
  • codemcp
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import unittest from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from typing import Any, List, Union from expecttest import TestCase from mcp import ClientSession, StdioServerParameters from mcp.client.stdio import stdio_client class MCPEndToEndTestCase(TestCase, unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): """Base class for end-to-end tests of codemcp using MCP client.""" async def asyncSetUp(self): """Async setup method to prepare the test environment.""" # Create a temporary directory for testing self.temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.testing_time = "1112911993" # Fixed timestamp for git # Initialize environment variables for git self.env = os.environ.copy() # Set environment variables for reproducible git behavior self.env.setdefault("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "0") self.env.setdefault("EDITOR", ":") self.env.setdefault("GIT_MERGE_AUTOEDIT", "no") self.env.setdefault("LANG", "C") self.env.setdefault("LC_ALL", "C") self.env.setdefault("PAGER", "cat") self.env.setdefault("TZ", "UTC") self.env.setdefault("TERM", "dumb") # For deterministic commit times self.env.setdefault("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "") self.env.setdefault("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "A U Thor") self.env.setdefault("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "") self.env.setdefault("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "C O Mitter") self.env.setdefault("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE", f"{self.testing_time} -0700") self.env.setdefault("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE", f"{self.testing_time} -0700") # Initialize a git repository in the temp directory self.init_git_repo() async def asyncTearDown(self): """Async teardown to clean up after the test.""" self.temp_dir.cleanup() def init_git_repo(self): """Initialize a git repository for testing.""" ["git", "init", "-b", "main"],, env=self.env, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) # Create initial commit readme_path = os.path.join(, "") with open(readme_path, "w") as f: f.write("# Test Repository\n") # Create a codemcp.toml file in the repo root (required for permission checks) codemcp_toml_path = os.path.join(, "codemcp.toml") with open(codemcp_toml_path, "w") as f: f.write("") ["git", "add", "", "codemcp.toml"],, env=self.env, check=True, ) ["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"],, env=self.env, check=True, ) def normalize_path(self, text): """Normalize temporary directory paths in output text.""" if self.temp_dir and # Handle CallToolResult objects by converting to string first if hasattr(text, "content"): # This is a CallToolResult object, extract the content text = text.content # Handle lists of TextContent objects if isinstance(text, list) and len(text) > 0 and hasattr(text[0], "text"): # For list of TextContent objects, we'll preserve the list structure # but normalize the path in each TextContent's text attribute return text # Replace the actual temp dir path with a fixed placeholder if isinstance(text, str): return text.replace(, "/tmp/test_dir") return text def extract_text_from_result(self, result): """Extract text content from various result formats for assertions. Args: result: The result object (could be string, list of TextContent, etc.) Returns: str: The extracted text content """ if isinstance(result, list) and len(result) > 0 and hasattr(result[0], "text"): return result[0].text if isinstance(result, str): return result return str(result) def extract_chat_id_from_text(self, text): """Extract chat_id from init_result_text. Args: text: The text output from InitProject tool Returns: str: The extracted chat_id Raises: AssertionError: If chat_id cannot be found in text """ import re chat_id_match ="chat ID: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)", text) assert chat_id_match is not None, "Could not find chat ID in text" return async def call_tool_assert_error(self, session, tool_name, tool_params): """Call a tool and assert that it fails (isError=True). This is a helper method for the error path of tool calls, which: 1. Calls the specified tool with the given parameters 2. Asserts that the result is an error 3. Returns the extracted text result Args: session: The client session to use tool_name: The name of the tool to call tool_params: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the tool Returns: str: The extracted text content from the result Raises: AssertionError: If the tool call does not result in an error """ result = await session.call_tool(tool_name, tool_params) # Check that the result is an error self.assertTrue( getattr(result, "isError", False), f"Tool call to {tool_name} succeeded, expected to fail", ) # Return the normalized, extracted text result normalized_result = self.normalize_path(result) return self.extract_text_from_result(normalized_result) async def call_tool_assert_success(self, session, tool_name, tool_params): """Call a tool and assert that it succeeds (isError=False). This is a helper method for the happy path of tool calls, which: 1. Calls the specified tool with the given parameters 2. Asserts that the result is not an error 3. Returns the extracted text result Args: session: The client session to use tool_name: The name of the tool to call tool_params: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the tool Returns: str: The extracted text content from the result Raises: AssertionError: If the tool call results in an error """ result = await session.call_tool(tool_name, tool_params) # Check that the result is not an error self.assertFalse( getattr(result, "isError", False), f"Tool call to {tool_name} failed with error: {self.extract_text_from_result(result)}", ) # Return the normalized, extracted text result normalized_result = self.normalize_path(result) return self.extract_text_from_result(normalized_result) async def get_chat_id(self, session): """Initialize project and get chat_id. Args: session: The client session to use Returns: str: The chat_id """ # First initialize project to get chat_id init_result = await session.call_tool( "codemcp", { "subtool": "InitProject", "path":, "user_prompt": "Test initialization for get_chat_id", "subject_line": "test: initialize for e2e testing", "reuse_head_chat_id": False, }, ) init_result_text = self.extract_text_from_result(init_result) # Extract chat_id from the init result import re chat_id_match ="chat ID: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)", init_result_text) chat_id = assert chat_id is not None return chat_id @asynccontextmanager async def _unwrap_exception_groups(self): """Context manager that unwraps ExceptionGroups with single exceptions. Only unwraps if there's exactly one exception at each level. """ try: yield except ExceptionGroup as eg: if len(eg.exceptions) == 1: exc = eg.exceptions[0] # Recursively unwrap if it's another ExceptionGroup with a single exception while isinstance(exc, ExceptionGroup) and len(exc.exceptions) == 1: exc = exc.exceptions[0] raise exc from None else: # Multiple exceptions - don't unwrap raise @asynccontextmanager async def create_client_session(self): """Create an MCP client session connected to codemcp server.""" # Set up server parameters for the codemcp MCP server server_params = StdioServerParameters( command=sys.executable, # Current Python executable args=["-m", "codemcp"], # Module path to codemcp env=self.env,, # Set the working directory to our test directory ) async with self._unwrap_exception_groups(): async with stdio_client(server_params) as (read, write): async with self._unwrap_exception_groups(): async with ClientSession(read, write) as session: # Initialize the connection await session.initialize() yield session async def git_run( self, args: List[str], check: bool = True, capture_output: bool = False, text: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[subprocess.CompletedProcess, str]: """Run git command asynchronously with appropriate temp_dir and env settings. This helper method simplifies git subprocess calls in e2e tests by: 1. Automatically using the test's temp_dir as the working directory 2. Using the test's pre-configured env variables 3. Supporting async execution and various output capture options Args: args: List of git command arguments (without 'git' prefix) check: If True, raises if the command returns a non-zero exit code capture_output: If True, captures stdout and stderr text: If True, decodes stdout and stderr using the preferred encoding **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to Returns: If capture_output is False: subprocess.CompletedProcess instance If capture_output is True and decode is True: The stdout content as string Example: # Run git add command await self.git_run(["add", "file.txt"]) # Get commit log as string log_output = await self.git_run(["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True) """ # Always include 'git' as the command cmd = ["git"] + args # Set defaults for working directory and environment kwargs.setdefault("cwd", kwargs.setdefault("env", self.env) # Capture output if requested if capture_output: kwargs.setdefault("stdout", subprocess.PIPE) kwargs.setdefault("stderr", subprocess.PIPE) # Run the command asynchronously proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, **kwargs, ) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() # Build a CompletedProcess-like result result = subprocess.CompletedProcess( args=cmd, returncode=proc.returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, ) # Check for error if requested if check and proc.returncode != 0: stderr.decode() if stderr else "Unknown error" cmd_str = " ".join(cmd) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( proc.returncode, cmd_str, output=stdout, stderr=stderr ) # Return the appropriate result type if capture_output and text and stdout is not None: return stdout.decode().strip() return result