Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { extractJson } from './extract'; import { MessageData, Part, ToolRequestPart, ToolResponsePart } from './model'; export interface MessageParser<T = unknown> { (message: Message): T; } /** * Message represents a single role's contribution to a generation. Each message * can contain multiple parts (for example text and an image), and each generation * can contain multiple messages. */ export class Message<T = unknown> implements MessageData { role: MessageData['role']; content: Part[]; metadata?: Record<string, any>; parser?: MessageParser<T>; static parseData( lenientMessage: | string | (MessageData & { content: string | Part | Part[]; role: string }) | MessageData, defaultRole: MessageData['role'] = 'user' ): MessageData { if (typeof lenientMessage === 'string') { return { role: defaultRole, content: [{ text: lenientMessage }] }; } return { ...lenientMessage, content: Message.parseContent(lenientMessage.content), }; } static parse( lenientMessage: string | (MessageData & { content: string }) | MessageData ): Message { return new Message(Message.parseData(lenientMessage)); } static parseContent(lenientPart: string | Part | (string | Part)[]): Part[] { if (typeof lenientPart === 'string') { return [{ text: lenientPart }]; } else if (Array.isArray(lenientPart)) { return => (typeof p === 'string' ? { text: p } : p)); } else { return [lenientPart]; } } constructor(message: MessageData, options?: { parser?: MessageParser<T> }) { this.role = message.role; this.content = message.content; this.metadata = message.metadata; this.parser = options?.parser; } /** * Attempts to parse the content of the message according to the supplied * output parser. Without a parser, returns `data` contained in the message or * tries to parse JSON from the text of the message. * * @returns The structured output contained in the message. */ get output(): T { return this.parser?.(this) || || extractJson<T>(this.text); } toolResponseParts(): ToolResponsePart[] { const res = this.content.filter((part) => !!part.toolResponse); return res as ToolResponsePart[]; } /** * Concatenates all `text` parts present in the message with no delimiter. * @returns A string of all concatenated text parts. */ get text(): string { return => part.text || '').join(''); } /** * Returns the first media part detected in the message. Useful for extracting * (for example) an image from a generation expected to create one. * @returns The first detected `media` part in the message. */ get media(): { url: string; contentType?: string } | null { return this.content.find((part) => || null; } /** * Returns the first detected `data` part of a message. * @returns The first `data` part detected in the message (if any). */ get data(): T | null { return this.content.find((part) => as T | null; } /** * Returns all tool request found in this message. * @returns Array of all tool request found in this message. */ get toolRequests(): ToolRequestPart[] { return this.content.filter( (part) => !!part.toolRequest ) as ToolRequestPart[]; } /** * Returns all tool requests annotated with interrupt metadata. * @returns Array of all interrupt tool requests. */ get interrupts(): ToolRequestPart[] { return this.toolRequests.filter((t) => !!t.metadata?.interrupt); } /** * Converts the Message to a plain JS object. * @returns Plain JS object representing the data contained in the message. */ toJSON(): MessageData { let out: MessageData = { role: this.role, content: [...this.content], }; if (this.metadata) out.metadata = this.metadata; return out; } }