Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

  • scripts
#!/bin/bash # MCP Runner - Unified Test and Runner Script # This script provides a user-friendly interface to run all MCP tests and tools # Get the directory where this script is located SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)" # Go to the project root directory (parent of scripts directory) PROJECT_ROOT="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_DIR")" cd "$PROJECT_ROOT" # Set environment variables for OpenAI models if needed export OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL="${OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL:-gpt-4o-mini}" export OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL="${OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL:-gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct}" export PYTHONPATH="$PROJECT_ROOT:$PYTHONPATH" # Colors for better readability GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Function to display header display_header() { clear echo -e "${BLUE}=================================================${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN} MCP Test & Tool Runner${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}=================================================${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Working directory: ${NC}$(pwd)" echo -e "${YELLOW}Using chat model: ${NC}${OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Using completion model: ${NC}${OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL}" echo "" } # Function to check if a command exists command_exists() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null } # Function to check if the MCP server is running check_mcp_server() { if curl -s "http://localhost:8000/v1/models" >/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP server is running${NC}" return 0 else echo -e "${RED}MCP server is not running${NC}" return 1 fi } # Function to check if Prometheus is running check_prometheus() { if curl -s "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up" >/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}Prometheus is running${NC}" return 0 else echo -e "${RED}Prometheus is not running${NC}" return 1 fi } # Function to check if Grafana is running check_grafana() { if curl -s "http://localhost:3000/api/health" >/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}Grafana is running${NC}" return 0 else echo -e "${RED}Grafana is not running${NC}" return 1 fi } # Function to check if MCP-Grafana is running check_mcp_grafana() { if curl -s "http://localhost:8085/health" >/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP-Grafana is running${NC}" return 0 else echo -e "${RED}MCP-Grafana is not running${NC}" return 1 fi } # Function to check environment status check_environment() { echo -e "${BLUE}Checking environment status:${NC}" # Check if uv is installed if command_exists uv; then echo -e "${GREEN}✓ uv is installed${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}✗ uv is not installed - required for running Python scripts${NC}" fi # Check if docker is installed if command_exists docker; then echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Docker is installed${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}✗ Docker is not installed - required for container tests${NC}" fi # Check if MCP server is running check_mcp_server # Check if Prometheus is running check_prometheus # Check if Grafana is running check_grafana # Check if MCP-Grafana is running check_mcp_grafana echo "" } # Function to start MCP server start_mcp_server() { echo -e "${BLUE}Starting MCP server...${NC}" if check_mcp_server; then echo "MCP server already running" else echo "Starting MCP server in the background..." uv run scripts/ --prometheus-url "http://localhost:9090" --debug & MCP_PID=$! echo "Waiting for server to start..." sleep 5 if check_mcp_server; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP server started with PID: $MCP_PID${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start MCP server${NC}" fi fi } # Function to start Prometheus stack start_prometheus() { echo -e "${BLUE}Starting Prometheus stack...${NC}" if check_prometheus; then echo "Prometheus already running" else echo "Starting Prometheus services with Docker Compose..." docker compose up -d prometheus cadvisor node-exporter echo "Waiting for services to start..." sleep 10 if check_prometheus; then echo -e "${GREEN}Prometheus services started successfully${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start Prometheus services${NC}" fi fi } # Function to display main menu display_main_menu() { display_header check_environment echo -e "${BLUE}Select a category:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Filesystem Tests" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Git Integration Tests" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Memory Analysis Tools" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Prometheus Tests & Memory Stress" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} MCP Server Management" echo -e "${YELLOW}6)${NC} Environment Setup" echo -e "${YELLOW}7)${NC} Grafana Dashboards" echo -e "${YELLOW}0)${NC} Exit" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (0-7): " main_choice case $main_choice in 1) filesystem_menu ;; 2) git_menu ;; 3) memory_analysis_menu ;; 4) prometheus_menu ;; 5) mcp_server_menu ;; 6) environment_setup_menu ;; 7) grafana_menu ;; 0) exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read display_main_menu ;; esac } # Filesystem Tests Menu filesystem_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Filesystem Tests:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Run Filesystem Test" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-2): " fs_choice case $fs_choice in 1) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running Filesystem Test...${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read filesystem_menu ;; esac filesystem_menu } # Git Integration Tests Menu git_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Git Integration Tests:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Run Git Diff Test" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Run Git Integration Test" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-3): " git_choice case $git_choice in 1) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running Git Diff Test...${NC}" read -p "Enter repository URL: " repo_url read -p "Enter commit SHA to compare with (or press Enter to skip): " commit_sha if [ -z "$repo_url" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Repository URL is required.${NC}" read -p "Press Enter to continue..." else if [ -z "$commit_sha" ]; then # Run without commit SHA uv run scripts/ "$repo_url" else # Run with commit SHA as a separate parameter uv run scripts/ "$repo_url" "$commit_sha" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read fi ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running Git Integration Test...${NC}" read -p "Enter repository URL (or press Enter for default): " repo_url if [ -z "$repo_url" ]; then uv run scripts/ else uv run scripts/ "$repo_url" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read git_menu ;; esac git_menu } # Memory Analysis Tools Menu memory_analysis_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Memory Analysis Tools:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Basic Prometheus Test with AI Recommendations" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} AI Memory Diagnostics" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Memory Dashboard" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Run All Memory Analysis Tools" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} List Available AI Models" echo -e "${YELLOW}6)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-6): " mem_choice case $mem_choice in 1) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running basic Prometheus test with AI recommendations...${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running AI Memory Diagnostics...${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${GREEN}Analysis completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running Memory Dashboard...${NC}" read -p "Run once or continuous monitoring? (once/cont): " dashboard_mode if [ "$dashboard_mode" == "once" ]; then uv run scripts/ --once else echo "Press Ctrl+C to exit the dashboard when finished" uv run scripts/ fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Dashboard closed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 4) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running all analysis tools...${NC}" echo -e "\n${PURPLE}1. Basic Prometheus test with AI recommendations${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${PURPLE}2. AI Memory Diagnostics${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${PURPLE}3. Memory Dashboard (once)${NC}" uv run scripts/ --once echo -e "\n${GREEN}All analyses completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 5) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Listing available AI models...${NC}" uv run scripts/ --list-models echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 6) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read memory_analysis_menu ;; esac memory_analysis_menu } # Prometheus Tests & Memory Stress Menu prometheus_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Prometheus Tests & Memory Stress:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Run Prometheus Test" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Start Memory Stress Container" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Stop Memory Stress Container" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Show Container Status" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} Simulate Memory Pressure" echo -e "${YELLOW}6)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-6): " prom_choice case $prom_choice in 1) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running Prometheus Test...${NC}" uv run scripts/ echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting Memory Stress Container...${NC}" # Check if memory-stress container already exists and remove it if it does if docker ps -a | grep -q memory-stress; then echo "Removing existing memory-stress container..." docker rm -f memory-stress fi # Build and start the memory-stress container docker compose up -d --build memory-stress echo -e "${GREEN}Memory stress container started.${NC}" echo "View Prometheus alerts at: http://localhost:9090/alerts" echo "View container metrics at: http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.expr=(container_memory_usage_bytes%7Bcontainer_name%3D%22memory-stress%22%7D%20%2F%20container_spec_memory_limit_bytes%7Bcontainer_name%3D%22memory-stress%22%7D)*100&" echo "View memory stress container logs with: docker logs -f memory-stress" echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping Memory Stress Container...${NC}" if docker ps | grep -q memory-stress; then docker compose stop memory-stress docker compose rm -f memory-stress echo -e "${GREEN}Memory stress container stopped and removed.${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Memory stress container is not running.${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 4) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Container Status:${NC}" echo -e "${PURPLE}Container Status:${NC}" docker ps | grep -E 'prometheus|cadvisor|node-exporter|memory-stress' || echo "No monitoring containers found" echo -e "\n${PURPLE}Prometheus API:${NC}" if curl -s "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up" >/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}Accessible${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Not accessible${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${PURPLE}Current alerts:${NC}" alerts=$(curl -s "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/alerts" | grep -o '"name":"[^"]*"' | sed 's/"name":"//g' | sed 's/"//g') if [ -n "$alerts" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Found:${NC}" echo "$alerts" else echo "None" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 5) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Simulating Memory Pressure...${NC}" # Ask for target percentage read -p "Enter target memory usage percentage (default: 85): " target_percent target_percent=${target_percent:-85} # Ask for duration read -p "Enter duration in seconds (default: 300): " duration duration=${duration:-300} # Run the simulation echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting memory pressure simulation with target $target_percent% for $duration seconds...${NC}" uv run scripts/ --target $target_percent --duration $duration echo -e "\n${GREEN}Simulation completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 6) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read prometheus_menu ;; esac prometheus_menu } # MCP Server Management Menu mcp_server_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}MCP Server Management:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Start MCP Server" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Stop MCP Server" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Check Server Status" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Run MCP Client Test" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-5): " mcp_choice case $mcp_choice in 1) start_mcp_server echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping MCP Server...${NC}" if check_mcp_server; then # Find MCP server process MCP_PID=$(ps aux | grep "" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$MCP_PID" ]; then echo "Stopping MCP server (PID: $MCP_PID)..." kill $MCP_PID echo -e "${GREEN}MCP server stopped${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Could not find MCP server process${NC}" fi else echo -e "${YELLOW}MCP server is not running${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) echo -e "\n${BLUE}MCP Server Status:${NC}" if check_mcp_server; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP server is running${NC}" # Find MCP server process MCP_PID=$(ps aux | grep "" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$MCP_PID" ]; then echo "PID: $MCP_PID" fi # Show available models echo -e "\n${PURPLE}Available Models:${NC}" curl -s "http://localhost:8000/v1/models" | python3 -m json.tool || echo "Could not retrieve model list" else echo -e "${RED}MCP server is not running${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 4) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Running MCP Client Test...${NC}" if check_mcp_server; then uv run scripts/ else echo -e "${RED}MCP server is not running. Starting server first...${NC}" start_mcp_server sleep 2 uv run scripts/ fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 5) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read mcp_server_menu ;; esac mcp_server_menu } # Environment Setup Menu environment_setup_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Environment Setup:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Start Prometheus Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Stop Prometheus Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Start Grafana Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Stop Grafana Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} Start Complete Monitoring Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}6)${NC} Stop Complete Monitoring Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}7)${NC} Change OpenAI Models" echo -e "${YELLOW}8)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-8): " env_choice case $env_choice in 1) start_prometheus echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping Prometheus Stack...${NC}" if check_prometheus; then echo "Stopping Docker containers..." docker compose down prometheus node-exporter cadvisor echo -e "${GREEN}Prometheus containers stopped${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Prometheus is not running${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting Grafana Stack...${NC}" if check_grafana && check_mcp_grafana; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Grafana stack is already running${NC}" else echo "Starting Grafana services with Docker Compose..." docker compose up -d grafana mcp-grafana echo "Waiting for services to start..." sleep 10 if check_grafana && check_mcp_grafana; then echo -e "${GREEN}Grafana services started successfully${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start some Grafana services${NC}" fi fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 4) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping Grafana Stack...${NC}" echo "Stopping Grafana and MCP-Grafana containers..." docker compose stop grafana mcp-grafana echo -e "\n${GREEN}Grafana stack stopped. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 5) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting Complete Monitoring Stack...${NC}" echo "Starting all monitoring services with Docker Compose..." docker compose up -d prometheus node-exporter cadvisor grafana mcp-grafana echo "Waiting for services to start..." sleep 15 echo -e "\n${BLUE}Service Status:${NC}" check_prometheus check_grafana check_mcp_grafana echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 6) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping Complete Monitoring Stack...${NC}" echo "Stopping all monitoring containers..." docker compose down echo -e "${GREEN}All monitoring containers stopped${NC}" echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 7) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Change OpenAI Models:${NC}" echo -e "Current chat model: ${YELLOW}$OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL${NC}" echo -e "Current completion model: ${YELLOW}$OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL${NC}" echo "" read -p "Enter new chat model (or press Enter to keep current): " new_chat_model if [ -n "$new_chat_model" ]; then export OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL="$new_chat_model" echo -e "${GREEN}Chat model changed to: $OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL${NC}" fi read -p "Enter new completion model (or press Enter to keep current): " new_completion_model if [ -n "$new_completion_model" ]; then export OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL="$new_completion_model" echo -e "${GREEN}Completion model changed to: $OPENAI_COMPLETION_MODEL${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 8) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read environment_setup_menu ;; esac environment_setup_menu } # Grafana Management Menu grafana_menu() { display_header echo -e "${BLUE}Grafana Dashboards:${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}1)${NC} Start Grafana Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}2)${NC} Stop Grafana Stack" echo -e "${YELLOW}3)${NC} Open Grafana in Browser" echo -e "${YELLOW}4)${NC} Show MCP-Grafana Status" echo -e "${YELLOW}5)${NC} Import Dashboards to Grafana" echo -e "${YELLOW}6)${NC} Return to Main Menu" echo "" read -p "Enter your choice (1-6): " grafana_choice case $grafana_choice in 1) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting Grafana Stack...${NC}" # First check if it's already running if check_grafana && check_mcp_grafana; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Grafana stack is already running${NC}" else echo "Starting Grafana services with Docker Compose..." docker compose up -d grafana mcp-grafana echo "Waiting for services to start..." sleep 10 if check_grafana; then echo -e "${GREEN}Grafana started successfully${NC}" echo -e "Access Grafana at: ${BLUE}http://localhost:3000${NC}" echo -e "Default credentials: admin/admin" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start Grafana${NC}" fi if check_mcp_grafana; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP-Grafana bridge started successfully${NC}" echo -e "MCP-Grafana bridge is available at: ${BLUE}http://localhost:8085${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start MCP-Grafana bridge${NC}" fi fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 2) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping Grafana Stack...${NC}" echo "Stopping Grafana and MCP-Grafana containers..." docker compose stop grafana mcp-grafana echo -e "\n${GREEN}Grafana stack stopped. Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 3) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Opening Grafana in Browser...${NC}" if check_grafana; then echo "Opening Grafana UI..." if command_exists xdg-open; then xdg-open "http://localhost:3000" & elif command_exists open; then open "http://localhost:3000" & else echo -e "${YELLOW}Cannot automatically open browser.${NC}" echo -e "Please manually navigate to: ${BLUE}http://localhost:3000${NC}" fi else echo -e "${RED}Grafana is not running.${NC}" read -p "Would you like to start Grafana now? (y/n): " start_grafana if [ "$start_grafana" == "y" ]; then docker compose up -d grafana mcp-grafana echo "Waiting for Grafana to start..." sleep 10 if check_grafana; then echo -e "${GREEN}Grafana started successfully${NC}" echo -e "Access Grafana at: ${BLUE}http://localhost:3000${NC}" echo -e "Default credentials: admin/admin" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start Grafana${NC}" fi fi fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 4) echo -e "\n${BLUE}MCP-Grafana Status:${NC}" if check_mcp_grafana; then echo -e "${GREEN}MCP-Grafana bridge is running${NC}" echo -e "MCP-Grafana bridge is available at: ${BLUE}http://localhost:8085${NC}" # Check if we can get version info echo -e "\n${BLUE}MCP-Grafana Version Info:${NC}" curl -s "http://localhost:8085/version" | python3 -m json.tool || echo "Could not retrieve version information" echo -e "\n${BLUE}MCP-Grafana Health Check:${NC}" curl -s "http://localhost:8085/health" | python3 -m json.tool || echo "Could not retrieve health information" # List available dashboards echo -e "\n${BLUE}Available Dashboards:${NC}" curl -s "http://localhost:8085/grafana/dashboards" | python3 -m json.tool || echo "Could not retrieve dashboard list" else echo -e "${RED}MCP-Grafana bridge is not running${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 5) echo -e "\n${BLUE}Importing Dashboards to Grafana...${NC}" if check_grafana; then echo "Ensuring dashboards are properly provisioned..." # Check if our dashboards directory exists if [ -d "./grafana/dashboards" ] && [ "$(ls -A ./grafana/dashboards)" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Dashboards found in ./grafana/dashboards${NC}" echo "Restarting Grafana to pick up dashboards..." docker compose restart grafana echo -e "${GREEN}Grafana restarted. Dashboards should be available.${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}No dashboards found in ./grafana/dashboards${NC}" echo "Please make sure you have dashboard JSON files in the ./grafana/dashboards directory." fi else echo -e "${RED}Grafana is not running.${NC}" echo "Please start Grafana first." fi echo -e "\n${GREEN}Press Enter to continue...${NC}" read ;; 6) display_main_menu return ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Invalid choice. Press Enter to try again.${NC}" read grafana_menu ;; esac grafana_menu } # Main script execution display_main_menu