Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Action, ActionContext, ActionRunOptions, assertUnstable, defineAction, JSONSchema7, stripUndefinedProps, z, } from '@genkit-ai/core'; import { Registry } from '@genkit-ai/core/registry'; import { parseSchema, toJsonSchema } from '@genkit-ai/core/schema'; import { setCustomMetadataAttributes } from '@genkit-ai/core/tracing'; import { Part, ToolDefinition, ToolRequestPart, ToolResponsePart, } from './model.js'; import { ExecutablePrompt } from './prompt.js'; /** * An action with a `tool` type. */ export type ToolAction< I extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = Action<I, O, z.ZodTypeAny, ToolRunOptions> & { __action: { metadata: { type: 'tool'; }; }; /** * respond constructs a tool response corresponding to the provided interrupt tool request * using the provided reply data, validating it against the output schema of the tool if * it exists. * * @beta */ respond( /** The interrupt tool request to which you want to respond. */ interrupt: ToolRequestPart, /** * The data with which you want to respond. Must conform to a tool's output schema or an * interrupt's input schema. **/ outputData: z.infer<O>, options?: { metadata?: Record<string, any> } ): ToolResponsePart; /** * restart constructs a tool request corresponding to the provided interrupt tool request * that will then re-trigger the tool after e.g. a user confirms. The `resumedMetadata` * supplied to this method will be passed to the tool to allow for custom handling of * restart logic. * * @param interrupt The interrupt tool request you want to restart. * @param resumedMetadata The metadata you want to provide to the tool to aide in reprocessing. Defaults to `true` if none is supplied. * @param options Additional options for restarting the tool. * * @beta */ restart( interrupt: ToolRequestPart, resumedMetadata?: any, options?: { /** * Replace the existing input arguments to the tool with different ones, for example * if the user revised an action before confirming. When input is replaced, the existing * tool request will be amended in the message history. **/ replaceInput?: z.infer<I>; } ): ToolRequestPart; }; export interface ToolRunOptions extends ActionRunOptions<z.ZodTypeAny> { /** * If resumed is supplied to a tool at runtime, that means that it was previously interrupted and this is a second * @beta **/ resumed?: boolean | Record<string, any>; /** The metadata from the tool request that triggered this run. */ metadata?: Record<string, any>; } /** * Configuration for a tool. */ export interface ToolConfig<I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny> { /** Unique name of the tool to use as a key in the registry. */ name: string; /** Description of the tool. This is passed to the model to help understand what the tool is used for. */ description: string; /** Input Zod schema. Mutually exclusive with `inputJsonSchema`. */ inputSchema?: I; /** Input JSON schema. Mutually exclusive with `inputSchema`. */ inputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; /** Output Zod schema. Mutually exclusive with `outputJsonSchema`. */ outputSchema?: O; /** Output JSON schema. Mutually exclusive with `outputSchema`. */ outputJsonSchema?: JSONSchema7; /** Metadata to be passed to the tool. */ metadata?: Record<string, any>; } /** * A reference to a tool in the form of a name, definition, or the action itself. */ export type ToolArgument< I extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = string | ToolAction<I, O> | Action<I, O> | ExecutablePrompt<any, any, any>; /** * Converts an action to a tool action by setting the appropriate metadata. */ export function asTool<I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny>( registry: Registry, action: Action<I, O> ): ToolAction<I, O> { if (action.__action?.metadata?.type === 'tool') { return action as ToolAction<I, O>; } const fn = ((input) => { setCustomMetadataAttributes(registry, { subtype: 'tool' }); return action(input); }) as ToolAction<I, O>; fn.__action = { ...action.__action, metadata: { ...action.__action.metadata, type: 'tool' }, }; return fn; } /** * Resolves a mix of various formats of tool references to a list of tool actions by looking them up in the registry. */ export async function resolveTools< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( registry: Registry, tools?: (ToolArgument | ToolDefinition)[] ): Promise<ToolAction[]> { if (!tools || tools.length === 0) { return []; } return await Promise.all( (ref): Promise<ToolAction> => { if (typeof ref === 'string') { return await lookupToolByName(registry, ref); } else if ((ref as Action).__action) { return asTool(registry, ref as Action); } else if (typeof (ref as ExecutablePrompt).asTool === 'function') { return await (ref as ExecutablePrompt).asTool(); } else if ( { return await lookupToolByName( registry, (ref as ToolDefinition).metadata?.originalName || ); } throw new Error('Tools must be strings, tool definitions, or actions.'); }) ); } export async function lookupToolByName( registry: Registry, name: string ): Promise<ToolAction> { let tool = (await registry.lookupAction(name)) || (await registry.lookupAction(`/tool/${name}`)) || (await registry.lookupAction(`/prompt/${name}`)); if (!tool) { throw new Error(`Tool ${name} not found`); } return tool as ToolAction; } /** * Converts a tool action to a definition of the tool to be passed to a model. */ export function toToolDefinition( tool: Action<z.ZodTypeAny, z.ZodTypeAny> ): ToolDefinition { const originalName =; let name = originalName; if (originalName.includes('/')) { name = originalName.substring(originalName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } const out: ToolDefinition = { name, description: tool.__action.description || '', outputSchema: toJsonSchema({ schema: tool.__action.outputSchema ?? z.void(), jsonSchema: tool.__action.outputJsonSchema, })!, inputSchema: toJsonSchema({ schema: tool.__action.inputSchema ?? z.void(), jsonSchema: tool.__action.inputJsonSchema, })!, }; if (originalName !== name) { out.metadata = { originalName }; } return out; } export interface ToolFnOptions { /** * A function that can be called during tool execution that will result in the tool * getting interrupted (immediately) and tool request returned to the upstream caller. */ interrupt: (metadata?: Record<string, any>) => never; context: ActionContext; } export type ToolFn<I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny> = ( input: z.infer<I>, ctx: ToolFnOptions & ToolRunOptions ) => Promise<z.infer<O>>; /** * Defines a tool. * * A tool is an action that can be passed to a model to be called automatically if it so chooses. */ export function defineTool<I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny>( registry: Registry, config: ToolConfig<I, O>, fn: ToolFn<I, O> ): ToolAction<I, O> { const a = defineAction( registry, { ...config, actionType: 'tool', metadata: { ...(config.metadata || {}), type: 'tool' }, }, (i, runOptions) => { return fn(i, { ...runOptions, context: { ...runOptions.context }, interrupt: interruptTool(registry), }); } ); (a as ToolAction<I, O>).respond = (interrupt, responseData, options) => { assertUnstable( registry, 'beta', "The 'tool.reply' method is part of the 'interrupts' beta feature." ); parseSchema(responseData, { jsonSchema: config.outputJsonSchema, schema: config.outputSchema, }); return { toolResponse: stripUndefinedProps({ name:, ref: interrupt.toolRequest.ref, output: responseData, }), metadata: { interruptResponse: options?.metadata || true, }, }; }; (a as ToolAction<I, O>).restart = (interrupt, resumedMetadata, options) => { assertUnstable( registry, 'beta', "The 'tool.restart' method is part of the 'interrupts' beta feature." ); let replaceInput = options?.replaceInput; if (replaceInput) { replaceInput = parseSchema(replaceInput, { schema: config.inputSchema, jsonSchema: config.inputJsonSchema, }); } return { toolRequest: stripUndefinedProps({ name:, ref: interrupt.toolRequest.ref, input: replaceInput || interrupt.toolRequest.input, }), metadata: stripUndefinedProps({ ...interrupt.metadata, resumed: resumedMetadata || true, // annotate the original input if replacing it replacedInput: replaceInput ? interrupt.toolRequest.input : undefined, }), }; }; return a as ToolAction<I, O>; } /** InterruptConfig defines the options for configuring an interrupt. */ export type InterruptConfig< I extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, R extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = ToolConfig<I, R> & { /** requestMetadata adds additional `interrupt` metadata to the `toolRequest` generated by the interrupt */ requestMetadata?: | Record<string, any> | (( input: z.infer<I> ) => Record<string, any> | Promise<Record<string, any>>); }; export function isToolRequest(part: Part): part is ToolRequestPart { return !!part.toolRequest; } export function isToolResponse(part: Part): part is ToolResponsePart { return !!part.toolResponse; } export function defineInterrupt<I extends z.ZodTypeAny, O extends z.ZodTypeAny>( registry: Registry, config: InterruptConfig<I, O> ): ToolAction<I, O> { const { requestMetadata, ...toolConfig } = config; return defineTool<I, O>( registry, toolConfig, async (input, { interrupt }) => { if (!config.requestMetadata) interrupt(); else if (typeof config.requestMetadata === 'object') interrupt(config.requestMetadata); else interrupt(await Promise.resolve(config.requestMetadata(input))); } ); } /** * Thrown when tools execution is interrupted. It's meant to be caugh by the framework, not public API. */ export class ToolInterruptError extends Error { constructor(readonly metadata?: Record<string, any>) { super(); = 'ToolInterruptError'; } } /** * Interrupts current tool execution causing tool request to be returned in the generation response. * Should only be called within a tool. */ function interruptTool(registry: Registry) { return (metadata?: Record<string, any>): never => { assertUnstable(registry, 'beta', 'Tool interrupts are a beta feature.'); throw new ToolInterruptError(metadata); }; }