Talk to Figma MCP

by yhc984

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows Cursor AI to communicate with Figma for reading designs and modifying them programmatically, including creating elements (rectangles, frames, text), styling (colors, strokes, corner radius), manipulating layout, working with components, and exporting nodes as images.

Cursor Talk to Figma MCP

This project implements a Model Context Protocol (MCP) integration between Cursor AI and Figma, allowing Cursor to communicate with Figma for reading designs and modifying them programmatically.

Project Structure

  • src/talk_to_figma_mcp/ - TypeScript MCP server for Figma integration
  • src/cursor_mcp_plugin/ - Figma plugin for communicating with Cursor
  • src/socket.ts - WebSocket server that facilitates communication between the MCP server and Figma plugin

Get Started

  1. Install Bun if you haven't already:
curl -fsSL | bash
  1. Run setup, this will also install MCP in your Cursor's active project
bun setup
  1. Start the Websocket server
bun start
  1. Install Figma Plugin

Manual Setup and Installation

MCP Server: Integration with Cursor

Add the server to your Cursor MCP configuration in ~/.cursor/mcp.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "TalkToFigma": { "command": "bun", "args": [ "/path/to/cursor-talk-to-figma-mcp/src/talk_to_figma_mcp/server.ts" ] } } }

WebSocket Server

Start the WebSocket server:

bun run src/socket.ts

Figma Plugin

  1. In Figma, go to Plugins > Development > New Plugin
  2. Choose "Link existing plugin"
  3. Select the src/cursor_mcp_plugin/manifest.json file
  4. The plugin should now be available in your Figma development plugins


  1. Start the WebSocket server
  2. Install the MCP server in Cursor
  3. Open Figma and run the Cursor MCP Plugin
  4. Connect the plugin to the WebSocket server by joining a channel using join_channel
  5. Use Cursor to communicate with Figma using the MCP tools

MCP Tools

The MCP server provides the following tools for interacting with Figma:

Document & Selection

  • get_document_info - Get information about the current Figma document
  • get_selection - Get information about the current selection
  • get_node_info - Get detailed information about a specific node

Creating Elements

  • create_rectangle - Create a new rectangle with position, size, and optional name
  • create_frame - Create a new frame with position, size, and optional name
  • create_text - Create a new text node with customizable font properties


  • set_fill_color - Set the fill color of a node (RGBA)
  • set_stroke_color - Set the stroke color and weight of a node
  • set_corner_radius - Set the corner radius of a node with optional per-corner control

Layout & Organization

  • move_node - Move a node to a new position
  • resize_node - Resize a node with new dimensions
  • delete_node - Delete a node

Components & Styles

  • get_styles - Get information about local styles
  • get_local_components - Get information about local components
  • get_team_components - Get information about team components
  • create_component_instance - Create an instance of a component

Export & Advanced

  • export_node_as_image - Export a node as an image (PNG, JPG, SVG, or PDF)
  • execute_figma_code - Execute arbitrary JavaScript code in Figma (use with caution)

Connection Management

  • join_channel - Join a specific channel to communicate with Figma


Building the Figma Plugin

  1. Navigate to the Figma plugin directory:
    cd src/cursor_mcp_plugin
  2. Edit code.js and ui.html

Best Practices

When working with the Figma MCP:

  1. Always join a channel before sending commands
  2. Get document overview using get_document_info first
  3. Check current selection with get_selection before modifications
  4. Use appropriate creation tools based on needs:
    • create_frame for containers
    • create_rectangle for basic shapes
    • create_text for text elements
  5. Verify changes using get_node_info
  6. Use component instances when possible for consistency
  7. Handle errors appropriately as all commands can throw exceptions



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Enables Cursor AI to interact with Figma designs, allowing users to read design information and programmatically modify elements through natural language commands.

  1. Project Structure
    1. Get Started
      1. Manual Setup and Installation
        1. MCP Server: Integration with Cursor
        2. WebSocket Server
        3. Figma Plugin
      2. Usage
        1. MCP Tools
          1. Document & Selection
          2. Creating Elements
          3. Styling
          4. Layout & Organization
          5. Components & Styles
          6. Export & Advanced
          7. Connection Management
        2. Development
          1. Building the Figma Plugin
        3. Best Practices
          1. License