Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Cryptography tool schemas import { z } from 'zod'; // Schema for sign_message tool export const signMessageSchema = z.object({ message: z.string().min(1).describe('Message to sign (must not be empty)'), key_type: z .enum(['posting', 'active', 'memo', 'owner']) .optional() .default('posting') .describe( 'Type of key to use: \'posting\', \'active\', or \'memo\'. Defaults to \'posting\' if not specified.' ), }); // Schema for verify_signature tool export const verifySignatureSchema = z.object({ message_hash: z .string() .describe( 'The SHA-256 hash of the message in hex format (64 characters)' ), signature: z.string().describe('Signature string to verify'), public_key: z .string() .describe( 'Public key to verify against (with or without the STM prefix)' ), });