
  • codemcp
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import logging import subprocess from typing import Dict, List, Optional async def run_command( cmd: List[str], cwd: Optional[str] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, check: bool = True, capture_output: bool = True, text: bool = True, wait_time: Optional[float] = None, # Renamed from timeout to avoid ASYNC109 shell: bool = False, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """ Run a subprocess command with consistent logging asynchronously. Args: cmd: Command to run as a list of strings cwd: Current working directory for the command env: Environment variables to set for the command check: If True, raise CalledProcessError if the command returns non-zero exit code capture_output: If True, capture stdout and stderr text: If True, decode stdout and stderr as text wait_time: Timeout in seconds shell: If True, run command in a shell Returns: CompletedProcess instance with attributes args, returncode, stdout, stderr Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If check=True and process returns non-zero exit code subprocess.TimeoutExpired: If the process times out """ # Log the command being run at INFO level log_cmd = " ".join(str(c) for c in cmd)"Running command: {log_cmd}") # Prepare stdout and stderr pipes stdout_pipe = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None stderr_pipe = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None # Run the subprocess asynchronously process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdout=stdout_pipe, stderr=stderr_pipe, ) try: # Wait for the process to complete with optional timeout stdout_data, stderr_data = await asyncio.wait_for( process.communicate(), timeout=wait_time ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: process.kill() await process.wait() raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(cmd, wait_time) # Handle text conversion stdout = "" stderr = "" if capture_output: if text and stdout_data: stdout = stdout_data.decode() logging.debug(f"Command stdout: {stdout}") elif stdout_data: stdout = stdout_data logging.debug(f"Command stdout: {len(stdout_data)} bytes") if text and stderr_data: stderr = stderr_data.decode() logging.debug(f"Command stderr: {stderr}") elif stderr_data: stderr = stderr_data logging.debug(f"Command stderr: {len(stderr_data)} bytes") # Log the return code returncode = process.returncode logging.debug(f"Command return code: {returncode}") # Create a CompletedProcess object to maintain compatibility result = subprocess.CompletedProcess( args=cmd, returncode=returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr ) # Re-raise CalledProcessError if check is True and command failed if check and result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( result.returncode, cmd, output=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr ) return result