MCP Servers for Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Why this server?
Allows connecting to a Kubernetes cluster to manage it, including listing, creating, deleting, and describing pods, services, deployments, and namespaces
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityTypeScript implementation of Kubernetes cluster operations for pods, deployments, services.925597JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides tools for listing and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters across different regions.
Why this server?
Allows running kubectl commands to interact with Kubernetes clusters using a specified kubeconfig path, with support for command line piping and automatic interpretation of command results
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA MCP server that can run Kubernetes commands with a given kubeconfig path and provide interpretation of the commands.12JavaScriptWhy this server?
Enables querying and interacting with Kubernetes clusters through the Metoro observability platform APIs exposed to Claude
-securityAlicense-qualityQuery and interact with kubernetes environments monitored by Metoro. Look at APM, metrics, traces, profiling information with LLMs.20GoMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Kubernetes cluster operations through MCP
Why this server?
Allows viewing and managing Kubernetes resources including configuration, generic resources, and pods. Supports operations like CRUD on any Kubernetes resource, listing/getting/deleting pods, showing pod logs, and running container images.
manusaVerified-securityAlicense-qualityA powerful and flexible Kubernetes MCP server implementation with support for OpenShift.19GoApache 2.0Why this server?
Provides a read-only interface to Kubernetes clusters for retrieving comprehensive cluster information and diagnosing issues, including namespace management, pod status monitoring, node capacity checking, and resource management across deployments and services.
-securityAlicense-qualityA read-only MCP server for Kubernetes that allows querying cluster information and diagnosing issues through natural language interfaces like Claude.PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Connects to Kubernetes clusters to list contexts, namespaces, nodes, resources (pods, services, deployments), fetch resource details, list events, and get pod logs
strowkVerified-securityAlicense-qualityThis project is intended as a both MCP server connecting to Kubernetes and a library to build more servers for any custom resources in Kubernetes.91GoMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Mentioned in usage examples for content editing and as a topic for technical content that can be enhanced using the OSP editing tools.
-securityAlicense-qualityEnables seamless integration with any LLM client supporting MCP for creating and optimizing technical content and product positioning using Open Strategy Partners' methodologies.53PythonCC BY-SA 4.0Why this server?
Reports on local Kubernetes configuration and kubectl installation details.
-securityFlicense-qualityAn MCP server that provides detailed information about your development environment to the Cursor code editor, enabling more context-aware assistance.1PythonWhy this server?
Enables extraction and formatting of error logs from Kubernetes clusters through the Datadog API