Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Action, defineAction, GenkitError, getStreamingCallback, SimpleMiddleware, StreamingCallback, z, } from '@genkit-ai/core'; import { logger } from '@genkit-ai/core/logging'; import { Registry } from '@genkit-ai/core/registry'; import { toJsonSchema } from '@genkit-ai/core/schema'; import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks'; import { DocumentDataSchema } from './document.js'; import { augmentWithContext, simulateConstrainedGeneration, validateSupport, } from './model/middleware.js'; export { defineGenerateAction } from './generate/action.js'; export { simulateConstrainedGeneration }; // // IMPORTANT: Please keep type definitions in sync with // genkit-tools/src/types/model.ts // const EmptyPartSchema = z.object({ text: z.never().optional(), media: z.never().optional(), toolRequest: z.never().optional(), toolResponse: z.never().optional(), data: z.unknown().optional(), metadata: z.record(z.unknown()).optional(), custom: z.record(z.unknown()).optional(), }); /** * Zod schema for a text part. */ export const TextPartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ /** The text of the message. */ text: z.string(), }); /** * Text part. */ export type TextPart = z.infer<typeof TextPartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a media part. */ export const MediaPartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ media: z.object({ /** The media content type. Inferred from data uri if not provided. */ contentType: z.string().optional(), /** A `data:` or `https:` uri containing the media content. */ url: z.string(), }), }); /** * Media part. */ export type MediaPart = z.infer<typeof MediaPartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a tool request part. */ export const ToolRequestPartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ /** A request for a tool to be executed, usually provided by a model. */ toolRequest: z.object({ /** The call id or reference for a specific request. */ ref: z.string().optional(), /** The name of the tool to call. */ name: z.string(), /** The input parameters for the tool, usually a JSON object. */ input: z.unknown().optional(), }), }); /** * Tool part. */ export type ToolRequestPart = z.infer<typeof ToolRequestPartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a tool response part. */ export const ToolResponsePartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ /** A provided response to a tool call. */ toolResponse: z.object({ /** The call id or reference for a specific request. */ ref: z.string().optional(), /** The name of the tool. */ name: z.string(), /** The output data returned from the tool, usually a JSON object. */ output: z.unknown().optional(), }), }); /** * Tool response part. */ export type ToolResponsePart = z.infer<typeof ToolResponsePartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a data part. */ export const DataPartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ data: z.unknown(), }); /** * Data part. */ export type DataPart = z.infer<typeof DataPartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a custom part. */ export const CustomPartSchema = EmptyPartSchema.extend({ custom: z.record(z.any()), }); /** * Custom part. */ export type CustomPart = z.infer<typeof CustomPartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of message part. */ export const PartSchema = z.union([ TextPartSchema, MediaPartSchema, ToolRequestPartSchema, ToolResponsePartSchema, DataPartSchema, CustomPartSchema, ]); /** * Message part. */ export type Part = z.infer<typeof PartSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a message role. */ export const RoleSchema = z.enum(['system', 'user', 'model', 'tool']); /** * Message role. */ export type Role = z.infer<typeof RoleSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a message. */ export const MessageSchema = z.object({ role: RoleSchema, content: z.array(PartSchema), metadata: z.record(z.unknown()).optional(), }); /** * Model message data. */ export type MessageData = z.infer<typeof MessageSchema>; /** * Zod schema of model info metadata. */ export const ModelInfoSchema = z.object({ /** Acceptable names for this model (e.g. different versions). */ versions: z.array(z.string()).optional(), /** Friendly label for this model (e.g. "Google AI - Gemini Pro") */ label: z.string().optional(), /** Supported model capabilities. */ supports: z .object({ /** Model can process historical messages passed with a prompt. */ multiturn: z.boolean().optional(), /** Model can process media as part of the prompt (multimodal input). */ media: z.boolean().optional(), /** Model can perform tool calls. */ tools: z.boolean().optional(), /** Model can accept messages with role "system". */ systemRole: z.boolean().optional(), /** Model can output this type of data. */ output: z.array(z.string()).optional(), /** Model supports output in these content types. */ contentType: z.array(z.string()).optional(), /** Model can natively support document-based context grounding. */ context: z.boolean().optional(), /** Model can natively support constrained generation. */ constrained: z.enum(['none', 'all', 'no-tools']).optional(), /** Model supports controlling tool choice, e.g. forced tool calling. */ toolChoice: z.boolean().optional(), }) .optional(), /** At which stage of development this model is. * - `featured` models are recommended for general use. * - `stable` models are well-tested and reliable. * - `unstable` models are experimental and may change. * - `legacy` models are no longer recommended for new projects. * - `deprecated` models are deprecated by the provider and may be removed in future versions. */ stage: z .enum(['featured', 'stable', 'unstable', 'legacy', 'deprecated']) .optional(), }); /** * Model info metadata. */ export type ModelInfo = z.infer<typeof ModelInfoSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a tool definition. */ export const ToolDefinitionSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), description: z.string(), inputSchema: z .record(z.any()) .describe('Valid JSON Schema representing the input of the tool.') .nullish(), outputSchema: z .record(z.any()) .describe('Valid JSON Schema describing the output of the tool.') .nullish(), metadata: z .record(z.any()) .describe('additional metadata for this tool definition') .optional(), }); /** * Tool definition. */ export type ToolDefinition = z.infer<typeof ToolDefinitionSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a common config object. */ export const GenerationCommonConfigSchema = z.object({ /** A specific version of a model family, e.g. `gemini-1.0-pro-001` for the `gemini-1.0-pro` family. */ version: z.string().optional(), temperature: z.number().optional(), maxOutputTokens: z.number().optional(), topK: z.number().optional(), topP: z.number().optional(), stopSequences: z.array(z.string()).optional(), }); /** * Common config object. */ export type GenerationCommonConfig = typeof GenerationCommonConfigSchema; /** * Zod schema of output config. */ export const OutputConfigSchema = z.object({ format: z.string().optional(), schema: z.record(z.any()).optional(), constrained: z.boolean().optional(), instructions: z.string().optional(), contentType: z.string().optional(), }); /** * Output config. */ export type OutputConfig = z.infer<typeof OutputConfigSchema>; /** ModelRequestSchema represents the parameters that are passed to a model when generating content. */ export const ModelRequestSchema = z.object({ messages: z.array(MessageSchema), config: z.any().optional(), tools: z.array(ToolDefinitionSchema).optional(), toolChoice: z.enum(['auto', 'required', 'none']).optional(), output: OutputConfigSchema.optional(), docs: z.array(DocumentDataSchema).optional(), }); /** ModelRequest represents the parameters that are passed to a model when generating content. */ export interface ModelRequest< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > extends z.infer<typeof ModelRequestSchema> { config?: z.infer<CustomOptionsSchema>; } /** * Zod schema of a generate request. */ export const GenerateRequestSchema = ModelRequestSchema.extend({ /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. This will always be `undefined`. */ candidates: z.number().optional(), }); /** * Generate request data. */ export type GenerateRequestData = z.infer<typeof GenerateRequestSchema>; /** * Generate request. */ export interface GenerateRequest< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > extends z.infer<typeof GenerateRequestSchema> { config?: z.infer<CustomOptionsSchema>; } /** * Zod schema of usage info from a generate request. */ export const GenerationUsageSchema = z.object({ inputTokens: z.number().optional(), outputTokens: z.number().optional(), totalTokens: z.number().optional(), inputCharacters: z.number().optional(), outputCharacters: z.number().optional(), inputImages: z.number().optional(), outputImages: z.number().optional(), inputVideos: z.number().optional(), outputVideos: z.number().optional(), inputAudioFiles: z.number().optional(), outputAudioFiles: z.number().optional(), custom: z.record(z.number()).optional(), }); /** * Usage info from a generate request. */ export type GenerationUsage = z.infer<typeof GenerationUsageSchema>; /** Model response finish reason enum. */ const FinishReasonSchema = z.enum([ 'stop', 'length', 'blocked', 'interrupted', 'other', 'unknown', ]); /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. Only the first candidate will be used if supplied. */ export const CandidateSchema = z.object({ index: z.number(), message: MessageSchema, usage: GenerationUsageSchema.optional(), finishReason: FinishReasonSchema, finishMessage: z.string().optional(), custom: z.unknown(), }); /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. Only the first candidate will be used if supplied. */ export type CandidateData = z.infer<typeof CandidateSchema>; /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. Only the first candidate will be used if supplied. */ export const CandidateErrorSchema = z.object({ index: z.number(), code: z.enum(['blocked', 'other', 'unknown']), message: z.string().optional(), }); /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. Only the first candidate will be used if supplied. */ export type CandidateError = z.infer<typeof CandidateErrorSchema>; /** * Zod schema of a model response. */ export const ModelResponseSchema = z.object({ message: MessageSchema.optional(), finishReason: FinishReasonSchema, finishMessage: z.string().optional(), latencyMs: z.number().optional(), usage: GenerationUsageSchema.optional(), /** @deprecated use `raw` instead */ custom: z.unknown(), raw: z.unknown(), request: GenerateRequestSchema.optional(), }); /** * Model response data. */ export type ModelResponseData = z.infer<typeof ModelResponseSchema>; /** * Zod schema of generaete response. */ export const GenerateResponseSchema = ModelResponseSchema.extend({ /** @deprecated All responses now return a single candidate. Only the first candidate will be used if supplied. Return `message`, `finishReason`, and `finishMessage` instead. */ candidates: z.array(CandidateSchema).optional(), finishReason: FinishReasonSchema.optional(), }); /** * Generate response data. */ export type GenerateResponseData = z.infer<typeof GenerateResponseSchema>; /** ModelResponseChunkSchema represents a chunk of content to stream to the client. */ export const ModelResponseChunkSchema = z.object({ role: RoleSchema.optional(), /** index of the message this chunk belongs to. */ index: z.number().optional(), /** The chunk of content to stream right now. */ content: z.array(PartSchema), /** Model-specific extra information attached to this chunk. */ custom: z.unknown().optional(), /** If true, the chunk includes all data from previous chunks. Otherwise, considered to be incremental. */ aggregated: z.boolean().optional(), }); export type ModelResponseChunkData = z.infer<typeof ModelResponseChunkSchema>; export const GenerateResponseChunkSchema = ModelResponseChunkSchema; export type GenerateResponseChunkData = z.infer< typeof GenerateResponseChunkSchema >; export type ModelAction< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = Action< typeof GenerateRequestSchema, typeof GenerateResponseSchema, typeof GenerateResponseChunkSchema > & { __configSchema: CustomOptionsSchema; }; export type ModelMiddleware = SimpleMiddleware< z.infer<typeof GenerateRequestSchema>, z.infer<typeof GenerateResponseSchema> >; export type DefineModelOptions< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > = { name: string; /** Known version names for this model, e.g. `gemini-1.0-pro-001`. */ versions?: string[]; /** Capabilities this model supports. */ supports?: ModelInfo['supports']; /** Custom options schema for this model. */ configSchema?: CustomOptionsSchema; /** Descriptive name for this model e.g. 'Google AI - Gemini Pro'. */ label?: string; /** Middleware to be used with this model. */ use?: ModelMiddleware[]; }; /** * Defines a new model and adds it to the registry. */ export function defineModel< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( registry: Registry, options: DefineModelOptions<CustomOptionsSchema>, runner: ( request: GenerateRequest<CustomOptionsSchema>, streamingCallback?: StreamingCallback<GenerateResponseChunkData> ) => Promise<GenerateResponseData> ): ModelAction<CustomOptionsSchema> { const label = options.label ||; const middleware: ModelMiddleware[] = [ ...(options.use || []), validateSupport(options), ]; if (!options?.supports?.context) middleware.push(augmentWithContext()); const constratedSimulator = simulateConstrainedGeneration(); middleware.push((req, next) => { if ( !options?.supports?.constrained || options?.supports?.constrained === 'none' || (options?.supports?.constrained === 'no-tools' && ( ?? 0) > 0) ) { return constratedSimulator(req, next); } return next(req); }); const act = defineAction( registry, { actionType: 'model', name:, description: label, inputSchema: GenerateRequestSchema, outputSchema: GenerateResponseSchema, metadata: { model: { label, customOptions: options.configSchema ? toJsonSchema({ schema: options.configSchema }) : undefined, versions: options.versions, supports: options.supports, }, }, use: middleware, }, (input) => { const startTimeMs =; return runner(input, getStreamingCallback(registry)).then((response) => { const timedResponse = { ...response, latencyMs: - startTimeMs, }; return timedResponse; }); } ); Object.assign(act, { __configSchema: options.configSchema || z.unknown(), }); return act as ModelAction<CustomOptionsSchema>; } export interface ModelReference<CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny> { name: string; configSchema?: CustomOptions; info?: ModelInfo; version?: string; config?: z.infer<CustomOptions>; withConfig(cfg: z.infer<CustomOptions>): ModelReference<CustomOptions>; withVersion(version: string): ModelReference<CustomOptions>; } /** Cretes a model reference. */ export function modelRef< CustomOptionsSchema extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, >( options: Omit< ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema>, 'withConfig' | 'withVersion' > ): ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema> { const ref: Partial<ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema>> = { ...options }; ref.withConfig = ( cfg: z.infer<CustomOptionsSchema> ): ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema> => { return modelRef({ ...options, config: cfg, }); }; ref.withVersion = (version: string): ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema> => { return modelRef({ ...options, version, }); }; return ref as ModelReference<CustomOptionsSchema>; } /** Container for counting usage stats for a single input/output {Part} */ type PartCounts = { characters: number; images: number; videos: number; audio: number; }; /** * Calculates basic usage statistics from the given model inputs and outputs. */ export function getBasicUsageStats( input: MessageData[], response: MessageData | CandidateData[] ): GenerationUsage { const inputCounts = getPartCounts(input.flatMap((md) => md.content)); const outputCounts = getPartCounts( Array.isArray(response) ? response.flatMap((c) => c.message.content) : response.content ); return { inputCharacters: inputCounts.characters, inputImages: inputCounts.images, inputVideos: inputCounts.videos, inputAudioFiles:, outputCharacters: outputCounts.characters, outputImages: outputCounts.images, outputVideos: outputCounts.videos, outputAudioFiles:, }; } function getPartCounts(parts: Part[]): PartCounts { return parts.reduce( (counts, part) => { const isImage ='image') ||'data:image'); const isVideo ='video') ||'data:video'); const isAudio ='audio') ||'data:audio'); return { characters: counts.characters + (part.text?.length || 0), images: counts.images + (isImage ? 1 : 0), videos: counts.videos + (isVideo ? 1 : 0), audio: + (isAudio ? 1 : 0), }; }, { characters: 0, images: 0, videos: 0, audio: 0 } ); } export type ModelArgument< CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = typeof GenerationCommonConfigSchema, > = ModelAction<CustomOptions> | ModelReference<CustomOptions> | string; export interface ResolvedModel< CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > { modelAction: ModelAction; config?: z.infer<CustomOptions>; version?: string; } export async function resolveModel<C extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny>( registry: Registry, model: ModelArgument<C> | undefined, options?: { warnDeprecated?: boolean } ): Promise<ResolvedModel<C>> { let out: ResolvedModel<C>; let modelId: string; if (!model) { model = await registry.lookupValue('defaultModel', 'defaultModel'); } if (!model) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: 'Must supply a `model` to `generate()` calls.', }); } if (typeof model === 'string') { modelId = model; out = { modelAction: await registry.lookupAction(`/model/${model}`) }; } else if (model.hasOwnProperty('__action')) { modelId = (model as ModelAction); out = { modelAction: model as ModelAction }; } else { const ref = model as ModelReference<any>; modelId =; out = { modelAction: (await registry.lookupAction( `/model/${}` )) as ModelAction, config: { ...ref.config, }, version: ref.version, }; } if (!out.modelAction) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'NOT_FOUND', message: `Model '${modelId}' not found`, }); } if ( options?.warnDeprecated && out.modelAction.__action.metadata?.model?.stage === 'deprecated' ) { logger.warn( `Model '${}' is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.` ); } return out; } export const GenerateActionOutputConfig = z.object({ format: z.string().optional(), contentType: z.string().optional(), instructions: z.union([z.boolean(), z.string()]).optional(), jsonSchema: z.any().optional(), constrained: z.boolean().optional(), }); export const GenerateActionOptionsSchema = z.object({ /** A model name (e.g. `vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro`). */ model: z.string(), /** Retrieved documents to be used as context for this generation. */ docs: z.array(DocumentDataSchema).optional(), /** Conversation history for multi-turn prompting when supported by the underlying model. */ messages: z.array(MessageSchema), /** List of registered tool names for this generation if supported by the underlying model. */ tools: z.array(z.string()).optional(), /** Tool calling mode. `auto` lets the model decide whether to use tools, `required` forces the model to choose a tool, and `none` forces the model not to use any tools. Defaults to `auto`. */ toolChoice: z.enum(['auto', 'required', 'none']).optional(), /** Configuration for the generation request. */ config: z.any().optional(), /** Configuration for the desired output of the request. Defaults to the model's default output if unspecified. */ output: GenerateActionOutputConfig.optional(), /** Options for resuming an interrupted generation. */ resume: z .object({ respond: z.array(ToolResponsePartSchema).optional(), restart: z.array(ToolRequestPartSchema).optional(), metadata: z.record(z.any()).optional(), }) .optional(), /** When true, return tool calls for manual processing instead of automatically resolving them. */ returnToolRequests: z.boolean().optional(), /** Maximum number of tool call iterations that can be performed in a single generate call (default 5). */ maxTurns: z.number().optional(), }); export type GenerateActionOptions = z.infer<typeof GenerateActionOptionsSchema>;