
  • codemcp
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import os from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context, FastMCP from .tools.edit_file import edit_file_content from .tools.glob import MAX_RESULTS, glob_files from .tools.grep import grep_files from .tools.init_project import init_project from import ls_directory from .tools.read_file import read_file_content from .tools.run_command import run_command from .tools.user_prompt import user_prompt as user_prompt_tool from .tools.write_file import write_file_content # Initialize FastMCP server mcp = FastMCP("codemcp") # NB: If you edit this, also edit codemcp/tools/ @mcp.tool() async def codemcp( ctx: Context, subtool: str, *, path: str | None = None, content: str | None = None, old_string: str | None = None, new_string: str | None = None, offset: int | None = None, limit: int | None = None, description: str | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, include: str | None = None, command: str | None = None, arguments: list[str] | str | None = None, old_str: str | None = None, # Added for backward compatibility new_str: str | None = None, # Added for backward compatibility chat_id: str | None = None, # Added for chat identification user_prompt: str | None = None, # Added for InitProject commit message subject_line: str | None = None, # Added for InitProject commit message reuse_head_chat_id: bool | None = None, # Whether to reuse the chat ID from the HEAD commit ) -> str: """If and only if the user explicitly asks you to initialize codemcp with path, you should invoke this tool. This will return instructions which you should IMMEDIATELY follow before continuing. If the user indicates they want to "amend" or "continue working" on a PR, you should set reuse_head_chat_id=True to continue using the same chat ID. In each response after the first one, you must call the UserPrompt tool with the user's verbatim message text. Arguments: subtool: The subtool to run (InitProject, UserPrompt, ...) path: The path to the file or directory to operate on chat_id: A unique ID to identify the chat session (provided by InitProject and required for all tools EXCEPT InitProject) user_prompt: The user's original prompt verbatim, starting AFTER instructions to initialize codemcp (e.g., you should exclude "Initialize codemcp for PATH") subject_line: A short subject line in Git conventional commit format (for InitProject) reuse_head_chat_id: If True, reuse the chat ID from the HEAD commit instead of generating a new one (for InitProject) ... (there are other arguments which are documented later) """ try: # Define expected parameters for each subtool expected_params = { "ReadFile": {"path", "offset", "limit", "chat_id"}, "WriteFile": {"path", "content", "description", "chat_id"}, "EditFile": { "path", "old_string", "new_string", "description", "old_str", "new_str", "chat_id", }, "LS": {"path", "chat_id"}, "InitProject": { "path", "user_prompt", "subject_line", "reuse_head_chat_id", }, # chat_id is not expected for InitProject as it's generated there "UserPrompt": {"user_prompt", "chat_id"}, "RunCommand": {"path", "command", "arguments", "chat_id"}, "Grep": {"pattern", "path", "include", "chat_id"}, "Glob": {"pattern", "path", "limit", "offset", "chat_id"}, } # Check if subtool exists if subtool not in expected_params: raise ValueError( f"Unknown subtool: {subtool}. Available subtools: {', '.join(expected_params.keys())}" ) # Handle string arguments - convert to a list with one element if isinstance(arguments, str): arguments = [arguments] # Get all provided non-None parameters provided_params = { param: value for param, value in { "path": path, "content": content, "old_string": old_string, "new_string": new_string, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "description": description, "pattern": pattern, "include": include, "command": command, "arguments": arguments, # Include backward compatibility parameters "old_str": old_str, "new_str": new_str, # Chat ID for session identification "chat_id": chat_id, # InitProject commit message parameters "user_prompt": user_prompt, "subject_line": subject_line, # Whether to reuse the chat ID from the HEAD commit "reuse_head_chat_id": reuse_head_chat_id, }.items() if value is not None } # Check for unexpected parameters unexpected_params = set(provided_params.keys()) - expected_params[subtool] if unexpected_params: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected parameters for {subtool} subtool: {', '.join(unexpected_params)}" ) # Check for required chat_id for all tools except InitProject if subtool != "InitProject" and chat_id is None: raise ValueError(f"chat_id is required for {subtool} subtool") # Now handle each subtool with its expected parameters if subtool == "ReadFile": if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for ReadFile subtool") return await read_file_content(path, offset, limit, chat_id) if subtool == "WriteFile": if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for WriteFile subtool") if description is None: raise ValueError("description is required for WriteFile subtool") content_str = content or "" return await write_file_content(path, content_str, description, chat_id) if subtool == "EditFile": if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for EditFile subtool") if description is None: raise ValueError("description is required for EditFile subtool") if old_string is None and old_str is None: # TODO: I want telemetry to tell me when this occurs. raise ValueError( "Either old_string or old_str is required for EditFile subtool (use empty string for new file creation)" ) # Accept either old_string or old_str (prefer old_string if both are provided) old_content = old_string or old_str or "" # Accept either new_string or new_str (prefer new_string if both are provided) new_content = new_string or new_str or "" return await edit_file_content( path, old_content, new_content, None, description, chat_id ) if subtool == "LS": if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for LS subtool") return await ls_directory(path, chat_id) if subtool == "InitProject": if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for InitProject subtool") if user_prompt is None: raise ValueError("user_prompt is required for InitProject subtool") if subject_line is None: raise ValueError("subject_line is required for InitProject subtool") if reuse_head_chat_id is None: reuse_head_chat_id = ( False # Default value in only, not in the implementation ) return await init_project( path, user_prompt, subject_line, reuse_head_chat_id ) if subtool == "RunCommand": # When is something a command as opposed to a subtool? They are # basically the same thing, but commands are always USER defined. # This means we shove them all in RunCommand so they are guaranteed # not to conflict with codemcp's subtools. if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for RunCommand subtool") if command is None: raise ValueError("command is required for RunCommand subtool") return await run_command(path, command, arguments, chat_id) if subtool == "Grep": if pattern is None: raise ValueError("pattern is required for Grep subtool") if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for Grep subtool") try: result = await grep_files(pattern, path, include, chat_id) return result.get( "resultForAssistant", f"Found {result.get('numFiles', 0)} file(s)", ) except Exception as e: logging.warning( f"Exception suppressed in grep subtool: {e!s}", exc_info=True ) return f"Error executing grep: {e!s}" if subtool == "Glob": if pattern is None: raise ValueError("pattern is required for Glob subtool") if path is None: raise ValueError("path is required for Glob subtool") try: result = await glob_files( pattern, path, limit=limit if limit is not None else MAX_RESULTS, offset=offset if offset is not None else 0, chat_id=chat_id, ) return result.get( "resultForAssistant", f"Found {result.get('numFiles', 0)} file(s)", ) except Exception as e: logging.warning( f"Exception suppressed in glob subtool: {e!s}", exc_info=True ) return f"Error executing glob: {e!s}" if subtool == "UserPrompt": if user_prompt is None: raise ValueError("user_prompt is required for UserPrompt subtool") return await user_prompt_tool(user_prompt, chat_id) except Exception: logging.error("Exception", exc_info=True) raise def configure_logging(log_file="codemcp.log"): """Configure logging to write to both a file and the console. The log level is determined from the configuration file ~/.codemcprc. It can be overridden by setting the DESKAID_DEBUG environment variable. Example: DESKAID_DEBUG=1 python -m codemcp By default, logs from the 'mcp' module are filtered out unless in debug mode. """ from .config import get_logger_verbosity log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".codemcp") os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) log_path = os.path.join(log_dir, log_file) # Get log level from config, with environment variable override log_level_str = os.environ.get("DESKAID_DEBUG_LEVEL") or get_logger_verbosity() # Map string log level to logging constants log_level_map = { "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "INFO": logging.INFO, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL, } # Convert string to logging level, default to INFO if invalid log_level = log_level_map.get(log_level_str.upper(), logging.INFO) # Force DEBUG level if DESKAID_DEBUG is set (for backward compatibility) debug_mode = False if os.environ.get("DESKAID_DEBUG"): log_level = logging.DEBUG debug_mode = True # Create a root logger root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(log_level) # Clear any existing handlers if root_logger.hasHandlers(): root_logger.handlers.clear() # Create file handler file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) file_handler.setLevel(log_level) # Create console handler console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(log_level) # Create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Set up filter to exclude logs from 'mcp' module unless in debug mode class ModuleFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): # Allow all logs in debug mode, otherwise filter 'mcp' module if debug_mode or not"mcp"): return True return False module_filter = ModuleFilter() file_handler.addFilter(module_filter) console_handler.addFilter(module_filter) # Add the handlers to the root logger root_logger.addHandler(file_handler) root_logger.addHandler(console_handler)"Logging configured. Log file: {log_path}")"Log level set to: {logging.getLevelName(log_level)}") if not debug_mode:"Logs from 'mcp' module are being filtered") def run(): """Run the MCP server.""" configure_logging()