by ezyang
- codemcp
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
import subprocess
from .git_parse_message import parse_message
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def append_metadata_to_message(message: str, metadata: dict) -> str:
"""Append trailers to Git commit message
message: The original Git commit message
metadata: Dictionary containing trailers; only codemcp-id is used
The updated commit message with trailers added
return subprocess.check_output(
*[f"--trailer={k}: {v}" for k, v in metadata.items()],
def update_commit_message_with_description(
current_commit_message: str,
description: str,
commit_hash: str,
) -> str:
"""Update a commit message with a new description.
This function handles the message munging logic for commit messages:
- Updates the message by adding the description as a new entry
- Uses marker tokens ```git-revs and ``` to demarcate commit list
- Handles base revision markers and HEAD alignment
current_commit_message: The current Git commit message to update
description: Description of the amend we're doing
commit_hash: The current commit hash (used for updating HEAD entries and base revision)
chat_id: The chat ID to ensure is in the metadata
The updated commit message with the new description
# Define marker tokens for the commit list
START_MARKER = "```git-revs"
END_MARKER = "```"
subject, main_message, trailers = parse_message(current_commit_message)
# Extract the content parts (before, between, and after markers)
start_marker_pos = main_message.find(START_MARKER)
end_marker_pos = (
main_message.find(END_MARKER, start_marker_pos + len(START_MARKER))
if start_marker_pos != -1
else -1
if start_marker_pos != -1 and end_marker_pos != -1:
# Markers exist, extract the parts
message_before = main_message[:start_marker_pos]
rev_list_content = main_message[
start_marker_pos + len(START_MARKER) : end_marker_pos
message_after = main_message[end_marker_pos + len(END_MARKER) :]
# Parse the revision list
rev_entries = []
if rev_list_content:
rev_entries = [
line.strip() for line in rev_list_content.splitlines() if line.strip()
# Process rev_entries: replace any HEAD entries with actual commit hash
has_base_revision = False
new_rev_entries = []
for entry in rev_entries:
if "(Base revision)" in entry:
has_base_revision = True
if entry.startswith("HEAD"):
if commit_hash:
# Replace HEAD with commit hash
head_pos = entry.find("HEAD")
head_len = len("HEAD")
# Calculate the difference in length
len_diff = len(commit_hash) - head_len
# Replace HEAD with commit hash
prefix = entry[:head_pos]
suffix = entry[head_pos + head_len :]
# Adjust spacing if needed
if len_diff > 0 and suffix.startswith(" " * len_diff):
suffix = suffix[len_diff:]
new_entry = prefix + commit_hash + suffix
# Determine if we need to add a base revision marker
if not has_base_revision and commit_hash:
new_rev_entries.append(f"{commit_hash} (Base revision)")
# Add new HEAD entry if we have a description
if description and commit_hash:
# Calculate padding to align with commit hash
head_padding = " " * (len(commit_hash) - 4) # 4 is length of "HEAD"
new_rev_entries.append(f"HEAD{head_padding} {description}")
# Reconstruct the rev list content
formatted_rev_list = "\n".join(new_rev_entries)
# Reconstruct the full message with markers
main_message = f"{message_before}{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}{message_after}"
# Check for old format without markers - handle HEAD entries in the message
lines = main_message.splitlines()
has_base_revision = any("(Base revision)" in line for line in lines)
has_head_entry = any(line.strip().startswith("HEAD") for line in lines)
if has_head_entry or has_base_revision:
# Old format detected, convert to new format with markers
new_rev_entries = []
filtered_lines = []
for line in lines:
if "(Base revision)" in line or line.strip().startswith("HEAD"):
# This is a revision entry, add to our rev entries
if line.strip():
if line.strip().startswith("HEAD") and commit_hash:
# Replace HEAD with commit hash
head_pos = line.find("HEAD")
head_len = len("HEAD")
len_diff = len(commit_hash) - head_len
prefix = line[:head_pos]
suffix = line[head_pos + head_len :]
if len_diff > 0 and suffix.startswith(" " * len_diff):
suffix = suffix[len_diff:]
new_line = prefix + commit_hash + suffix
# Regular line, keep in message
# Determine if we need to add a base revision marker
if not has_base_revision and commit_hash:
new_rev_entries.append(f"{commit_hash} (Base revision)")
# Add new HEAD entry if we have a description
if description and commit_hash:
head_padding = " " * (len(commit_hash) - 4)
new_rev_entries.append(f"HEAD{head_padding} {description}")
# Format regular message without revision entries
filtered_message = "\n".join(filtered_lines)
# Format revision list
formatted_rev_list = "\n".join(new_rev_entries)
# Create new message with markers
if filtered_message:
if filtered_message.endswith("\n\n"):
main_message = f"{filtered_message}{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}"
elif filtered_message.endswith("\n"):
main_message = f"{filtered_message}\n{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}"
main_message = f"{filtered_message}\n\n{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}"
main_message = f"{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}"
# No markers or HEAD entries, handle as normal
if description:
rev_entries = []
# If we have a commit hash, initialize with base revision
if commit_hash:
rev_entries.append(f"{commit_hash} (Base revision)")
# Add HEAD entry with description
head_padding = " " * (len(commit_hash) - 4) # 4 is length of "HEAD"
rev_entries.append(f"HEAD{head_padding} {description}")
# No commit hash, just add description without revision list
if main_message and not main_message.endswith("\n"):
main_message += "\n"
main_message += description
return main_message
# Format the revision list with markers
formatted_rev_list = "\n".join(rev_entries)
# Add formatted revision list to the message
if main_message:
# Ensure proper spacing
if main_message.endswith("\n\n"):
main_message += (
elif main_message.endswith("\n"):
main_message += (
main_message += (
main_message = f"{START_MARKER}\n{formatted_rev_list}\n{END_MARKER}"
return subject + "\n\n" + main_message + "\n\n" + trailers