Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Transaction schemas import { z } from 'zod'; // Schema for vote_on_post tool export const voteOnPostSchema = z.object({ author: z.string().describe('Author of the post to vote on'), permlink: z.string().describe('Permlink of the post to vote on'), weight: z .number() .min(-10000) .max(10000) .describe( 'Vote weight from -10000 (100% downvote) to 10000 (100% upvote)' ), }); // Schema for send_token tool export const sendTokenSchema = z.object({ to: z.string().describe('Recipient Hive username'), amount: z.number().positive().describe('Amount of tokens to send'), currency: z.enum(['HIVE', 'HBD']).describe('Currency to send: HIVE or HBD'), memo: z .string() .optional() .describe('Optional memo to include with the transaction'), });