MCP Ethers Wallet


Send a transaction with advanced options including gas limit, gas price, and nonce

Input Schema

chainIdNoOptional. The chain ID to use for the transaction. If provided, will verify it matches the provider's network.
dataNoOptional. Data to include in the transaction
gasLimitNoOptional. The gas limit for the transaction
gasPriceNoOptional. The gas price in gwei
nonceNoOptional. The nonce to use for the transaction
providerNoOptional. Either a network name or custom RPC URL. Use getSupportedNetworks to get a list of supported networks.
toYesThe recipient address
valueYesThe amount of ETH to send

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "chainId": { "description": "Optional. The chain ID to use for the transaction. If provided, will verify it matches the provider's network.", "type": "number" }, "data": { "description": "Optional. Data to include in the transaction", "type": "string" }, "gasLimit": { "description": "Optional. The gas limit for the transaction", "type": "string" }, "gasPrice": { "description": "Optional. The gas price in gwei", "type": "string" }, "nonce": { "description": "Optional. The nonce to use for the transaction", "type": "number" }, "provider": { "description": "Optional. Either a network name or custom RPC URL. Use getSupportedNetworks to get a list of supported networks.", "type": "string" }, "to": { "description": "The recipient address", "type": "string" }, "value": { "description": "The amount of ETH to send", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "to", "value" ], "type": "object" }