Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Content and posting schemas import { z } from 'zod'; import { tagsSchema, tagQueryCategories, userQueryCategories, beneficiariesSchema } from './common'; // Schema for get_post_content tool export const getPostContentSchema = z.object({ author: z.string().describe('Author of the post'), permlink: z.string().describe('Permlink of the post'), }); // Schema for get_posts_by_tag tool export const getPostsByTagSchema = z.object({ category: tagQueryCategories.describe( 'Sorting category for posts (e.g. trending, hot, created)' ), tag: z.string().describe('The tag to filter posts by'), limit: z .number() .min(1) .max(20) .default(10) .describe('Number of posts to return (1-20)'), }); // Schema for get_posts_by_user tool export const getPostsByUserSchema = z.object({ category: userQueryCategories.describe( 'Type of user posts to fetch (blog = posts by user, feed = posts from users they follow)' ), username: z.string().describe('Hive username to fetch posts for'), limit: z .number() .min(1) .max(20) .default(10) .describe('Number of posts to return (1-20)'), }); // Schema for create_post tool export const createPostSchema = z.object({ title: z.string().min(1).max(256).describe('Title of the blog post'), body: z .string() .min(1) .describe('Content of the blog post, can include Markdown formatting'), tags: tagsSchema.describe( 'Tags for the post. Can be provided as comma-separated string \'blog,life,writing\' or array' ), beneficiaries: beneficiariesSchema.describe( 'Optional list of beneficiaries to receive a portion of the rewards' ), permalink: z .string() .optional() .describe( 'Optional custom permalink. If not provided, one will be generated from the title' ), max_accepted_payout: z .string() .optional() .describe('Optional maximum accepted payout (e.g. \'1000.000 HBD\')'), percent_hbd: z .number() .min(0) .max(10000) .optional() .describe( 'Optional percent of HBD in rewards (0-10000, where 10000 = 100%)' ), allow_votes: z .boolean() .optional() .default(true) .describe('Whether to allow votes on the post'), allow_curation_rewards: z .boolean() .optional() .default(true) .describe('Whether to allow curation rewards'), }); // Schema for create_comment tool export const createCommentSchema = z.object({ parent_author: z .string() .describe('Username of the post author or comment you\'re replying to'), parent_permlink: z .string() .describe('Permlink of the post or comment you\'re replying to'), body: z .string() .min(1) .describe('Content of the comment, can include Markdown formatting'), permalink: z .string() .optional() .describe( 'Optional custom permalink for your comment. If not provided, one will be generated' ), beneficiaries: beneficiariesSchema.describe( 'Optional list of beneficiaries to receive a portion of the rewards' ), max_accepted_payout: z .string() .optional() .describe('Optional maximum accepted payout (e.g. \'1000.000 HBD\')'), percent_hbd: z .number() .min(0) .max(10000) .optional() .describe( 'Optional percent of HBD in rewards (0-10000, where 10000 = 100%)' ), allow_votes: z .boolean() .optional() .default(true) .describe('Whether to allow votes on the comment'), allow_curation_rewards: z .boolean() .optional() .default(true) .describe('Whether to allow curation rewards'), });