Excel MCP Server

by zhiwei5576

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.

Excel MCP Server

įŽ€äŊ“中文 | English

Excel file processing server based on Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing functionalities for reading, writing, and analyzing Excel files.


  • 📖 Read Excel Files
    • Get worksheet list
    • Read specific worksheet data
    • Read all worksheets data
  • ✍ī¸ Write Excel Files
    • Create new Excel files
    • Write to specific worksheet
    • Support multiple worksheets
  • 🔍 Analyze Excel Structure
    • Analyze worksheet structure
    • Export structure to new file
  • 💾 Cache Management
    • Automatic file content caching
    • Scheduled cache cleanup
    • Manual cache clearing
  • 📝 Log Management
    • Automatic operation logging
    • Periodic log cleanup


Installing via Smithery

To install excel-mcp-server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @zhiweixu/excel-mcp-server --client claude

Installing Manually

Installing via NPM excel-mcp-server can be automatically installed by adding the following configuration to the MCP servers configuration.

Windows Platform:

{ "mcpServers": { "excel": { "command": "cmd", "args": ["/c", "npx", "--yes", "@zhiweixu/excel-mcp-server"], "env": { "LOG_PATH": "[set an accessible absolute path]" } } }

Other Platforms:

{ "mcpServers": { "excel": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@zhiweixu/excel-mcp-server"], "env": { "LOG_PATH": "[set an accessible absolute path]" } } }

Note: LOG_PATH is optional. If not set, logs will be stored in the 'logs' folder under the application root directory.

API Tools

Structure Tools

  1. analyzeExcelStructure
    • Function: Get Excel file structure including sheet list and column headers in JSON format
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file
      • headerRows: Number of header rows (default: 1)
  2. exportExcelStructure
    • Function: Export Excel file structure (sheets and headers) to a new Excel template file
    • Parameters:
      • sourceFilePath: Source Excel file path
      • targetFilePath: Target Excel file path
      • headerRows: Number of header rows (default: 1)

Read Tools

  1. readSheetNames
    • Function: Get all sheet names from the Excel file
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file
  2. readDataBySheetName
    • Function: Get data from a specific sheet in the Excel file
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file
      • sheetName: Name of the sheet to read
      • headerRow: Header row number (default: 1)
      • dataStartRow: Data start row number (default: 2)
  3. readSheetData
    • Function: Get data from all sheets in the Excel file
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file
      • headerRow: Header row number (default: 1)
      • dataStartRow: Data start row number (default: 2)

Write Tools

  1. writeDataBySheetName
    • Function: Write data to a specific sheet in the Excel file (overwrites if sheet exists)
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file
      • sheetName: Name of the sheet to write
      • data: Array of data to write
  2. writeSheetData
    • Function: Create a new Excel file with provided data
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path for the new Excel file
      • data: Object containing multiple sheet data

Cache Tools

  1. clearFileCache
    • Function: Clear cached data for the specified Excel file
    • Parameters:
      • fileAbsolutePath: Absolute path of the Excel file to clear from cache


  • Cache Configuration
    • Cache expiration time: 1 hour
    • Cache cleanup interval: 4 hours
  • Log Configuration
    • Log retention days: 7 days
    • Cleanup interval: 24 hours


  • @modelcontextprotocol/sdk: ^1.7.0
  • xlsx: ^0.18.5
  • typescript: ^5.8.2

Development Dependencies

  • @types/node: ^22.13.10
  • nodemon: ^3.1.9
  • ts-node: ^10.9.2


This project is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to:

  • Use the software for commercial or non-commercial purposes
  • Modify the source code
  • Distribute original or modified code Requirements:
  • Retain the original copyright notice
  • No liability can be claimed against the authors for software use For detailed license information,please see the LICENSE file.
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Enables seamless reading, writing, and analyzing of Excel files through Model Context Protocol, with features for worksheet management, structure analysis, and automated caching.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Installing via Smithery
      2. Installing Manually
    2. API Tools
      1. Structure Tools
      2. Read Tools
      3. Write Tools
      4. Cache Tools
    3. Configuration
      1. Dependencies
        1. Development Dependencies
          1. License