Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

  • scripts
#!/bin/bash # Comprehensive Prometheus Testing Shell Script # Default values PROMETHEUS_URL=${1:-""} MCP_SERVER_URL=${2:-"http://localhost:8000"} echo "======================================================" echo "Prometheus MCP Testing Script" echo "======================================================" echo "Prometheus URL: $PROMETHEUS_URL" echo "MCP Server URL: $MCP_SERVER_URL" echo "======================================================" # Function to run a test with proper output formatting run_test() { local test_name=$1 local test_cmd=$2 echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "Running test: $test_name" echo "Command: $test_cmd" echo "------------------------------------------------------" eval $test_cmd local status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "Test failed with status code: $status" else echo "Test completed successfully" fi echo "------------------------------------------------------" echo "" } # Check if curl is installed if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then echo "curl is not installed. Please install it to run this script." exit 1 fi # Step 1: Test direct HTTP connection to Prometheus echo "Step 1: Testing direct HTTP connection to Prometheus..." run_test "Direct Prometheus HTTP query" "curl -s '$PROMETHEUS_URL/api/v1/query?query=up' | head -n 30" # Step 2: Run the direct test script echo "Step 2: Testing direct connection using our script..." run_test "Direct test script" "python $PROMETHEUS_URL" # Step 3: Test if MCP server is running echo "Step 3: Checking if MCP server is running..." if curl -s "$MCP_SERVER_URL/v1/models" > /dev/null; then echo "MCP server is running at $MCP_SERVER_URL" run_test "MCP server models" "curl -s '$MCP_SERVER_URL/v1/models' | head -n 30" else echo "MCP server is not running at $MCP_SERVER_URL" echo "Starting a new MCP server with the Prometheus URL..." # Export the environment variable export PROMETHEUS_URL="$PROMETHEUS_URL" echo "Set PROMETHEUS_URL environment variable to: $PROMETHEUS_URL" # Start the server in the background echo "Starting MCP server in the background..." python --prometheus-url "$PROMETHEUS_URL" --debug & SERVER_PID=$! # Wait for the server to start echo "Waiting for the server to start..." sleep 5 # Check if the server started successfully if curl -s "$MCP_SERVER_URL/v1/models" > /dev/null; then echo "MCP server started successfully with PID: $SERVER_PID" run_test "MCP server models" "curl -s '$MCP_SERVER_URL/v1/models' | head -n 30" else echo "Failed to start MCP server" if [ ! -z "$SERVER_PID" ]; then kill $SERVER_PID fi exit 1 fi fi # Step 4: Test external Prometheus integration echo "Step 4: Testing external Prometheus integration..." run_test "External Prometheus integration" "python $PROMETHEUS_URL $MCP_SERVER_URL" # Step 5: Test standard Prometheus test script echo "Step 5: Testing with standard test script..." run_test "Standard Prometheus test" "python" echo "======================================================" echo "All tests completed" echo "======================================================" # If we started the server, ask if the user wants to keep it running if [ ! -z "$SERVER_PID" ]; then read -p "Keep the MCP server running? (y/n): " KEEP_RUNNING if [[ $KEEP_RUNNING != "y" && $KEEP_RUNNING != "Y" ]]; then echo "Stopping MCP server (PID: $SERVER_PID)..." kill $SERVER_PID else echo "MCP server is still running with PID: $SERVER_PID" echo "To stop it manually later, run: kill $SERVER_PID" fi fi