Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

  • scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json import argparse import tempfile import subprocess from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any, Tuple # Add the parent directory to Python path for proper imports script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) parent_dir = os.path.dirname(script_dir) if parent_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir) from langflow import MCPAIComponent def compare_requirements(current_reqs: str, previous_reqs: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]: """ Compare two requirements.txt files and identify added, removed, and changed dependencies. Args: current_reqs: Content of the current requirements.txt previous_reqs: Content of the previous requirements.txt Returns: Tuple of (added, removed, changed) dependencies """ def parse_requirements(content: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Parse requirements into a dictionary of {package: version}""" result = {} for line in content.strip().split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue # Handle various formats like package==1.0.0, package>=1.0.0, etc. if '==' in line: package, version = line.split('==', 1) result[package.strip()] = version.strip() elif '>=' in line: package, version = line.split('>=', 1) result[package.strip()] = f">={version.strip()}" elif '<=' in line: package, version = line.split('<=', 1) result[package.strip()] = f"<={version.strip()}" elif '>' in line: package, version = line.split('>', 1) result[package.strip()] = f">{version.strip()}" elif '<' in line: package, version = line.split('<', 1) result[package.strip()] = f"<{version.strip()}" else: # Handle packages without version specifications result[line.strip()] = "any" return result current_dict = parse_requirements(current_reqs) previous_dict = parse_requirements(previous_reqs) # Find added, removed, and changed dependencies added = [] for pkg in current_dict: if pkg not in previous_dict: added.append(f"{pkg}=={current_dict[pkg]}") removed = [] for pkg in previous_dict: if pkg not in current_dict: removed.append(f"{pkg}=={previous_dict[pkg]}") changed = [] for pkg in current_dict: if pkg in previous_dict and current_dict[pkg] != previous_dict[pkg]: changed.append(f"{pkg}: {previous_dict[pkg]} -> {current_dict[pkg]}") return added, removed, changed def get_file_from_commit(repo_url: str, commit_sha: str, file_path: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the content of a file from a specific commit in a Git repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository commit_sha: Commit SHA to get the file from file_path: Path to the file within the repository Returns: Content of the file or None if the file doesn't exist """ print(f"Retrieving {file_path} from commit {commit_sha} in repository {repo_url}") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: try: # Clone the repository without the commit SHA print(f"Cloning repository {repo_url}...") clone_cmd = ["git", "clone", repo_url, temp_dir] result =, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error cloning repository: {result.stderr}") return None # Try to get the file content directly from git show try: print(f"Getting file content at commit {commit_sha}...") show_cmd = ["git", "show", f"{commit_sha}:{file_path}"] show_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if show_result.returncode == 0: return show_result.stdout print(f"File not found using git show, trying checkout method...") # If git show fails, try to checkout the commit and read the file checkout_cmd = ["git", "checkout", commit_sha] checkout_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if checkout_result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error checking out commit: {checkout_result.stderr}") return None # Read the file directly from the filesystem file_fullpath = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_path) if os.path.exists(file_fullpath): with open(file_fullpath, 'r') as f: file_content = print(f"File {file_path} found and read successfully") return file_content else: print(f"File {file_path} not found in commit {commit_sha}") # List files in the repo root to help debug print("Listing files in repository root:") ls_cmd = ["ls", "-la"] ls_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if ls_result.returncode == 0: print(ls_result.stdout) return None except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error accessing file in commit: {e}") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error accessing repository: {e}") return None def validate_commit_sha(repo_url: str, commit_sha: str) -> bool: """ Validate if a commit SHA exists in the repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository commit_sha: SHA of the commit to validate Returns: True if the commit exists, False otherwise """ print(f"Validating commit SHA: {commit_sha}") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: try: # Clone the repository print(f"Cloning repository for validation...") clone_cmd = ["git", "clone", "--bare", repo_url, temp_dir] result =, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error cloning repository: {result.stderr}") return False # Check if commit exists check_cmd = ["git", "cat-file", "-e", commit_sha] check_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if check_result.returncode == 0: print(f"Commit {commit_sha} exists in the repository") return True else: print(f"Commit {commit_sha} does not exist in the repository") return False except Exception as e: print(f"Error validating commit SHA: {e}") return False def get_diff_between_commits(repo_url: str, base_commit: str, target_commit: str = 'HEAD') -> str: """ Get the diff between two commits. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository base_commit: Base commit SHA target_commit: Target commit SHA (defaults to HEAD) Returns: Diff output as a string """ print(f"Getting diff between {base_commit} and {target_commit}...") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: try: # Clone the repository clone_cmd = ["git", "clone", repo_url, temp_dir] clone_result =, capture_output=True, text=True) if clone_result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error cloning repository: {clone_result.stderr}") return "Error cloning repository" # Get the diff diff_cmd = ["git", "diff", base_commit, target_commit, "--", "requirements.txt"] diff_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if diff_result.returncode == 0: if diff_result.stdout: return diff_result.stdout else: return "No differences found in requirements.txt" else: print(f"Error getting diff: {diff_result.stderr}") return f"Error: {diff_result.stderr}" except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return f"Error: {e}" def test_git_diff(repo_url=None, compare_commit=None): """ Test the git diff functionality with requirements.txt compatibility check. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository compare_commit: SHA of the commit to compare with the latest commit """ if not repo_url: print("Error: Please provide a Git repository URL") print("Usage: python <git-repo-url> [commit-sha]") sys.exit(1) print(f"Analyzing repository: {repo_url}") # Validate commit SHA if provided if compare_commit: print(f"Comparing with commit: {compare_commit}") if not validate_commit_sha(repo_url, compare_commit): print(f"Invalid commit SHA: {compare_commit}") sys.exit(1) # Initialize the MCP component try: mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url="http://localhost:8000") except Exception as e: print(f"Error initializing MCP component: {e}") sys.exit(1) try: # Get the diff of the last commit print("Fetching diff from the MCP server...") diff_info = mcp.get_git_diff(repo_url) # Extract basic commit info current_commit_id = diff_info.get('commit_id', 'N/A') commit_message = diff_info.get('commit_message', 'N/A') commit_author = diff_info.get('commit_author', 'N/A') commit_date = diff_info.get('commit_date', 'N/A') print("\nLatest Commit Info:") print(f"Commit ID: {current_commit_id}") print(f"Author: {commit_author}") print(f"Date: {commit_date}") print(f"Message: {commit_message}") # Print statistics total_files = diff_info.get('total_files_changed', 0) total_additions = diff_info.get('total_additions', 0) total_deletions = diff_info.get('total_deletions', 0) print(f"\nChanges: {total_files} files changed, {total_additions} insertions(+), {total_deletions} deletions(-)") # Get the current requirements.txt directly from the repository # We're not relying on the diff info which might be incomplete with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: print("\nDirectly retrieving current requirements.txt...") clone_cmd = ["git", "clone", repo_url, temp_dir] clone_result =, capture_output=True, text=True) if clone_result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error cloning repository: {clone_result.stderr}") return requirements_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'requirements.txt') current_requirements = None if os.path.exists(requirements_path): with open(requirements_path, 'r') as f: current_requirements = print("Found current requirements.txt") else: print("No requirements.txt found in the current commit") # List the root directory to help debug print("Listing repository root:") ls_cmd = ["ls", "-la"] ls_result =, cwd=temp_dir, capture_output=True, text=True) if ls_result.returncode == 0: print(ls_result.stdout) if compare_commit: print(f"\nComparing latest commit {current_commit_id[:7]} with {compare_commit[:7]}") # Get a direct diff between the commits for debugging purposes manual_diff = get_diff_between_commits(repo_url, compare_commit, current_commit_id) print("\nDirect git diff output for requirements.txt:") print(manual_diff) # Get requirements.txt from the specified commit previous_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, compare_commit, 'requirements.txt') if current_requirements is not None and previous_requirements is not None: print("\nAnalyzing requirements.txt compatibility...") added, removed, changed = compare_requirements(current_requirements, previous_requirements) if not (added or removed or changed): print("No changes to requirements.txt between commits.") else: if added: print("\nAdded dependencies:") for dep in added: print(f" + {dep}") if removed: print("\nRemoved dependencies:") for dep in removed: print(f" - {dep}") if changed: print("\nChanged dependencies:") for dep in changed: print(f" * {dep}") # Ask AI to analyze compatibility print("\nAsking AI to analyze requirements compatibility...") # Prepare the prompt prompt = f""" I need to analyze the compatibility between two versions of requirements.txt. Current requirements: ``` {current_requirements} ``` Previous requirements (from commit {compare_commit[:7]}): ``` {previous_requirements} ``` Changes summary: - Added: {', '.join(added) if added else 'None'} - Removed: {', '.join(removed) if removed else 'None'} - Changed: {', '.join(changed) if changed else 'None'} Raw diff: ``` {manual_diff} ``` Please analyze these changes and provide: 1. Are these changes compatible with the existing codebase? 2. Any potential dependency conflicts or issues? 3. Security concerns with the changes (e.g., outdated versions, known vulnerabilities)? 4. Recommendations for a safe upgrade path 5. Should this change be approved for merging? (Yes/No/Need more information) """ try: chat_response = model_id="openai-gpt-chat", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert Python developer with deep knowledge of Python packaging, dependencies, and security. Your task is to analyze changes to requirements.txt files and provide compatibility assessments."}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ], max_tokens=800, temperature=0.7 ) choices = chat_response.get('choices', []) if choices: message = choices[0].get('message', {}) content = message.get('content', '') print(f"\nAI Analysis:\n{content}") else: print("\nUnable to generate AI analysis.") except Exception as e: print(f"\nError getting AI analysis: {e}") else: if current_requirements is None: print("No requirements.txt found in the current commit.") if previous_requirements is None: print(f"No requirements.txt found in commit {compare_commit[:7]}.") else: # If no comparison commit specified, show changes by file if files_changed: print("\nChanged Files:") for i, file_info in enumerate(files_changed, 1): path = file_info.get('path', 'N/A') change_type = file_info.get('change_type', 'N/A') additions = file_info.get('additions', 0) deletions = file_info.get('deletions', 0) print(f"{i}. {path} ({change_type}): +{additions} -{deletions}") # Ask if user wants to see the diff for this file if i < len(files_changed): # Don't ask for the last file show_diff = input(f"\nShow diff for {path}? (y/n, default: n): ").lower() == 'y' if show_diff: diff = file_info.get('diff', 'No diff available') print(f"\nDiff for {path}:\n{diff}\n") input("Press Enter to continue...") else: # Always show the diff for the last file without asking diff = file_info.get('diff', 'No diff available') print(f"\nDiff for {path}:\n{diff}\n") else: print("\nNo files changed in the last commit.") # Allow the user to request generic AI analysis for any commit print("\nWould you like an AI analysis of this commit? (y/n, default: y): ", end="") analyze = input().lower() != 'n' if analyze: print("\nAsking AI to analyze the commit...") chat_response = model_id="openai-gpt-chat", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert code reviewer and developer. Your task is to analyze git commit diffs and provide insights about the changes."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Please analyze this commit and provide:\n1. A summary of what changed\n2. The purpose of these changes\n3. Potential impact on the codebase\n4. Any potential issues or improvements\n\nHere's the information about the commit:\n\nCommit Message: {commit_message}\nTotal Changes: {total_files} files changed, {total_additions} insertions(+), {total_deletions} deletions(-)"} ], max_tokens=500, temperature=0.7 ) choices = chat_response.get('choices', []) if choices: message = choices[0].get('message', {}) content = message.get('content', '') print(f"\nAI Analysis:\n{content}") else: print("\nUnable to generate AI analysis.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error analyzing diff: {e}") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test git diff functionality with requirements.txt compatibility check") parser.add_argument("repo_url", nargs="?", help="URL of the Git repository") parser.add_argument("commit_sha", nargs="?", help="SHA of the commit to compare with the latest commit") parser.add_argument("--help-more", action="store_true", help="Show more detailed help information") args = parser.parse_args() if args.help_more: print("Git Diff Analyzer with Requirements.txt Compatibility Check") print("=========================================================") print("\nThis tool analyzes a Git repository to compare requirements.txt files between commits.") print("It uses AI to assess compatibility, detect potential issues, and provide upgrade recommendations.") print("\nUsage:") print(" python <repository-url> [commit-sha]") print("\nExamples:") print(" python") print(" - Analyzes the latest commit in the repository") print(" python abc123") print(" - Compares the latest commit with commit 'abc123', focusing on requirements.txt") sys.exit(0) if not args.repo_url: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) test_git_diff(args.repo_url, args.commit_sha)