
by severity1

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides tools for managing ArgoCD applications including listing, creating, updating, deleting, and syncing applications, as well as accessing user information, server settings, and plugin configurations.

ArgoCD MCP Server

An MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that integrates with the ArgoCD API, enabling AI assistants and large language models to manage ArgoCD applications and resources through natural language interactions.


  • Authentication & Session Management:
    • User info retrieval from ArgoCD API
    • Token-based authentication with ArgoCD
    • Server settings and configuration access
    • Plugin information retrieval
    • Version information retrieval
  • Application Management:
    • List and filter applications by project, name, namespace
    • Get detailed application information
    • Create, update, and delete applications
    • Sync applications with configurable options
  • Robust API Client:
    • URL normalization and intelligent endpoint handling
    • Comprehensive error handling and detailed error messages
    • Configurable timeouts and SSL verification
    • Token security protection and masking
  • Developer Experience:
    • Full static type checking with mypy
    • Detailed documentation and examples
    • Environment-based configuration

Quick Start


# Clone the repository git clone cd argocd-mcp # Create virtual environment and activate it uv venv source .venv/bin/activate # Install dependencies uv pip install -e .

Starting the Server

The server is configured via environment variables. Here are the available configuration options:

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
ARGOCD_VERIFY_SSLVerify SSL certificatestrue

You can start the server in several ways:

# Using MCP dev tools (provides debugging tools) export ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN mcp dev # Using MCP run command export ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN mcp run # Standard method export ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN uv run # Setting multiple environment variables export ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN export ARGOCD_API_URL= export ARGOCD_VERIFY_SSL=false # Disable SSL verification for self-signed certs uv run # Using a .env file echo "ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN ARGOCD_API_URL= ARGOCD_VERIFY_SSL=false" > .env uv run # Run in background export ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN uv run > server.log 2>&1 & echo $! >

When the token is provided via environment variable, Claude can use it without you having to specify it in every command.

Connecting with Claude

Using Claude Code CLI

# Add the MCP server claude mcp add argocd-mcp "uv run $(pwd)/" # With token claude mcp add argocd-mcp -e ARGOCD_TOKEN=YOUR_ARGOCD_TOKEN -- "uv run $(pwd)/" # Verify it was added claude mcp list # For debugging, you can use MCP Inspector with 'mcp dev' command

Using Claude Desktop

Create a claude_desktop_config.json configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "argocd-mcp": { "command": "/path/to/uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/argocd-mcp", "run", "" ], "env": { "ARGOCD_TOKEN": "your_argocd_token", "ARGOCD_API_URL": "", "ARGOCD_VERIFY_SSL": "true" } } } }

Replace the paths and configuration values with your actual values:

  • Use the full path to the uv executable (find it with which uv on macOS/Linux or where uv on Windows)
  • Set the correct directory path to your argocd-mcp installation
  • Add your ArgoCD API token
  • Configure other environment variables as needed

This configuration tells Claude Desktop how to start the MCP server automatically with your specific environment settings.

Available Tools

Session Tools

  • get_user_info: Get the current user's info via api/v1/session/userinfo

Settings Tools

  • get_settings: Get ArgoCD server settings including UI, OIDC, and other configurations
  • get_plugins: Get information about configured ArgoCD plugins

Version Tools

  • get_version: Get version information of the API server

Application Management Tools

  • list_applications: Get all applications with filtering options
  • get_application_details: Get detailed information about a specific application
  • create_application: Create a new application
  • update_application: Update an existing application
  • delete_application: Delete an application
  • sync_application: Trigger a sync operation on an application

Example Conversations

Checking User Information

User: What's my user information in ArgoCD? Claude: Let me retrieve your user information. ⏺ argocd-mcp:get_user_info (MCP) ⎿ {"loggedIn": true, "username": "devops-user", "iss": "argocd"} You are logged in as 'devops-user'.

Getting ArgoCD Version

User: What version of ArgoCD is running on the server? Claude: Let me check the ArgoCD version information. ⏺ argocd-mcp:get_version (MCP) ⎿ { "Version": "v2.9.3+5eaf684", "BuildDate": "2023-09-15T14:25:11Z", "GitCommit": "5eaf68452", "GitTreeState": "clean", "GoVersion": "go1.20.7", "Compiler": "gc", "Platform": "linux/amd64", "KustomizeVersion": "v5.1.1", "HelmVersion": "v3.12.3", "KubectlVersion": "v1.27.4", "JsonnetVersion": "v0.20.0" } You're running ArgoCD v2.9.3, built on September 15, 2023. It's running on Linux (amd64) with Go 1.20.7, and includes Kustomize v5.1.1 and Helm v3.12.3.

Getting ArgoCD Settings

User: Show me the ArgoCD server settings Claude: Let me retrieve the ArgoCD server settings for you. ⏺ argocd-mcp:get_settings (MCP) ⎿ { "clusterSettings": { "appLabelKey": "", "controllerNamespace": "argocd", "execEnabled": true, "statusBadgeEnabled": true, "uiBannerContent": "This is a development instance of ArgoCD", "url": "" } } Here are the key settings for your ArgoCD server: - URL: - Controller namespace: argocd - Exec enabled: Yes - Status badge enabled: Yes - UI Banner: "This is a development instance of ArgoCD"

Managing Applications

User: What applications do I have in the "production" project? Claude: Let me list your applications in the production project. ⏺ argocd-mcp:list_applications (MCP) ⎿ { "items": [ { "metadata": { "name": "frontend-app", }, "status": { "sync": {"status": "Synced"}, "health": {"status": "Healthy"}, } }, { "metadata": { "name": "api-service", }, "status": { "sync": {"status": "OutOfSync"}, "health": {"status": "Healthy"}, } }, { "metadata": { "name": "database", }, "status": { "sync": {"status": "Synced"}, "health": {"status": "Degraded"}, } } ] } You have 3 applications in the production project: - frontend-app (Synced, Healthy) - api-service (OutOfSync, Healthy) - database (Synced, Degraded)
User: Sync the api-service application Claude: I'll sync the api-service application for you. ⏺ argocd-mcp:sync_application (MCP) ⎿ { "resourcesResult": { "updated": ["Deployment/api-service"], "hooks": [] }, "status": "Syncing" } Application sync initiated successfully. The sync operation is now in progress.



  • Python 3.12+
  • MCP (includes FastMCP and development tools)
  • uv package manager (recommended) or pip
  • ArgoCD API token

Type Checking

This project uses mypy for static type checking to enhance code quality and catch type-related bugs early:

# Install mypy uv pip install mypy # Run type checking uv run -m mypy .

Type checking configuration is available in both pyproject.toml and mypy.ini. The configuration enforces strict typing rules including:

  • Disallowing untyped definitions
  • Warning on returning Any types
  • Checking completeness of function definitions
  • Namespace packages support
  • Module-specific configurations

Project Structure

The code is organized into a modular structure:

argocd-mcp/ ├── api/ # API client and communication │ ├── │ └── # HTTP client for ArgoCD API ├── models/ # Data models │ ├── │ └── # Application data structures ├── tools/ # MCP tools implementation │ ├── │ ├── # Session tools (user info) │ ├── # Application management tools │ ├── # Server settings tools │ └── # Version information tools ├── utils/ # Utility functions │ ├── ├── # Main server entry point ├── pyproject.toml # Project configuration and dependencies └── mypy.ini # Mypy type checking configuration

Extending the Server

To add new features:

  1. Add new tools to the appropriate module in the tools directory
  2. Register new tools in
  3. Follow the existing patterns for parameter validation and error handling
  4. Update documentation in
  5. Add tests for new functionality


If you encounter issues:

  1. Check server logs (info logging is enabled by default)
  2. Note that Processing request of type CallToolRequest is informational, not an error
  3. If using mcp dev, the MCP Inspector will automatically open at http://localhost:5173 for debugging
  4. Use the server logs to debug API calls and responses
  5. For SSL certificate issues with self-signed certificates:
# Disable SSL verification export ARGOCD_VERIFY_SSL=false uv run
  1. Check if all required environment variables are properly set:
# Show all current ArgoCD environment variables env | grep ARGOCD


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request if you'd like to contribute to this project.

When contributing, please follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure all code includes proper type hints
  • Run mypy type checking before submitting PRs
  • Add tests for new functionality
  • Update documentation for any new features or changes
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that integrates with the ArgoCD API, enabling AI assistants and large language models to manage ArgoCD applications and resources through natural language interactions.

  1. Features
    1. Quick Start
      1. Setup
      2. Starting the Server
      3. Connecting with Claude
    2. Available Tools
      1. Session Tools
      2. Settings Tools
      3. Version Tools
      4. Application Management Tools
    3. Example Conversations
      1. Checking User Information
      2. Getting ArgoCD Version
      3. Getting ArgoCD Settings
      4. Managing Applications
    4. Development
      1. Requirements
      2. Type Checking
      3. Project Structure
      4. Extending the Server
    5. Troubleshooting
      1. Contributing