MCP Ethers Wallet
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
PRIVATE_KEY | No | Private key for transaction signing (optional) | |
ALCHEMY_API_KEY | Yes | Your Alchemy API key for network access | |
DEFAULT_NETWORK | No | Default network to use | mainnet |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
getSupportedNetworks | Get a list of all supported networks and their configurations. Shows which network is the default (used when no provider is specified). Call this first to discover available networks before using other network-related functions. |
checkWalletExists | Check if there is a wallet configured on the server. Returns basic wallet info like address but never exposes private keys. |
getWalletBalance | Get the ETH balance of a wallet |
getERC20Balance | Get the ERC20 token balance of a wallet |
getWalletTransactionCount | Get the number of transactions ever sent by an address |
getBlockNumber | Get the current block number |
getBlockDetails | Get details about a block |
getTransactionDetails | Get details about a transaction |
getGasPrice | Get the current gas price |
getFeeData | Get the current network fee data |
getContractCode | Get a contract's bytecode |
lookupAddress | Get the ENS name for an address |
resolveName | Get the address for an ENS name |
formatEther | Convert a wei value to a decimal string in ether |
parseEther | Convert an ether value to wei |
formatUnits | Convert a value to a decimal string with specified units |
parseUnits | Convert a decimal string to its smallest unit representation |
sendTransaction | Send ETH from the server's wallet to a recipient |
signMessage | Sign a message using the server's wallet |
contractCall | Call a view/pure method on a smart contract (read-only operations) |
contractCallView | Call a view/pure method on a smart contract (read-only operations) |
contractCallWithEstimate | Call a method on a smart contract with automatic gas estimation |
contractSendTransaction | Call a method on a smart contract and send a transaction with custom parameters |
contractSendTransactionWithEstimate | Call a method on a smart contract and send a transaction with automatic gas estimation |
contractCallWithOverrides | Call a method on a smart contract with advanced options |
contractSendTransactionWithOverrides | Call a method on a smart contract and send a transaction with custom parameters |
sendRawTransaction | Send a raw transaction |
queryLogs | Query historical logs |
contractEvents | Query historical events from a contract |
sendTransactionWithOptions | Send a transaction with advanced options including gas limit, gas price, and nonce |
getTransactionsByBlock | Get details about transactions in a specific block. |