from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from import PathValidator
from mcp_filesystem.operations import FileOperations
def path_validator():
validator = PathValidator(["/test/allowed"])
return validator
def file_operations(path_validator):
return FileOperations(path_validator)
async def test_read_file_lines(file_operations):
# Mock the validation to return a success
file_operations.validator.validate_path = AsyncMock(
return_value=(Path("/test/allowed/file.txt"), True)
# Mock the file operations
with (
patch("anyio.to_thread.run_sync") as mock_run_sync,
patch("anyio.open_file") as mock_open,
# Mocking the file stats
mock_stat = MagicMock()
mock_stat.st_size = 100
mock_run_sync.return_value = mock_stat
# Mock file content
mock_file = AsyncMock()
mock_file.__aenter__.return_value = mock_file
mock_file.readline.side_effect = [b"line1\n", b"line2\n", b"line3\n", b""] = b"line2\nline3\n"
mock_open.return_value = mock_file
# Call the function
content, metadata = await file_operations.read_file_lines(
"/test/allowed/file.txt", offset=1, limit=2
# Assert the results
assert content == "line2\nline3\n"
assert metadata["offset"] == 1
assert metadata["limit"] == 2
assert metadata["total_lines"] == 3
assert metadata["lines_read"] == 2