MCP Ethers Wallet
Get a list of all supported networks and their configurations. Shows which network is the default (used when no provider is specified). Call this first to discover available networks before using other network-related functions.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
No arguments |
Input Schema (JSON Schema)
You must be authenticated.
Other Tools
- checkWalletExists
- contractCall
- contractCallView
- contractCallWithEstimate
- contractCallWithOverrides
- contractEvents
- contractSendTransaction
- contractSendTransactionWithEstimate
- contractSendTransactionWithOverrides
- formatEther
- formatUnits
- getBlockDetails
- getBlockNumber
- getContractCode
- getERC20Balance
- getFeeData
- getGasPrice
- getSupportedNetworks
- getTransactionDetails
- getTransactionsByBlock
- getWalletBalance
- getWalletTransactionCount
- lookupAddress
- parseEther
- parseUnits
- queryLogs
- resolveName
- sendRawTransaction
- sendTransaction
- sendTransactionWithOptions
- signMessage