
by crisschan

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


MCP-Allure is a MCP server that reads Allure reports and returns them in LLM-friendly formats.


As AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) become increasingly integral to software development, there is a growing need to bridge the gap between traditional test reporting and AI-assisted analysis. Traditional Allure test report formats, while human-readable, aren't optimized for LLM consumption and processing.

MCP-Allure addresses this challenge by transforming Allure test reports into LLM-friendly formats. This transformation enables AI models to better understand, analyze, and provide insights about test results, making it easier to:

  • Generate meaningful test summaries and insights
  • Identify patterns in test failures
  • Suggest potential fixes for failing tests
  • Enable more effective AI-assisted debugging
  • Facilitate automated test documentation generation

By optimizing test reports for LLM consumption, MCP-Allure helps development teams leverage the full potential of AI tools in their testing workflow, leading to more efficient and intelligent test analysis and maintenance.

Problems Solved

  • Efficiency: Traditional test reporting formats are not optimized for AI consumption, leading to inefficiencies in test analysis and maintenance.
  • Accuracy: AI models may struggle with interpreting and analyzing test reports that are not in a format optimized for AI consumption.
  • Cost: Converting test reports to LLM-friendly formats can be time-consuming and expensive.

Key Features

  • Conversion: Converts Allure test reports into LLM-friendly formats.
  • Optimization: Optimizes test reports for AI consumption.
  • Efficiency: Converts test reports efficiently.
  • Cost: Converts test reports at a low cost.
  • Accuracy: Converts test reports with high accuracy.


To install mcp-repo2llm using uv:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-allure-server": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "run", "--with", "mcp[cli]", "mcp", "run", "/Users/crisschan/workspace/pyspace/mcp-allure/" ] } } }



  • Reads Allure report and returns JSON data
  • Input:
    • report_dir: Allure HTML report path
  • Return:
    • String, formatted JSON data, like this:
{ "test-suites": [ { "name": "test suite name", "title": "suite title", "description": "suite description", "status": "passed", "start": "timestamp", "stop": "timestamp", "test-cases": [ { "name": "test case name", "title": "case title", "description": "case description", "severity": "normal", "status": "passed", "start": "timestamp", "stop": "timestamp", "labels": [ ], "parameters": [ ], "steps": [ { "name": "step name", "title": "step title", "status": "passed", "start": "timestamp", "stop": "timestamp", "attachments": [ ], "steps": [ ] } ] } ] } ] }
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that converts Allure test reports into LLM-friendly formats, enabling AI models to better analyze test results and provide insights about test failures and potential fixes.

  1. Motivation
    1. Problems Solved
      1. Key Features
        1. Installation
          1. Tool
            1. get_allure_report