Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Action, ActionContext, GenkitError, StreamingCallback, runWithContext, runWithStreamingCallback, sentinelNoopStreamingCallback, z, } from '@genkit-ai/core'; import { Channel } from '@genkit-ai/core/async'; import { Registry } from '@genkit-ai/core/registry'; import { toJsonSchema } from '@genkit-ai/core/schema'; import { DocumentData } from './document.js'; import { injectInstructions, resolveFormat, resolveInstructions, } from './formats/index.js'; import { generateHelper, shouldInjectFormatInstructions, } from './generate/action.js'; import { GenerateResponseChunk } from './generate/chunk.js'; import { GenerateResponse } from './generate/response.js'; import { Message } from './message.js'; import { GenerateActionOptions, GenerateRequest, GenerationCommonConfigSchema, MessageData, ModelArgument, ModelMiddleware, Part, ToolRequestPart, ToolResponsePart, resolveModel, } from './model.js'; import { ExecutablePrompt } from './prompt.js'; import { ToolArgument, resolveTools, toToolDefinition } from './tool.js'; export { GenerateResponse, GenerateResponseChunk }; /** Specifies how tools should be called by the model. */ export type ToolChoice = 'auto' | 'required' | 'none'; export interface OutputOptions<O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny> { format?: string; contentType?: string; instructions?: boolean | string; schema?: O; jsonSchema?: any; constrained?: boolean; } /** ResumeOptions configure how to resume generation after an interrupt. */ export interface ResumeOptions { /** * respond should contain a single or list of `toolResponse` parts corresponding * to interrupt `toolRequest` parts from the most recent model message. Each * entry must have a matching `name` and `ref` (if supplied) for its `toolRequest` * counterpart. * * Tools have a `.respond` helper method to construct a reply ToolResponse and validate * the data against its schema. Call `myTool.respond(interruptToolRequest, yourReplyData)`. */ respond?: ToolResponsePart | ToolResponsePart[]; /** * restart will run a tool again with additionally supplied metadata passed through as * a `resumed` option in the second argument. This allows for scenarios like conditionally * requesting confirmation of an LLM's tool request. * * Tools have a `.restart` helper method to construct a restart ToolRequest. Call * `myTool.restart(interruptToolRequest, resumeMetadata)`. * */ restart?: ToolRequestPart | ToolRequestPart[]; /** Additional metadata to annotate the created tool message with in the "resume" key. */ metadata?: Record<string, any>; } export interface GenerateOptions< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, > { /** A model name (e.g. `vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro`) or reference. */ model?: ModelArgument<CustomOptions>; /** The system prompt to be included in the generate request. Can be a string for a simple text prompt or one or more parts for multi-modal prompts (subject to model support). */ system?: string | Part | Part[]; /** The prompt for which to generate a response. Can be a string for a simple text prompt or one or more parts for multi-modal prompts. */ prompt?: string | Part | Part[]; /** Retrieved documents to be used as context for this generation. */ docs?: DocumentData[]; /** Conversation messages (history) for multi-turn prompting when supported by the underlying model. */ messages?: (MessageData & { content: Part[] | string | (string | Part)[] })[]; /** List of registered tool names or actions to treat as a tool for this generation if supported by the underlying model. */ tools?: ToolArgument[]; /** Specifies how tools should be called by the model. */ toolChoice?: ToolChoice; /** Configuration for the generation request. */ config?: z.infer<CustomOptions>; /** Configuration for the desired output of the request. Defaults to the model's default output if unspecified. */ output?: OutputOptions<O>; /** * resume provides convenient capabilities for continuing generation * after an interrupt is triggered. Example: * * ```ts * const myInterrupt = ai.defineInterrupt({...}); * * const response = await ai.generate({ * tools: [myInterrupt], * prompt: "Call myInterrupt", * }); * * const interrupt = response.interrupts[0]; * * const resumedResponse = await ai.generate({ * messages: response.messages, * resume: myInterrupt.respond(interrupt, {note: "this is the reply data"}), * }); * ``` * * @beta */ resume?: ResumeOptions; /** When true, return tool calls for manual processing instead of automatically resolving them. */ returnToolRequests?: boolean; /** Maximum number of tool call iterations that can be performed in a single generate call (default 5). */ maxTurns?: number; /** When provided, models supporting streaming will call the provided callback with chunks as generation progresses. */ onChunk?: StreamingCallback<GenerateResponseChunk>; /** * When provided, models supporting streaming will call the provided callback with chunks as generation progresses. * * @deprecated use {@link onChunk} instead. */ streamingCallback?: StreamingCallback<GenerateResponseChunk>; /** Middleware to be used with this model call. */ use?: ModelMiddleware[]; /** Additional context (data, like e.g. auth) to be passed down to tools, prompts and other sub actions. */ context?: ActionContext; } export async function toGenerateRequest( registry: Registry, options: GenerateOptions ): Promise<GenerateRequest> { let messages: MessageData[] = []; if (options.system) { messages.push({ role: 'system', content: Message.parseContent(options.system), }); } if (options.messages) { messages.push( => Message.parseData(m))); } if (options.prompt) { messages.push({ role: 'user', content: Message.parseContent(options.prompt), }); } if (messages.length === 0) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: 'at least one message is required in generate request', }); } if ( options.resume && !( === 'model' && => !!p.toolRequest) ) ) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'FAILED_PRECONDITION', message: `Last message must be a 'model' role with at least one tool request to 'resume' generation.`, detail:, }); } let tools: Action<any, any>[] | undefined; if ( { tools = await resolveTools(registry,; } const resolvedSchema = toJsonSchema({ schema: options.output?.schema, jsonSchema: options.output?.jsonSchema, }); const resolvedFormat = await resolveFormat(registry, options.output); const instructions = resolveInstructions( resolvedFormat, resolvedSchema, options?.output?.instructions ); const out = { messages: shouldInjectFormatInstructions( resolvedFormat?.config, options.output ) ? injectInstructions(messages, instructions) : messages, config: options.config, docs:, tools: tools?.map(toToolDefinition) || [], output: { ...(resolvedFormat?.config || {}), ...options.output, schema: resolvedSchema, }, } as GenerateRequest; if (!out?.output?.schema) delete out?.output?.schema; return out; } export class GenerationResponseError extends GenkitError { detail: { response: GenerateResponse; [otherDetails: string]: any; }; constructor( response: GenerateResponse<any>, message: string, status?: GenkitError['status'], detail?: Record<string, any> ) { super({ status: status || 'FAILED_PRECONDITION', message, }); this.detail = { response, ...detail }; } } async function toolsToActionRefs( registry: Registry, toolOpt?: ToolArgument[] ): Promise<string[] | undefined> { if (!toolOpt) return; let tools: string[] = []; for (const t of toolOpt) { if (typeof t === 'string') { tools.push(await resolveFullToolName(registry, t)); } else if ((t as Action).__action) { tools.push( `/${(t as Action).__action.metadata?.type}/${(t as Action)}` ); } else if (typeof (t as ExecutablePrompt).asTool === 'function') { const promptToolAction = await (t as ExecutablePrompt).asTool(); tools.push(`/prompt/${}`); } else if ( { tools.push(await resolveFullToolName(registry,; } else { throw new Error(`Unable to determine type of tool: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`); } } return tools; } function messagesFromOptions(options: GenerateOptions): MessageData[] { const messages: MessageData[] = []; if (options.system) { messages.push({ role: 'system', content: Message.parseContent(options.system), }); } if (options.messages) { messages.push(...options.messages); } if (options.prompt) { messages.push({ role: 'user', content: Message.parseContent(options.prompt), }); } if (messages.length === 0) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: 'at least one message is required in generate request', }); } return messages; } /** A GenerationBlockedError is thrown when a generation is blocked. */ export class GenerationBlockedError extends GenerationResponseError {} /** * Generate calls a generative model based on the provided prompt and configuration. If * `history` is provided, the generation will include a conversation history in its * request. If `tools` are provided, the generate method will automatically resolve * tool calls returned from the model unless `returnToolRequests` is set to `true`. * * See `GenerateOptions` for detailed information about available options. * * @param options The options for this generation request. * @returns The generated response based on the provided parameters. */ export async function generate< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = typeof GenerationCommonConfigSchema, >( registry: Registry, options: | GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions> | PromiseLike<GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions>> ): Promise<GenerateResponse<z.infer<O>>> { const resolvedOptions: GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions> = { ...(await Promise.resolve(options)), }; const resolvedModel = await resolveModel(registry, resolvedOptions.model); const tools = await toolsToActionRefs(registry,; const messages: MessageData[] = messagesFromOptions(resolvedOptions); const resolvedSchema = toJsonSchema({ schema: resolvedOptions.output?.schema, jsonSchema: resolvedOptions.output?.jsonSchema, }); // If is schema is set but format is not explicitly set, default to `json` format. if ( (resolvedOptions.output?.schema || resolvedOptions.output?.jsonSchema) && !resolvedOptions.output?.format ) { resolvedOptions.output.format = 'json'; } const resolvedFormat = await resolveFormat(registry, resolvedOptions.output); const params: GenerateActionOptions = { model:, docs:, messages: messages, tools, toolChoice: resolvedOptions.toolChoice, config: { version: resolvedModel.version, ...stripUndefinedOptions(resolvedModel.config), ...stripUndefinedOptions(resolvedOptions.config), }, output: resolvedOptions.output && { ...resolvedOptions.output, format: resolvedOptions.output.format, jsonSchema: resolvedSchema, }, // coerce reply and restart into arrays for the action schema resume: resolvedOptions.resume && { respond: [resolvedOptions.resume.respond || []].flat(), restart: [resolvedOptions.resume.restart || []].flat(), metadata: resolvedOptions.resume.metadata, }, returnToolRequests: resolvedOptions.returnToolRequests, maxTurns: resolvedOptions.maxTurns, }; // if config is empty and it was not explicitly passed in, we delete it, don't want {} if (Object.keys(params.config).length === 0 && !resolvedOptions.config) { delete params.config; } return await runWithStreamingCallback( registry, stripNoop(resolvedOptions.onChunk ?? resolvedOptions.streamingCallback), async () => { const response = await runWithContext( registry, resolvedOptions.context, () => generateHelper(registry, { rawRequest: params, middleware: resolvedOptions.use, }) ); const request = await toGenerateRequest(registry, { ...resolvedOptions, tools, }); return new GenerateResponse<O>(response, { request: response.request ?? request, parser: resolvedFormat?.handler(request.output?.schema).parseMessage, }); } ); } /** * Check if the callback is a noop callback and return undefined -- downstream models * expect undefined if no streaming is requested. */ function stripNoop<T>( callback: StreamingCallback<T> | undefined ): StreamingCallback<T> | undefined { if (callback === sentinelNoopStreamingCallback) { return undefined; } return callback; } function stripUndefinedOptions(input?: any): any { if (!input) return input; const copy = { ...input }; Object.keys(input).forEach((key) => { if (copy[key] === undefined) { delete copy[key]; } }); return copy; } async function resolveFullToolName( registry: Registry, name: string ): Promise<string> { if (await registry.lookupAction(`/tool/${name}`)) { return `/tool/${name}`; } else if (await registry.lookupAction(`/prompt/${name}`)) { return `/prompt/${name}`; } else { throw new Error(`Unable to determine type of of tool: ${name}`); } } export type GenerateStreamOptions< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = typeof GenerationCommonConfigSchema, > = Omit<GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions>, 'streamingCallback'>; export interface GenerateStreamResponse<O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny> { get stream(): AsyncIterable<GenerateResponseChunk>; get response(): Promise<GenerateResponse<O>>; } export function generateStream< O extends z.ZodTypeAny = z.ZodTypeAny, CustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny = typeof GenerationCommonConfigSchema, >( registry: Registry, options: | GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions> | PromiseLike<GenerateOptions<O, CustomOptions>> ): GenerateStreamResponse<O> { let channel = new Channel<GenerateResponseChunk>(); const generated = Promise.resolve(options).then((resolvedOptions) => generate<O, CustomOptions>(registry, { ...resolvedOptions, onChunk: (chunk) => channel.send(chunk), }) ); generated.then( () => channel.close(), (err) => channel.error(err) ); return { response: generated, stream: channel, }; } export function tagAsPreamble(msgs?: MessageData[]): MessageData[] | undefined { if (!msgs) { return undefined; } return => ({ ...m, metadata: { ...m.metadata, preamble: true, }, })); }