Encoding DevOps MCP Server
- src
- encoding_devops
import webbrowser
from urllib.parse import quote
from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context
from encoding_devops.mcp_instance import AppContext, mcp
async def get_job_by_name(name: str, ctx: Context) -> str:
"""Get details of an encoding job by its name"""
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
job_data = await app_ctx.client.get_job_by_name(name)
return job_data
async def get_job_tasks_by_id(job_id: str, ctx: Context) -> str:
"""Get tasks for a specific job by its ID"""
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
tasks_data = await app_ctx.client.get_job_tasks_by_id(job_id)
return tasks_data
async def get_clients(ctx: Context) -> str:
"""Get list of all clients"""
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
clients_data = await app_ctx.client.get_clients()
return clients_data
async def is_cluster_busy(ctx: Context) -> str:
"""Check if the encoding cluster is busy (has jobs in progress)"""
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
jobs_count = await app_ctx.client.get_inprogress_jobs_count()
is_busy = jobs_count > 0
return {"is_busy": is_busy, "jobs_count": jobs_count, "status": "busy" if is_busy else "not busy"}
async def get_latest_jobs(limit: int, ctx: Context) -> str:
Get the most recent encoding jobs
limit: Number of jobs to return (default: 3, max: 10)
String representation of the latest jobs
if not 1 <= limit <= 10:
return "Error: Limit must be between 1 and 10 jobs"
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
jobs_data = await app_ctx.client.get_latest_jobs(limit)
return {"count": len(jobs_data) if jobs_data else 0, "limit": limit, "jobs": jobs_data if jobs_data else []}
async def search_movie(title: str, ctx: Context) -> str:
Search for a movie by title
title: Movie title to search for
String representation of the search results
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
results = await app_ctx.omdb_client.search_movie(title)
return {"query": title, "total_results": int(results.get("totalResults", 0)), "movies": results.get("Search", [])}
async def get_movie_details(imdb_id: str, ctx: Context) -> str:
Get detailed information about a movie by its IMDB ID
imdb_id: IMDB ID of the movie (e.g., 'tt0111161')
String representation of the movie details
app_ctx: AppContext = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context
movie_data = await app_ctx.omdb_client.get_movie_details(imdb_id)
if not movie_data:
return {"error": f"No movie found with IMDB ID: {imdb_id}"}
return movie_data
async def open_email(
body: str, to: str = "", subject: str = "", cc: str = "", bcc: str = "", ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
Opens the default email client with your message ready to go
body: What you want to say in the email
to: Who to send it to (optional)
subject: Email subject line (optional)
cc: CC recipients (optional)
bcc: BCC recipients (optional)
ctx: MCP context
str: Quick status message so you know it worked
# URL encode everything (handles special characters and spaces)
params = []
# Start with the body since it's required
# Add any optional fields that were provided
if subject:
if cc:
if bcc:
# Build the mailto URL - if we have a recipient, include it in the base URL
mailto_base = f"mailto:{quote(to)}?" if to else "mailto:?"
mailto_url = mailto_base + "&".join(params)
# Fire up the email client
webbrowser.open(mailto_url, new=1)
return "Ready to go! Your email client should be open with the template loaded."