
hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Allows for interacting with Splunk Enterprise/Cloud through natural language queries. Supports executing Splunk searches, managing indexes, viewing users, and performing KV store operations.

Splunk MCP (Model Context Protocol) Tool

A FastMCP-based tool for interacting with Splunk Enterprise/Cloud through natural language. This tool provides a set of capabilities for searching Splunk data, managing KV stores, and accessing Splunk resources through an intuitive interface.


  • Splunk Search: Execute Splunk searches with natural language queries
  • Index Management: List and inspect Splunk indexes
  • User Management: View and manage Splunk users
  • KV Store Operations: Create, list, and manage KV store collections
  • Async Support: Built with async/await patterns for better performance
  • Detailed Logging: Comprehensive logging with emoji indicators for better visibility
  • SSL Configuration: Flexible SSL verification options for different security requirements
  • Enhanced Debugging: Detailed connection and error logging for troubleshooting
  • Comprehensive Testing: Unit tests covering all major functionality


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Poetry for dependency management
  • Splunk Enterprise/Cloud instance
  • Appropriate Splunk credentials with necessary permissions


Option 1: Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd splunk-mcp
  1. Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
  1. Copy the example environment file and configure your settings:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Update the .env file with your Splunk credentials:

Option 2: Docker Installation

  1. Pull the latest image:
docker pull livehybrid/splunk-mcp:latest
  1. Create your .env file as above or use environment variables directly.
  2. Run using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d

Or using Docker directly:

docker run -i \ --env-file .env \ livehybrid/splunk-mcp


Local Usage

The tool can run in two modes:

  1. STDIO mode (default) - for command-line integration:
poetry run python splunk_mcp.py
  1. SSE mode - for web server integration:
poetry run python splunk_mcp.py sse

Docker Usage

If using Docker Compose:

# Start the service in STDIO mode (default) docker-compose up -d # Start in SSE mode docker-compose run --rm splunk-mcp python splunk_mcp.py sse

If using Docker directly:

# Start in STDIO mode (default) docker run -i \ --env-file .env \ livehybrid/splunk-mcp # Start in SSE mode docker run -d \ -p 3000:3000 \ --env-file .env \ livehybrid/splunk-mcp python splunk_mcp.py sse

Environment Variables

Configure the following environment variables:

  • SPLUNK_HOST: Your Splunk host address
  • SPLUNK_PORT: Splunk management port (default: 8089)
  • SPLUNK_USERNAME: Your Splunk username
  • SPLUNK_PASSWORD: Your Splunk password
  • SPLUNK_SCHEME: Connection scheme (default: https)
  • VERIFY_SSL: Enable/disable SSL verification (default: true)
  • FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL: Logging level (default: INFO)

SSL Configuration

The tool provides flexible SSL verification options:

  1. Default (Secure) Mode:
  • Full SSL certificate verification
  • Hostname verification enabled
  • Recommended for production environments
  1. Relaxed Mode:
  • SSL certificate verification disabled
  • Hostname verification disabled
  • Useful for testing or self-signed certificates


Connection Issues

  1. Basic Connectivity:
  • The tool now performs a basic TCP connectivity test
  • Check if port 8089 is accessible
  • Verify network routing and firewalls
  1. SSL Issues:
  • If seeing SSL errors, try setting VERIFY_SSL=false
  • Check certificate validity and trust chain
  • Verify hostname matches certificate
  1. Authentication Issues:
  • Verify Splunk credentials
  • Check user permissions
  • Ensure account is not locked
  1. Debugging:
  • Set FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG for detailed logs
  • Check connection logs for specific error messages
  • Review SSL configuration messages

Available Tools

  1. search_splunk
    • Execute Splunk searches with customizable time ranges
    • Example: Search for events in the last hour
    search_query="index=* | stats count by host"
  2. list_indexes
    • List all available Splunk indexes with metadata
    • Shows event counts, sizes, and time ranges
  3. list_users
    • Display all Splunk users and their roles
    • Includes user metadata and permissions
  4. KV Store Operations
    • list_kvstore_collections: View all KV store collections
    • create_kvstore_collection: Create new collections
    • delete_kvstore_collection: Remove existing collections


Running Tests

poetry run pytest


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Submit a pull request

Claude Desktop Integration

You can integrate Splunk MCP directly with Claude Desktop by adding configuration to your claude_desktop_config.json file (typically located at ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json on macOS).

Configuration Example

Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "tools": { "splunk": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "-i", "--rm", "-e", "SPLUNK_HOST", "-e", "SPLUNK_USERNAME", "-e", "SPLUNK_PASSWORD", "-e", "SPLUNK_PORT", "livehybrid/splunk-mcp", "python", "splunk_mcp.py", "stdio" ], "env": { "SPLUNK_HOST": "yourSplunkInstance.splunkcloud.com", "SPLUNK_USERNAME": "admin", "SPLUNK_PASSWORD": "yourPassword", "SPLUNK_PORT": "8089" } } } }

Configuration Parameters

  1. Docker Configuration:
    • Uses the official livehybrid/splunk-mcp image
    • Runs in interactive mode (-i)
    • Automatically removes container after execution (--rm)
    • Uses STDIO mode for Claude integration
  2. Environment Variables:
    • SPLUNK_HOST: Your Splunk instance URL
    • SPLUNK_USERNAME: Your Splunk username
    • SPLUNK_PORT: Splunk management port (typically 8089)
    • SPLUNK_PASSWORD: Your Splunk password

Security Note

When configuring the tool with Claude Desktop:

  • Store your claude_desktop_config.json in a secure location
  • Use appropriate file permissions
  • Consider using environment variables or a credential manager for sensitive values
  • Never share your configuration file containing credentials


[Your License Here]


  • FastMCP framework
  • Splunk SDK for Python
  • Python-decouple for configuration management
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A FastMCP-based tool for interacting with Splunk Enterprise/Cloud through natural language. This tool provides a set of capabilities for searching Splunk data, managing KV stores, and accessing Splunk resources

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Option 1: Local Installation
          1. Option 2: Docker Installation
          2. Usage
            1. Local Usage
              1. Docker Usage
                1. Environment Variables
                  1. SSL Configuration
                    1. Troubleshooting
                      1. Connection Issues
                      2. Available Tools
                      3. Development
                        1. Running Tests
                          1. Contributing
                          2. Claude Desktop Integration
                            1. Configuration Example
                              1. Configuration Parameters
                                1. Security Note
                                2. License
                                  1. Acknowledgments