
  • Research & Data
  • Apple
security – no known vulnerabilities (report Issue)
license - permissive license (MIT)
quality - confirmed to work

Enables autonomous data exploration on .csv-based datasets, providing intelligent insights with minimal effort.

  1. Tools
  2. Prompts
  3. Resources
  4. Server Configuration


Interactive templates invoked by user choice

explore-dataA prompt to explore a csv dataset as a data scientist


Contextual data attached and managed by the client

Data Exploration NotesNotes generated by the data exploration server


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

load_csv Load CSV File Tool Purpose: Load a local CSV file into a DataFrame. Usage Notes: • If a df_name is not provided, the tool will automatically assign names sequentially as df_1, df_2, and so on.
run_script Python Script Execution Tool Purpose: Execute Python scripts for specific data analytics tasks. Allowed Actions 1. Print Results: Output will be displayed as the script’s stdout. 2. [Optional] Save DataFrames: Store DataFrames in memory for future use by specifying a save_to_memory name. Prohibited Actions 1. Overwriting Original DataFrames: Do not modify existing DataFrames to preserve their integrity for future tasks. 2. Creating Charts: Chart generation is not permitted.

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.


No arguments

MCP Server for Data Exploration

MCP Server is a versatile tool designed for interactive data exploration.

Your personal Data Scientist assistant, turning complex datasets into clear, actionable insights.

🚀 Try it Out

  1. Download Claude Desktop
  2. Install and Set Up
    • On macOS, run the following command in your terminal:
  3. Load Templates and Tools
    • Once the server is running, wait for the prompt template and tools to load in Claude Desktop.
  4. Start Exploring
    • Select the explore-data prompt template from MCP
    • Begin your conversation by providing the required inputs:
      • csv_path: Local path to the CSV file
      • topic: The topic of exploration (e.g., "Weather patterns in New York" or "Housing prices in California")


These are examples of how you can use MCP Server to explore data without any human intervention.

Case 1: California Real Estate Listing Prices

Watch the video

Case 2: Weather in London

<img width="1622" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 12 48 56 AM" src=""> <img width="1623" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 12 47 54 AM" src=""> <img width="1622" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 12 47 00 AM" src="">

📦 Components


  • explore-data: Tailored for data exploration tasks


  1. load-csv
    • Function: Loads a CSV file into a DataFrame
    • Arguments:
      • csv_path (string, required): Path to the CSV file
      • df_name (string, optional): Name for the DataFrame. Defaults to df_1, df_2, etc., if not provided
  2. run-script
    • Function: Executes a Python script
    • Arguments:
      • script (string, required): The script to execute

⚙️ Modifying the Server

Claude Desktop Configurations

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Development (Unpublished Servers)

"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-ds": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/Users/username/src/mcp-server-ds", "run", "mcp-server-ds" ] } }

Published Servers

"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-ds": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-server-ds" ] } }

🛠️ Development

Building and Publishing

  1. Sync Dependencies
    uv sync
  2. Build Distributions
    uv build
    Generates source and wheel distributions in the dist/ directory.
  3. Publish to PyPI
    uv publish

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Whether you're fixing bugs, adding features, or improving documentation, your help makes this project better.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, open an issue in the issues section. Include:

  • Steps to reproduce (if applicable)
  • Expected vs. actual behavior
  • Screenshots or error logs (if relevant)

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

💬 Get in Touch

Questions? Feedback? Open an issue or reach out to the maintainers. Let's make this project awesome together!


This is an open source project run by ReadingPlus.AI LLC. and open to contributions from the entire community.

GitHub Badge

Glama performs regular codebase and documentation scans to:

  • Confirm that the MCP server is working as expected.
  • Confirm that there are no obvious security issues with dependencies of the server.
  • Extract server characteristics such as tools, resources, prompts, and required parameters.

Our directory badge helps users to quickly asses that the MCP server is safe, server capabilities, and instructions for installing the server.

Copy the following code to your file:

Alternative MCP servers

  • -
    An MCP server that provides safe, read-only access to SQLite databases through MCP. This server is built with the FastMCP framework, which enables LLMs to explore and query SQLite databases with built-in safety features and query validation.
  • A
    This server enables AI models to interact with MySQL databases through a standardized interface.