Wegene Assistant MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

wegene-assistant MCP server

MCP server for WeGene Assistant, using LLM to analyze a user's WeGene genetic testing report.



Once a user is authorized, all the reports under his/her account will be exposed as a resource:

  • Custom wegene:// URI scheme for accessing each individual report
  • A report resource has a name, description and application/json mimetype


The server implements one tool:

  • wegene-oauth: Start a WeGene Open API oAuth process in the browser
    • The user should complete the authorization in 120 seconds so LLM will be able to further access the reports.
  • wegene-get-profiles: Read the profile list under a user's WeGene account
    • Profiles' name and id will be returned for LLM to use.
  • wegene-get-report-info: Return the report meta info so LLM will know what reports are available.
    • A list of report names, descriptions, endpoints, etc. will be returned
  • wegene-get-report: Read the results of a single report under a profile
    • Returns the result JSON specified in WeGene's Open API platform
    • Arguements
      • report_endpoint: The report's endpoint to be retrieved from
      • report_id: The report's id to be retrieved
      • profile_id: The profile id to retrieve report from


  • You will need WeGene Open API key/secret to use this project.
  • Copy .env.example as .env and update the key and secret in the file.



Installing via Smithery

To install WeGene Assistant for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @xraywu/mcp-wegene-assistant --client claude

Insall Locally

Prepare MCP Server
  1. Clone this project
  2. Run uv sync --dev --all-extras under the project's root folder
Claude Desktop Configuration
  • On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Add below contents in the configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "wegene-assistant": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/wegene-assistant", "run", "wegene-assistant" ] } } }

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

Leverages large language models to analyze users' WeGene genetic testing reports, providing access to report data via custom URI schemes and enabling profile and report management through OAuth authentication and API utilization.

  1. Components
    1. Resources
    2. Tools
  2. Configuration
    1. Quickstart
      1. Install