MCP Ethers Wallet
Check if there is a wallet configured on the server. Returns basic wallet info like address but never exposes private keys.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
provider | No | Optional. Either a network name or custom RPC URL. Use getSupportedNetworks to get a list of supported networks. If not provided, uses the default network. |
Input Schema (JSON Schema)
You must be authenticated.
Other Tools
- checkWalletExists
- contractCall
- contractCallView
- contractCallWithEstimate
- contractCallWithOverrides
- contractEvents
- contractSendTransaction
- contractSendTransactionWithEstimate
- contractSendTransactionWithOverrides
- formatEther
- formatUnits
- getBlockDetails
- getBlockNumber
- getContractCode
- getERC20Balance
- getFeeData
- getGasPrice
- getSupportedNetworks
- getTransactionDetails
- getTransactionsByBlock
- getWalletBalance
- getWalletTransactionCount
- lookupAddress
- parseEther
- parseUnits
- queryLogs
- resolveName
- sendRawTransaction
- sendTransaction
- sendTransactionWithOptions
- signMessage