroup(deploymentGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupUpdateParameter, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroup>; /** * Get a list of deployment group metrics. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} deploymentGroupName - Name of the deployment group. * @param {string} continuationToken - Get metrics for deployment groups with names greater than this continuationToken lexicographically. * @param {number} top - Maximum number of deployment group metrics to return. Default is **50**. */ getDeploymentGroupsMetrics(project: string, deploymentGroupName?: string, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentGroupMetrics>>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number} machineId * @param {number} completedRequestCount */ getAgentRequestsForDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number[]} machineIds * @param {number} completedRequestCount */ getAgentRequestsForDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineIds?: number[], completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId */ refreshDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; /** * GET a PAT token for managing (configuring, removing, tagging) deployment agents in a deployment pool. * * @param {number} poolId - ID of the deployment pool in which deployment agents are managed. */ generateDeploymentPoolAccessToken(poolId: number): Promise<string>; /** * Get a list of deployment pool summaries. * * @param {string} poolName - Name of the deployment pool. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentPoolSummaryExpands} expands - Include these additional details in the returned objects. * @param {number[]} poolIds - List of deployment pool ids. */ getDeploymentPoolsSummary(poolName?: string, expands?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentPoolSummaryExpands, poolIds?: number[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentPoolSummary[]>; /** * Get agent requests for a deployment target. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group to which the target belongs. * @param {number} targetId - ID of the deployment target. * @param {number} completedRequestCount - Maximum number of completed requests to return. Default is **50** */ getAgentRequestsForDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * Get agent requests for a list deployment targets. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group to which the targets belong. * @param {number[]} targetIds - Comma separated list of IDs of the deployment targets. * @param {number} ownerId - Id of owner of agent job request. * @param {Date} completedOn - Datetime to return request after this time. * @param {number} completedRequestCount - Maximum number of completed requests to return for each target. Default is **50** */ getAgentRequestsForDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetIds?: number[], ownerId?: number, completedOn?: Date, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * Upgrade the deployment targets in a deployment group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group. */ refreshDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Proxy for a GET request defined by an 'endpoint'. The request is authorized using a service connection. The response is filtered using an XPath/Json based selector. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint} endpoint - Describes the URL to fetch. */ queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint): Promise<string[]>; /** * Get environment deployment execution history * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {string} continuationToken * @param {number} top */ getEnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecords(project: string, environmentId: number, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecord>>; /** * Create an environment. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentCreateParameter} environmentCreateParameter - Environment to create. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addEnvironment(environmentCreateParameter: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; /** * Delete the specified environment. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId - ID of the environment. */ deleteEnvironment(project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Get an environment by its ID. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId - ID of the environment. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentExpands} expands - Include these additional details in the returned objects. */ getEnvironmentById(project: string, environmentId: number, expands?: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; /** * Get all environments. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} name * @param {string} continuationToken * @param {number} top */ getEnvironments(project: string, name?: string, continuationToken?: string, top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>>; /** * Update the specified environment. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentUpdateParameter} environmentUpdateParameter - Environment data to update. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId - ID of the environment. */ updateEnvironment(environmentUpdateParameter: TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentUpdateParameter, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.EnvironmentInstance>; /** * @param {string} hubName * @param {boolean} includeEnterpriseUsersCount * @param {boolean} includeHostedAgentMinutesCount */ getTaskHubLicenseDetails(hubName: string, includeEnterpriseUsersCount?: boolean, includeHostedAgentMinutesCount?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails} taskHubLicenseDetails * @param {string} hubName */ updateTaskHubLicenseDetails(taskHubLicenseDetails: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails, hubName: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskHubLicenseDetails>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.InputValidationRequest} inputValidationRequest */ validateInputs(inputValidationRequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.InputValidationRequest): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.InputValidationRequest>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} requestId * @param {string} lockToken * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskResult} result * @param {boolean} agentShuttingDown */ deleteAgentRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, result?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskResult, agentShuttingDown?: boolean): Promise<void>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} requestId * @param {boolean} includeStatus */ getAgentRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, includeStatus?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} top * @param {string} continuationToken */ getAgentRequests(poolId: number, top: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} agentId * @param {number} completedRequestCount */ getAgentRequestsForAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number[]} agentIds * @param {number} completedRequestCount */ getAgentRequestsForAgents(poolId: number, agentIds?: number[], completedRequestCount?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {string} planId * @param {string} jobId */ getAgentRequestsForPlan(poolId: number, planId: string, jobId?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request * @param {number} poolId */ queueAgentRequestByPool(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} requestId * @param {string} lockToken * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentRequestUpdateOptions} updateOptions */ updateAgentRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, updateOptions?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentRequestUpdateOptions): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResourceCreateParameters} createParameters * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId */ addKubernetesResource(createParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResourceCreateParameters, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResource>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId */ deleteKubernetesResource(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId */ getKubernetesResource(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.KubernetesResource>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId */ generateDeploymentMachineGroupAccessToken(project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<string>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup} machineGroup * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addDeploymentMachineGroup(machineGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId */ deleteDeploymentMachineGroup(project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter} actionFilter */ getDeploymentMachineGroup(project: string, machineGroupId: number, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} machineGroupName * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter} actionFilter */ getDeploymentMachineGroups(project: string, machineGroupName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.MachineGroupActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup} machineGroup * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId */ updateDeploymentMachineGroup(machineGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup, project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId * @param {string[]} tagFilters */ getDeploymentMachineGroupMachines(project: string, machineGroupId: number, tagFilters?: string[]): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]} deploymentMachines * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} machineGroupId */ updateDeploymentMachineGroupMachines(deploymentMachines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[], project: string, machineGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId */ addDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number} machineId */ deleteDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number} machineId * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands} expand */ getDeploymentMachine(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {string[]} tags * @param {string} name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands} expand */ getDeploymentMachines(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, tags?: string[], name?: string, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachineExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number} machineId */ replaceDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId * @param {number} machineId */ updateDeploymentMachine(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, machineId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]} machines * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId */ updateDeploymentMachines(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[], project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition} definition * @param {number} poolId */ createAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(definition: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} definitionId */ deleteAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} definitionId */ getAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; /** * @param {number} poolId */ getAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinitions(poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition} definition * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} definitionId */ updateAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition(definition: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition, poolId: number, definitionId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} jobId */ deleteAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} jobId */ getAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} jobId */ getAgentPoolMaintenanceJobLogs(poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} definitionId */ getAgentPoolMaintenanceJobs(poolId: number, definitionId?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob} job * @param {number} poolId */ queueAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(job: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob} job * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} jobId */ updateAgentPoolMaintenanceJob(job: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob, poolId: number, jobId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} messageId * @param {string} sessionId */ deleteMessage(poolId: number, messageId: number, sessionId: string): Promise<void>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {string} sessionId * @param {number} lastMessageId */ getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} agentId */ refreshAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {number} poolId */ refreshAgents(poolId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage} message * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} requestId */ sendMessage(message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage, poolId: number, requestId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} packageType * @param {string} platform * @param {string} version */ getPackage(packageType: string, platform: string, version: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.PackageMetadata>; /** * @param {string} packageType * @param {string} platform * @param {number} top */ getPackages(packageType: string, platform?: string, top?: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.PackageMetadata[]>; /** * @param {number} poolId */ getAgentPoolMetadata(poolId: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {any} agentPoolMetadata * @param {number} poolId */ setAgentPoolMetadata(customHeaders: any, agentPoolMetadata: any, poolId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Checks if current identity has passed permissions on a pool. * * @param {number} poolId - Id of the pool to check * @param {number} permissions - Permissions to check. Multiple permissions might be merged into single value using bitwise OR operator (e.g. AgentPoolPermissions.Manage | AgentPoolPermissions.View) */ hasPoolPermissions(poolId: number, permissions: number): Promise<boolean>; /** * Create an agent pool. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool - Details about the new agent pool */ addAgentPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; /** * Delete an agent pool. * * @param {number} poolId - ID of the agent pool to delete */ deleteAgentPool(poolId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Get information about an agent pool. * * @param {number} poolId - An agent pool ID * @param {string[]} properties - Agent pool properties (comma-separated) * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentPool(poolId: number, properties?: string[], actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; /** * Get a list of agent pools. * * @param {string} poolName - Filter by name * @param {string[]} properties - Filter by agent pool properties (comma-separated) * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolType} poolType - Filter by pool type * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentPools(poolName?: string, properties?: string[], poolType?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolType, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>; /** * Get a list of agent pools. * * @param {number[]} poolIds - pool Ids to fetch * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentPoolsByIds(poolIds: number[], actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPoolActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>; /** * Update properties on an agent pool * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool - Updated agent pool details * @param {number} poolId - The agent pool to update */ updateAgentPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>; /** * Create a new agent queue to connect a project to an agent pool. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue} queue - Details about the queue to create * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {boolean} authorizePipelines - Automatically authorize this queue when using YAML */ addAgentQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue, project?: string, authorizePipelines?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>; /** * Create a new team project. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ createTeamProject(project?: string): Promise<void>; /** * Removes an agent queue from a project. * * @param {number} queueId - The agent queue to remove * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ deleteAgentQueue(queueId: number, project?: string): Promise<void>; /** * Get information about an agent queue. * * @param {number} queueId - The agent queue to get information about * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentQueue(queueId: number, project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>; /** * Get a list of agent queues. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} queueName - Filter on the agent queue name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentQueues(project?: string, queueName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; /** * Get a list of agent queues by their IDs * * @param {number[]} queueIds - A comma-separated list of agent queue IDs to retrieve * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentQueuesByIds(queueIds: number[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; /** * Get a list of agent queues by their names * * @param {string[]} queueNames - A comma-separated list of agent names to retrieve * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentQueuesByNames(queueNames: string[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; /** * Get a list of agent queues by pool ids * * @param {number[]} poolIds - A comma-separated list of pool ids to get the corresponding queues for * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by whether the calling user has use or manage permissions */ getAgentQueuesForPools(poolIds: number[], project?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueueActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>; /** * @param {number} agentCloudId */ getAgentCloudRequests(agentCloudId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentCloudRequest[]>; /** */ getResourceLimits(): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ResourceLimit[]>; /** * @param {string} parallelismTag * @param {boolean} poolIsHosted * @param {boolean} includeRunningRequests */ getResourceUsage(parallelismTag?: string, poolIsHosted?: boolean, includeRunningRequests?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ResourceUsage>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId */ getTaskGroupHistory(project: string, taskGroupId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupRevision[]>; /** * Delete a secure file * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} secureFileId - The unique secure file Id */ deleteSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Download a secure file by Id * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} secureFileId - The unique secure file Id * @param {string} ticket - A valid download ticket * @param {boolean} download - If download is true, the file is sent as attachement in the response body. If download is false, the response body contains the file stream. */ downloadSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string, ticket: string, download?: boolean): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * Get a secure file * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} secureFileId - The unique secure file Id * @param {boolean} includeDownloadTicket - If includeDownloadTicket is true and the caller has permissions, a download ticket is included in the response. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter} actionFilter */ getSecureFile(project: string, secureFileId: string, includeDownloadTicket?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; /** * Get secure files * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} namePattern - Name of the secure file to match. Can include wildcards to match multiple files. * @param {boolean} includeDownloadTickets - If includeDownloadTickets is true and the caller has permissions, a download ticket for each secure file is included in the response. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter} actionFilter - Filter by secure file permissions for View, Manage or Use action. Defaults to View. */ getSecureFiles(project: string, namePattern?: string, includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; /** * Get secure files * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string[]} secureFileIds - A list of secure file Ids * @param {boolean} includeDownloadTickets - If includeDownloadTickets is true and the caller has permissions, a download ticket for each secure file is included in the response. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter} actionFilter */ getSecureFilesByIds(project: string, secureFileIds: string[], includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; /** * Get secure files * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string[]} secureFileNames - A list of secure file Ids * @param {boolean} includeDownloadTickets - If includeDownloadTickets is true and the caller has permissions, a download ticket for each secure file is included in the response. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter} actionFilter */ getSecureFilesByNames(project: string, secureFileNames: string[], includeDownloadTickets?: boolean, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFileActionFilter): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; /** * Query secure files using a name pattern and a condition on file properties. * * @param {string} condition - The main condition syntax is described [here]( Use the *property('property-name')* function to access the value of the specified property of a secure file. It returns null if the property is not set. E.g. ``` and( eq( property('devices'), '2' ), in( property('provisioning profile type'), 'ad hoc', 'development' ) ) ``` * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} namePattern - Name of the secure file to match. Can include wildcards to match multiple files. */ querySecureFilesByProperties(condition: string, project: string, namePattern?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; /** * Update the name or properties of an existing secure file * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile} secureFile - The secure file with updated name and/or properties * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} secureFileId - The unique secure file Id */ updateSecureFile(secureFile: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile, project: string, secureFileId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; /** * Update properties and/or names of a set of secure files. Files are identified by their IDs. Properties provided override the existing one entirely, i.e. do not merge. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]} secureFiles - A list of secure file objects. Only three field must be populated Id, Name, and Properties. The rest of fields in the object are ignored. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ updateSecureFiles(secureFiles: TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[], project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile[]>; /** * Upload a secure file, include the file stream in the request body * * @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream - Content to upload * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} name - Name of the file to upload * @param {boolean} authorizePipelines - If authorizePipelines is true, then the secure file is authorized for use by all pipelines in the project. */ uploadSecureFile(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, project: string, name: string, authorizePipelines?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.SecureFile>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession} session * @param {number} poolId */ createAgentSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {string} sessionId */ deleteAgentSession(poolId: number, sessionId: string): Promise<void>; /** * Register a deployment target to a deployment group. Generally this is called by agent configuration tool. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine - Deployment target to register. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group to which the deployment target is registered. */ addDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * Delete a deployment target in a deployment group. This deletes the agent from associated deployment pool too. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group in which deployment target is deleted. * @param {number} targetId - ID of the deployment target to delete. */ deleteDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Get a deployment target by its ID in a deployment group * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group to which deployment target belongs. * @param {number} targetId - ID of the deployment target to return. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands} expand - Include these additional details in the returned objects. */ getDeploymentTarget(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * Get a list of deployment targets in a deployment group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group. * @param {string[]} tags - Get only the deployment targets that contain all these comma separted list of tags. * @param {string} name - Name pattern of the deployment targets to return. * @param {boolean} partialNameMatch - When set to true, treats **name** as pattern. Else treats it as absolute match. Default is **false**. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands} expand - Include these additional details in the returned objects. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentStatusFilter} agentStatus - Get only deployment targets that have this status. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobResultFilter} agentJobResult - Get only deployment targets that have this last job result. * @param {string} continuationToken - Get deployment targets with names greater than this continuationToken lexicographically. * @param {number} top - Maximum number of deployment targets to return. Default is **1000**. * @param {boolean} enabled - Get only deployment targets that are enabled or disabled. Default is 'null' which returns all the targets. * @param {string[]} propertyFilters */ getDeploymentTargets(project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, tags?: string[], name?: string, partialNameMatch?: boolean, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetExpands, agentStatus?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentStatusFilter, agentJobResult?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobResultFilter, continuationToken?: string, top?: number, enabled?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string[]): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>>; /** * Replace a deployment target in a deployment group. Generally this is called by agent configuration tool. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine - New deployment target. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group in which deployment target is replaced. * @param {number} targetId - ID of the deployment target to replace. */ replaceDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * Update a deployment target and its agent properties in a deployment group. Generally this is called by agent configuration tool. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine} machine - Deployment target to update. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group in which deployment target is updated. * @param {number} targetId - ID of the deployment target to update. */ updateDeploymentTarget(machine: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine, project: string, deploymentGroupId: number, targetId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine>; /** * Update tags of a list of deployment targets in a deployment group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetUpdateParameter[]} machines - Deployment targets with tags to udpdate. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} deploymentGroupId - ID of the deployment group in which deployment targets are updated. */ updateDeploymentTargets(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentTargetUpdateParameter[], project: string, deploymentGroupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.DeploymentMachine[]>; /** * Create a task group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupCreateParameter} taskGroup - Task group object to create. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ addTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupCreateParameter, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; /** * Delete a task group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId - Id of the task group to be deleted. * @param {string} comment - Comments to delete. */ deleteTaskGroup(project: string, taskGroupId: string, comment?: string): Promise<void>; /** * Get task group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId - Id of the task group. * @param {string} versionSpec - version specification of the task group. examples: 1, 1.0. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupExpands} expand - The properties that should be expanded. example $expand=Tasks will expand nested task groups. */ getTaskGroup(project: string, taskGroupId: string, versionSpec: string, expand?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupExpands): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId * @param {number} revision */ getTaskGroupRevision(project: string, taskGroupId: string, revision: number): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * List task groups. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId - Id of the task group. * @param {boolean} expanded - 'true' to recursively expand task groups. Default is 'false'. * @param {string} taskIdFilter - Guid of the taskId to filter. * @param {boolean} deleted - 'true'to include deleted task groups. Default is 'false'. * @param {number} top - Number of task groups to get. * @param {Date} continuationToken - Gets the task groups after the continuation token provided. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupQueryOrder} queryOrder - Gets the results in the defined order. Default is 'CreatedOnDescending'. */ getTaskGroups(project: string, taskGroupId?: string, expanded?: boolean, taskIdFilter?: string, deleted?: boolean, top?: number, continuationToken?: Date, queryOrder?: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupQueryOrder): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.PublishTaskGroupMetadata} taskGroupMetadata * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} parentTaskGroupId */ publishTaskGroup(taskGroupMetadata: TaskAgentInterfaces.PublishTaskGroupMetadata, project: string, parentTaskGroupId: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup} taskGroup * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name */ undeleteTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup, project: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; /** * Update a task group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdateParameter} taskGroup - Task group to update. * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId - Id of the task group to update. */ updateTaskGroup(taskGroup: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdateParameter, project: string, taskGroupId?: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase} taskGroupUpdateProperties * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} taskGroupId * @param {boolean} disablePriorVersions */ updateTaskGroupProperties(taskGroupUpdateProperties: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase, project: string, taskGroupId: string, disablePriorVersions?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskGroup[]>; /** * @param {string} taskId */ deleteTaskDefinition(taskId: string): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} taskId * @param {string} versionString * @param {string[]} visibility * @param {boolean} scopeLocal */ getTaskContentZip(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Promise<NodeJS.ReadableStream>; /** * @param {string} taskId * @param {string} versionString * @param {string[]} visibility * @param {boolean} scopeLocal */ getTaskDefinition(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition>; /** * @param {string} taskId * @param {string[]} visibility * @param {boolean} scopeLocal * @param {boolean} allVersions */ getTaskDefinitions(taskId?: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean, allVersions?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]>; /** * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} agentId * @param {string} currentState */ updateAgentUpdateState(poolId: number, agentId: number, currentState: string): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * @param {{ [key: string] : string; }} userCapabilities * @param {number} poolId * @param {number} agentId */ updateAgentUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: { [key: string]: string; }, poolId: number, agentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>; /** * Add a variable group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters} variableGroupParameters */ addVariableGroup(variableGroupParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; /** * Delete a variable group * * @param {number} groupId - Id of the variable group. * @param {string[]} projectIds */ deleteVariableGroup(groupId: number, projectIds: string[]): Promise<void>; /** * Add a variable group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupProjectReference[]} variableGroupProjectReferences * @param {number} variableGroupId */ shareVariableGroup(variableGroupProjectReferences: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupProjectReference[], variableGroupId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Update a variable group. * * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters} variableGroupParameters * @param {number} groupId - Id of the variable group to update. */ updateVariableGroup(variableGroupParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupParameters, groupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; /** * Get a variable group. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} groupId - Id of the variable group. */ getVariableGroup(project: string, groupId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup>; /** * Get variable groups. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {string} groupName - Name of variable group. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupActionFilter} actionFilter - Action filter for the variable group. It specifies the action which can be performed on the variable groups. * @param {number} top - Number of variable groups to get. * @param {number} continuationToken - Gets the variable groups after the continuation token provided. * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupQueryOrder} queryOrder - Gets the results in the defined order. Default is 'IdDescending'. */ getVariableGroups(project: string, groupName?: string, actionFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupActionFilter, top?: number, continuationToken?: number, queryOrder?: TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroupQueryOrder): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup[]>; /** * Get variable groups by ids. * * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number[]} groupIds - Comma separated list of Ids of variable groups. * @param {boolean} loadSecrets */ getVariableGroupsById(project: string, groupIds: number[], loadSecrets?: boolean): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VariableGroup[]>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroupCreateParameters} createParameters * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId */ addVirtualMachineGroup(createParameters: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroupCreateParameters, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId */ deleteVirtualMachineGroup(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<void>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId */ getVirtualMachineGroup(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup} resource * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId */ updateVirtualMachineGroup(resource: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup, project: string, environmentId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachineGroup>; /** * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId * @param {string} continuationToken * @param {string} name * @param {boolean} partialNameMatch * @param {string[]} tags * @param {number} top */ getVirtualMachines(project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number, continuationToken?: string, name?: string, partialNameMatch?: boolean, tags?: string[], top?: number): Promise<VSSInterfaces.PagedList<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine>>; /** * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine[]} machines * @param {string} project - Project ID or project name * @param {number} environmentId * @param {number} resourceId */ updateVirtualMachines(machines: TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine[], project: string, environmentId: number, resourceId: number): Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.VirtualMachine[]>; /** * @param {string} tenantId * @param {string} redirectUri * @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.AadLoginPromptOption} promptOption * @param {string} completeCallbackPayload * @param {boolean} completeCallbackByAuthCode */ createAadOAuthRequest(tenantId: string, redirectUri: string, promptOption?: TaskAgentInterfaces.AadLoginPromptOption, completeCallbackPayload?: string, completeCallbackByAuthCode?: boolean): Promise<string>; /** */ getVstsAadTenantId(): Promise<string>; /** * GET the Yaml schema used for Yaml file validation. * * @param {boolean} validateTaskNames - Whether the schema should validate that tasks are actually installed (useful for offline tools where you don't want validation). */ getYamlSchema(validateTaskNames?: boolean): Promise<any>; }