MCP Filesystem Server
by safurrier
- mcp-filesystem
- tests
"""Unit tests for the server module.
These tests verify that the MCP server correctly exposes file
operations to clients and handles errors properly, focusing on
behavior rather than implementation details.
import os
import json
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch, call
import pytest
from fastmcp import Context
from mcp_filesystem.server import (
from import PathValidator
from mcp_filesystem.operations import FileOperations
from mcp_filesystem.grep import GrepTools, GrepResult, GrepMatch
class MockContext:
"""Mock Context for MCP testing."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize with optional attributes."""
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def mock_context():
"""Create a mock MCP context."""
return MockContext()
def mock_components():
"""Create mock components for testing."""
# Create mock validator, operations, and grep tools
validator = MagicMock(spec=PathValidator)
operations = MagicMock(spec=FileOperations)
grep = MagicMock(spec=GrepTools)
advanced = MagicMock()
# Configure common behavior
validator.get_allowed_dirs.return_value = ["/test"]
# Create the components dict
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"grep": grep,
"advanced": advanced,
"allowed_dirs": ["/test"],
return components
def test_filesystem():
"""Create a temporary filesystem for testing.
This fixture provides a real filesystem for tests, avoiding
excessive mocking of file operations.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
base_dir = Path(temp_dir)
# Set up standard file structure
test_file = base_dir / "test.txt"
test_file.write_text("This is a test file\nWith multiple lines\nFor testing")
# Create a subdirectory
subdir = base_dir / "subdir"
(subdir / "subfile.txt").write_text("File in subdirectory")
# Create a file with search terms
grep_file = base_dir / "searchable.txt"
"This line has a search term\n"
"This line doesn't match\n"
"Another line with search term\n"
yield base_dir
class TestServerCore:
"""Tests for server core functionality."""
@patch('sys.argv', ['']) # Override command line args for test
async def test_get_allowed_dirs_from_environment(self):
"""Verify that allowed directories are correctly retrieved from environment.
This test focuses on behavior: given environment variables,
does get_allowed_dirs return the expected directories?
# Arrange
test_dirs = "/test/dir1:/test/dir2"
# Act - use patch to temporarily set environment variable
with patch.dict(os.environ, {"MCP_ALLOWED_DIRS": test_dirs}), \
patch('sys.argv', ['']): # Ensure no command-line args
result = get_allowed_dirs()
# Assert - focus on behavior
assert "/test/dir1" in result
assert "/test/dir2" in result
assert all(d.startswith("/test/") for d in result)
@patch('sys.argv', ['']) # Override command line args for test
async def test_get_allowed_dirs_default_to_cwd(self):
"""Verify that allowed directories default to current directory when none specified."""
# Arrange - temporarily clear the environment variable
test_dir = "/current/dir"
with patch.dict(os.environ, {"MCP_ALLOWED_DIRS": ""}), \
patch('os.getcwd', return_value=test_dir), \
patch('sys.argv', ['']): # Ensure no command-line args
# Act
result = get_allowed_dirs()
# Assert - only care if the current directory is included
assert test_dir in result
async def test_get_components_provides_required_components(self):
"""Verify that get_components returns all required components.
This test focuses on the behavior (returning necessary components)
rather than implementation details (like caching).
# Act - clear cache and get new components
from mcp_filesystem.server import _components_cache
# Override allowed dirs to avoid real file access
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_allowed_dirs', return_value=["/test"]):
components = get_components()
# Assert - focus on behavior, not implementation
assert "validator" in components
assert "operations" in components
assert "grep" in components
assert "advanced" in components
assert "allowed_dirs" in components
# Clean up for other tests
class TestServerTools:
"""Tests for server tool functions."""
async def test_read_file_returns_content(self, mock_context, mock_components):
"""Verify read_file tool returns file content."""
# Arrange
test_path = "/test/file.txt"
expected_content = "File content"
# Configure operations mock
mock_components["operations"].read_file = AsyncMock(return_value=expected_content)
# Act
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=mock_components):
result = await read_file(test_path, mock_context)
# Assert - focus on expected behavior
assert result == expected_content
async def test_read_file_handles_errors(self, mock_context, mock_components):
"""Verify read_file tool handles exceptions gracefully."""
# Arrange
test_path = "/test/invalid.txt"
# Configure operations mock to raise exception
mock_components["operations"].read_file = AsyncMock(
side_effect=ValueError("Invalid path")
# Act
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=mock_components):
result = await read_file(test_path, mock_context)
# Assert - check behavior
assert "Error" in result
assert "path" in result.lower() or "Invalid" in result
async def test_write_file_with_real_filesystem(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test write_file using a real filesystem to verify behavior.
This tests actual behavior rather than implementation details.
# Arrange
test_path = str(test_filesystem / "new_file.txt")
test_content = "New test content"
# Create real components with the test filesystem
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# Act - write to a real file
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
result = await write_file(test_path, test_content, mock_context)
# Assert - verify the file was actually written
assert Path(test_path).exists()
assert Path(test_path).read_text() == test_content
assert "success" in result.lower()
async def test_list_directory_with_real_filesystem(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test list_directory with real filesystem to verify behavior."""
# Arrange
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# Act - list real directory
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
# Test text format
text_result = await list_directory(str(test_filesystem), mock_context, format="text")
# Test JSON format
json_result = await list_directory(str(test_filesystem), mock_context, format="json")
# Assert - focus on behavior
# Text format should contain expected files
assert "test.txt" in text_result
assert "subdir" in text_result
assert "searchable.txt" in text_result
# JSON format should be parseable and contain expected files
parsed = json.loads(json_result)
assert isinstance(parsed, list)
file_names = [entry["name"] for entry in parsed]
assert "test.txt" in file_names
assert "subdir" in file_names
assert "searchable.txt" in file_names
async def test_grep_files_finds_matches(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test grep_files with real filesystem to verify behavior."""
# Arrange - create real components
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
grep = GrepTools(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"grep": grep,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# The test file contains two lines with "search term"
test_path = str(test_filesystem / "searchable.txt")
test_pattern = "search term"
# Act - search with real grep functionality
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
result = await grep_files(test_path, test_pattern, mock_context)
# Assert - focus on behavior: did it find the expected matches?
assert "search term" in result
assert "2 matches" in result.lower() or "matches: 2" in result.lower()
async def test_edit_file_at_line_applies_edits(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test edit_file_at_line with real filesystem to verify behavior."""
# Arrange - create a file with known content
test_path = str(test_filesystem / "edit_test.txt")
Path(test_path).write_text("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n")
# Create real components
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# Define line edits to apply
line_edits = [
{"line_number": 2, "action": "replace", "content": "Modified Line 2"}
# Act - edit the file
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
result = await edit_file_at_line(test_path, line_edits, mock_context)
# Assert - verify the file was actually edited
file_content = Path(test_path).read_text()
expected_content = "Line 1\nModified Line 2\nLine 3\n"
assert file_content == expected_content
assert "edits" in result.lower()
assert "applied" in result.lower()
async def test_read_file_lines_returns_specific_lines(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test read_file_lines with real filesystem to verify behavior."""
# Arrange - create a file with multiple lines
test_path = str(test_filesystem / "lines_test.txt")
test_content = "\n".join([f"Line {i}" for i in range(1, 11)])
# Create real components
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# Act - read specific lines
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
result = await read_file_lines(
test_path, mock_context, offset=2, limit=3
# Assert - verify correct lines are returned
# Should include lines 3, 4, 5 (offset 2, limit 3)
assert "Line 3" in result
assert "Line 4" in result
assert "Line 5" in result
assert "Line 1" not in result
assert "Line 6" not in result
async def test_get_file_info_returns_metadata(self, mock_context, test_filesystem):
"""Test get_file_info with real filesystem to verify behavior."""
# Arrange - create file with known content
test_path = str(test_filesystem / "info_test.txt")
test_content = "This is a test file for get_file_info"
# Create real components
validator = PathValidator([str(test_filesystem)])
operations = FileOperations(validator)
components = {
"validator": validator,
"operations": operations,
"allowed_dirs": [str(test_filesystem)]
# Act - get file info
with patch('mcp_filesystem.server.get_components', return_value=components):
text_result = await get_file_info(test_path, mock_context, format="text")
json_result = await get_file_info(test_path, mock_context, format="json")
# Assert - verify metadata is correct
# Text format should contain basic info
assert "File" in text_result
assert Path(test_path).name in text_result
assert "Size" in text_result
# JSON format should be valid and contain expected fields
parsed = json.loads(json_result)
assert parsed["name"] == Path(test_path).name
assert parsed["size"] == len(test_content)
assert parsed["is_file"] is True
assert "created" in parsed
assert "modified" in parsed
if __name__ == "__main__":
pytest.main(["-xvs", __file__])