Hive MCP Server
by gluneau
- src
- schemas
// Common schema components that can be reused across multiple tools
import { z } from 'zod';
// Schema for parsing tags from either array or comma-separated string
export const tagsSchema = z
z.string().transform((val, ctx) => {
// Handle empty string
if (!val.trim()) return ['blog'];
try {
// Try to parse it as JSON first in case it's a properly formatted JSON array
if (val.startsWith('[') && val.endsWith(']')) {
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(val);
if (Array.isArray(parsed)) {
return parsed;
} catch (e) {
// Failed to parse as JSON, continue to other methods
// Handle comma-separated list (possibly with quotes)
return val
.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '') // Remove outer brackets if present
(item) =>
.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '') // Remove surrounding quotes
.toLowerCase() // Hive tags are lowercase
.filter(Boolean); // Remove empty entries
} catch (error) {
code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom,
message: `Could not parse tags: ${val}. Please provide a comma-separated list or array of tags.`,
return z.NEVER;
// Schema for operation filter parameter
export const operationFilterSchema = z
z.string().transform((val, ctx) => {
// Handle empty string
if (!val.trim()) return [];
try {
// Try to parse it as JSON first in case it's a properly formatted JSON array
if (val.startsWith('[') && val.endsWith(']')) {
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(val);
if (Array.isArray(parsed)) {
return parsed;
} catch (e) {
// Failed to parse as JSON, continue to other methods
// Handle comma-separated list (possibly with quotes)
return val
.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '') // Remove outer brackets if present
(item) => item.trim().replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '') // Remove surrounding quotes
.filter(Boolean); // Remove empty entries
} catch (error) {
code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom,
message: `Could not parse operation_filter: ${val}. Please provide a comma-separated list or array of operation types.`,
return z.NEVER;
// Schema for beneficiaries
export const beneficiariesSchema = z
account: z.string(),
weight: z.number().min(1).max(10000),
// Export valid discussion query categories
export const tagQueryCategories = z.enum([
// Export valid user-based query categories
export const userQueryCategories = z.enum(['blog', 'feed']);