Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

  • scripts
import os import json import argparse from langflow import MCPAIComponent from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Union class GitCodeAnalyzer: """Class for analyzing and understanding code repositories using LLMs""" def __init__(self, mcp_server_url: str = "http://localhost:8000"): """Initialize with MCP server URL""" self.mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url=mcp_server_url) self.repo_data = None self.repo_url = None def analyze_repository(self, repo_url: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Analyze a Git repository and store the results Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository to analyze Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Repository analysis results """ self.repo_url = repo_url self.repo_data = self.mcp.analyze_git_repo(repo_url) return self.repo_data def search_repository(self, pattern: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Search the repository for files matching a pattern Args: pattern: Content pattern to search for Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Search results """ if not self.repo_url: raise ValueError("No repository has been analyzed yet. Call analyze_repository first.") return self.mcp.search_git_repo(self.repo_url, pattern) def get_last_commit_diff(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the diff of the last commit in the repository Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Diff information """ if not self.repo_url: raise ValueError("No repository has been analyzed yet. Call analyze_repository first.") return self.mcp.get_git_diff(self.repo_url) def get_formatted_diff_summary(self) -> str: """Get a formatted summary of the last commit diff Returns: str: Formatted diff summary """ diff_info = self.get_last_commit_diff() if "error" in diff_info: return f"Error getting diff: {diff_info['error']}" commit_id = diff_info.get("commit_id", "") commit_message = diff_info.get("commit_message", "") commit_author = diff_info.get("commit_author", "") commit_date = diff_info.get("commit_date", "") total_files_changed = diff_info.get("total_files_changed", 0) total_additions = diff_info.get("total_additions", 0) total_deletions = diff_info.get("total_deletions", 0) summary = [ f"Last Commit: {commit_id[:8]}", f"Author: {commit_author}", f"Date: {commit_date}", f"Message: {commit_message}", f"Changes: {total_files_changed} files changed, {total_additions} insertions(+), {total_deletions} deletions(-)", "\nChanged Files:" ] files_changed = diff_info.get("files_changed", []) for file_info in files_changed: path = file_info.get("path", "") change_type = file_info.get("change_type", "") additions = file_info.get("additions", 0) deletions = file_info.get("deletions", 0) summary.append(f" {path} ({change_type}): +{additions} -{deletions}") return "\n".join(summary) def analyze_commit_diff(self) -> str: """Use AI to analyze the last commit diff Returns: str: AI analysis of the commit changes """ diff_info = self.get_last_commit_diff() if "error" in diff_info: return f"Error getting diff: {diff_info['error']}" # Create a summary of the diff for the AI commit_message = diff_info.get("commit_message", "") total_files_changed = diff_info.get("total_files_changed", 0) total_additions = diff_info.get("total_additions", 0) total_deletions = diff_info.get("total_deletions", 0) files_summary = [] files_changed = diff_info.get("files_changed", []) # Limit to 3 files for the prompt to avoid token limits for file_info in files_changed[:3]: path = file_info.get("path", "") change_type = file_info.get("change_type", "") additions = file_info.get("additions", 0) deletions = file_info.get("deletions", 0) diff = file_info.get("diff", "") # Truncate large diffs diff_preview = diff[:1000] + "..." if len(diff) > 1000 else diff files_summary.append( f"File: {path}\n" f"Change Type: {change_type}\n" f"Changes: +{additions} -{deletions}\n" f"Diff Preview:\n{diff_preview}\n" ) # Create the prompt diff_summary = ( f"Commit Message: {commit_message}\n" f"Total Changes: {total_files_changed} files changed, {total_additions} insertions(+), {total_deletions} deletions(-)\n\n" f"File Changes (showing up to 3 files):\n" f"{''.join(files_summary)}" ) if len(files_changed) > 3: diff_summary += f"\n... and {len(files_changed) - 3} more files not shown" # Ask AI to analyze the changes chat_response = model_id="openai-gpt-chat", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert code reviewer and developer. Your task is to analyze git commit diffs and provide insights about the changes."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Please analyze this commit and provide:\n1. A summary of what changed\n2. The purpose of these changes\n3. Potential impact on the codebase\n4. Any potential issues or improvements\n\nHere's the diff information:\n\n{diff_summary}"} ], max_tokens=500, temperature=0.7 ) # Extract the assistant's response choices = chat_response.get('choices', []) if choices: message = choices[0].get('message', {}) content = message.get('content', '') return content else: return "Unable to analyze the commit diff." def get_repository_summary(self) -> str: """Generate a summary of the repository Returns: str: Repository summary text """ if not self.repo_data: raise ValueError("No repository has been analyzed yet. Call analyze_repository first.") file_stats = self.repo_data.get('file_stats', {}) last_commit = self.repo_data.get('last_commit', {}) summary = ( f"Repository URL: {self.repo_data.get('url')}\n" f"Active Branch: {self.repo_data.get('active_branch')}\n" f"Total Files: {self.repo_data.get('file_count')}\n" f"File Types:\n" f" - Python: {file_stats.get('python_files', 0)}\n" f" - JavaScript: {file_stats.get('javascript_files', 0)}\n" f" - HTML: {file_stats.get('html_files', 0)}\n" f"Last Commit:\n" f" - Author: {last_commit.get('author')}\n" f" - Message: {last_commit.get('message')}\n" f" - Date: {last_commit.get('date')}\n" ) return summary def get_repository_recommendations(self) -> str: """Use AI to provide recommendations about the repository Returns: str: AI-generated recommendations """ if not self.repo_data: raise ValueError("No repository has been analyzed yet. Call analyze_repository first.") summary = self.get_repository_summary() chat_response = model_id="openai-gpt-chat", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert code repository analyzer. Your task is to analyze repository metadata and provide useful insights and recommendations."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Please analyze this repository and provide:\n1. What type of project this likely is\n2. Key technologies used\n3. Three specific recommendations for improving this codebase\n\nRepository details:\n{summary}"} ], max_tokens=500, temperature=0.7 ) # Extract the assistant's response choices = chat_response.get('choices', []) if choices: message = choices[0].get('message', {}) content = message.get('content', '') return content else: return "Unable to generate recommendations." def analyze_code_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> str: """Search for a pattern and have AI analyze the matching files Args: pattern: Content pattern to search for Returns: str: AI analysis of the matching files """ search_results = self.search_repository(pattern) matching_files = search_results.get('matching_files', []) match_count = search_results.get('match_count', 0) if match_count == 0: return f"No files matching the pattern '{pattern}' were found." # Only include up to 5 files in the prompt to avoid token limits files_to_include = matching_files[:5] files_summary = "\n".join([f"- {file}" for file in files_to_include]) if len(matching_files) > 5: files_summary += f"\n- ...and {len(matching_files) - 5} more files" chat_response = model_id="openai-gpt-chat", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert code analyst. Your task is to analyze code patterns and provide insights."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"I searched for the pattern '{pattern}' in my repository and found {match_count} files containing this pattern. Here are some of the matching files:\n\n{files_summary}\n\nBased on this information, what might this pattern represent in the codebase? What functionality might these files implement? Provide a brief analysis."} ], max_tokens=350, temperature=0.7 ) # Extract the assistant's response choices = chat_response.get('choices', []) if choices: message = choices[0].get('message', {}) content = message.get('content', '') return content else: return "Unable to analyze the code pattern." def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Analyze Git repositories with AI") parser.add_argument("repo_url", help="URL of the Git repository to analyze") parser.add_argument("--search", "-s", help="Search for a specific pattern in the repository") parser.add_argument("--diff", "-d", action="store_true", help="Get and analyze the last commit diff") parser.add_argument("--mcp-url", default="http://localhost:8000", help="URL of the MCP server") args = parser.parse_args() analyzer = GitCodeAnalyzer(mcp_server_url=args.mcp_url) print(f"Analyzing repository: {args.repo_url}") analyzer.analyze_repository(args.repo_url) if args.diff: print("\nLast Commit Diff Summary:") print(analyzer.get_formatted_diff_summary()) print("\nAI Analysis of Commit:") analysis = analyzer.analyze_commit_diff() print(analysis) else: print("\nRepository Summary:") print(analyzer.get_repository_summary()) print("\nAI Recommendations:") recommendations = analyzer.get_repository_recommendations() print(recommendations) if print(f"\nAnalyzing code pattern: '{}'") pattern_analysis = analyzer.analyze_code_pattern( print(pattern_analysis) if __name__ == "__main__": main()