MCP Filesystem Server

by safurrier
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux
"""Unit tests for FileOperations class. These tests verify the core file operations functionality using behavioral testing techniques focused on outcomes rather than implementation details. """ import os import json import tempfile from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any import pytest from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch, call import anyio from mcp_filesystem.operations import FileOperations, FileInfo from import PathValidator @pytest.fixture def test_fs(): """Create a temporary filesystem for testing file operations. This fixture provides a real filesystem with a standard set of test files and directories to avoid excessive mocking. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: base_dir = Path(temp_dir) # Create test files test_file = base_dir / "test.txt" test_file.write_text("This is a test file\nWith multiple lines\nFor testing") # Create a subdirectory with content subdir = base_dir / "subdir" subdir.mkdir() (subdir / "subfile.txt").write_text("File in subdirectory") # Create a file for editing edit_file = base_dir / "edit.txt" edit_file.write_text("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5") # Create a large file with many lines for testing read_file_lines lines_file = base_dir / "lines.txt" lines_file.write_text("\n".join([f"Line {i}" for i in range(1, 101)])) # Create a directory for move operations move_dir = base_dir / "move_test" move_dir.mkdir() yield base_dir @pytest.fixture def file_operations(test_fs): """Create a FileOperations instance with the test filesystem.""" validator = PathValidator([str(test_fs)]) return FileOperations(validator) @pytest.mark.asyncio class TestFileOperations: """Unit tests for FileOperations class using behavioral testing.""" async def test_read_file_returns_content(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test that read_file returns the correct file content.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "test.txt") expected_content = "This is a test file\nWith multiple lines\nFor testing" # Act content = await file_operations.read_file(test_path) # Assert - focus on behavior, not implementation assert content == expected_content async def test_read_file_raises_error_for_nonexistent_file(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test that read_file raises appropriate error for nonexistent files.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "nonexistent.txt") # Act/Assert with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): await file_operations.read_file(test_path) async def test_read_file_with_different_encoding(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test read_file with different encoding.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "encoded.txt") test_content = "Café Français" # Content with non-ASCII characters # Create a file with specific encoding Path(test_path).write_bytes(test_content.encode('latin-1')) # Act content = await file_operations.read_file(test_path, encoding='latin-1') # Assert assert content == test_content async def test_write_file_creates_new_file(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test that write_file creates a new file with correct content.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "new_file.txt") test_content = "New file content" # Act await file_operations.write_file(test_path, test_content) # Assert - check the file was actually created with correct content assert Path(test_path).exists() assert Path(test_path).read_text() == test_content async def test_write_file_with_create_dirs(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test write_file with create_dirs option.""" # Arrange new_dir = test_fs / "new_directory" test_path = str(new_dir / "nested_file.txt") test_content = "Content in a nested directory" # Act await file_operations.write_file(test_path, test_content, create_dirs=True) # Assert assert new_dir.exists() assert new_dir.is_dir() assert Path(test_path).exists() assert Path(test_path).read_text() == test_content async def test_list_directory_returns_file_entries(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test that list_directory returns correct file and directory entries.""" # Arrange - we already have a test filesystem set up # Act entries = await file_operations.list_directory(str(test_fs)) # Assert - check behavior, not implementation assert isinstance(entries, list) # Check the basic files we created are listed file_names = [entry["name"] for entry in entries] assert "test.txt" in file_names assert "subdir" in file_names assert "edit.txt" in file_names assert "lines.txt" in file_names # Verify the entries have the expected structure for entry in entries: if entry["name"] == "subdir": assert entry["is_directory"] is True elif entry["name"] == "test.txt": assert entry["is_file"] is True assert entry["size"] > 0 async def test_list_directory_with_pattern_filter(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test list_directory with a pattern filter.""" # Arrange # Create additional files of different types for pattern matching (test_fs / "").write_text("Markdown file") (test_fs / "").write_text("Another markdown file") # Act - filter by *.md pattern entries = await file_operations.list_directory(str(test_fs), pattern="*.md") # Assert assert len(entries) == 2 file_names = [entry["name"] for entry in entries] assert "" in file_names assert "" in file_names assert "test.txt" not in file_names async def test_move_file(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test moving a file from one location to another.""" # Arrange source_path = str(test_fs / "move_source.txt") dest_path = str(test_fs / "move_test" / "move_destination.txt") test_content = "File to be moved" # Create a test file to move Path(source_path).write_text(test_content) # Act await file_operations.move_file(source_path, dest_path) # Assert assert not Path(source_path).exists() assert Path(dest_path).exists() assert Path(dest_path).read_text() == test_content async def test_get_file_info_returns_metadata(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test that get_file_info returns correct file metadata.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "test.txt") # Act file_info = await file_operations.get_file_info(test_path) # Assert assert == "test.txt" assert str(file_info.path).endswith("test.txt") assert file_info.is_file is True assert file_info.is_dir is False assert file_info.size > 0 assert isinstance(file_info.created, datetime) assert isinstance(file_info.modified, datetime) assert isinstance(file_info.permissions, str) # Check the dict representation contains the same info info_dict = file_info.to_dict() assert info_dict["name"] == "test.txt" assert "size" in info_dict assert "created" in info_dict assert "modified" in info_dict async def test_read_file_lines_with_offset_and_limit(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test reading specific lines from a file with offset and limit.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "lines.txt") offset = 5 # Start at line 6 (0-indexed) limit = 3 # Read 3 lines # Act content, metadata = await file_operations.read_file_lines(test_path, offset, limit) # Assert # Check content behavior - should contain lines 6-8, allowing for potential trailing newline assert "Line 6" in content assert "Line 7" in content assert "Line 8" in content assert "Line 5" not in content assert "Line 9" not in content # Check metadata behavior rather than exact implementation assert metadata["offset"] == offset assert metadata["limit"] == limit assert metadata["lines_read"] == limit async def test_edit_file_at_line_replaces_line(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test editing a specific line in a file.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "edit.txt") # Reset the file to a known state original_content = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5" Path(test_path).write_text(original_content) line_edits = [ {"line_number": 2, "action": "replace", "content": "Modified Line 2"} ] # Act result = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line(test_path, line_edits) # Assert # Check the file was modified correctly by verifying behavior new_content = Path(test_path).read_text() assert "Modified Line 2" in new_content assert "Line 1" in new_content # Unchanged line assert "Line 3" in new_content # Unchanged line # Check line 2 was replaced by verifying line ordering lines = new_content.splitlines() assert lines[0] == "Line 1" assert lines[1] == "Modified Line 2" assert lines[2] == "Line 3" # Check the result contains correct metadata assert result["edits_applied"] == 1 # Allow for macOS /var vs /private/var path normalization assert Path(result["path"]).name == Path(test_path).name changes = result.get("changes", []) assert len(changes) == 1 assert changes[0]["line"] == 2 assert changes[0]["action"] == "replace" async def test_edit_file_at_line_with_verification(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test line editing with content verification.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "edit.txt") # Edit with correct verification correct_edit = [ { "line_number": 3, "action": "replace", "content": "Modified Line 3", "expected_content": "Line 3" } ] # Edit with incorrect verification incorrect_edit = [ { "line_number": 3, "action": "replace", "content": "Modified Line 3", "expected_content": "Wrong content" } ] # Act - First try with correct verification result_success = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line( test_path, correct_edit, abort_on_verification_failure=True ) # Get the content after successful edit content_after_success = Path(test_path).read_text() # Act - Now try with incorrect verification result_failure = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line( test_path, incorrect_edit, abort_on_verification_failure=True ) # Get the content after failed edit content_after_failure = Path(test_path).read_text() # Assert # Successful edit should change the file assert "Modified Line 3" in content_after_success assert result_success["edits_applied"] == 1 # Failed verification should not change the file assert content_after_success == content_after_failure assert not result_failure.get("success", True) assert "verification_failures" in result_failure async def test_edit_file_at_line_with_relative_numbering(self, file_operations, test_fs): """Test editing with relative line numbering.""" # Arrange test_path = str(test_fs / "edit.txt") # Reset the content to ensure consistent state Path(test_path).write_text("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5") offset = 2 # Start at Line 3 (0-indexed position 2) # Edit with relative line numbers relative_edits = [ {"line_number": 1, "action": "replace", "content": "Modified Line 4"} ] # Act result = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line( test_path, relative_edits, offset=offset, relative_line_numbers=True ) # Assert # Check content by verifying actual line ordering new_content = Path(test_path).read_text() lines = new_content.splitlines() assert lines[0] == "Line 1" assert lines[1] == "Line 2" assert lines[2] == "Line 3" assert lines[3] == "Modified Line 4" # Fourth line should be modified assert lines[4] == "Line 5" # Check metadata assert result["edits_applied"] == 1 changes = result.get("changes", []) # Line number in result should reference an absolute line number assert changes[0]["line"] == 4 @pytest.mark.asyncio class TestFileInfo: """Tests for the FileInfo class.""" async def test_fileinfo_gets_correct_metadata(self, test_fs): """Test that FileInfo correctly retrieves file metadata.""" # Arrange - create a test file with known content test_file = test_fs / "fileinfo_test.txt" test_content = "Test content for FileInfo" test_file.write_text(test_content) # Act file_info = FileInfo(test_file) # Assert assert == "fileinfo_test.txt" assert file_info.is_file is True assert file_info.is_dir is False assert file_info.size == len(test_content) assert isinstance(file_info.created, datetime) assert isinstance(file_info.modified, datetime) assert isinstance(file_info.permissions, str) async def test_fileinfo_for_directory(self, test_fs): """Test that FileInfo correctly identifies a directory.""" # Arrange - use an existing directory test_dir = test_fs / "subdir" # Act dir_info = FileInfo(test_dir) # Assert assert == "subdir" assert dir_info.is_dir is True assert dir_info.is_file is False async def test_fileinfo_to_dict(self, test_fs): """Test FileInfo.to_dict returns a complete dictionary representation.""" # Arrange test_file = test_fs / "fileinfo_dict.txt" test_file.write_text("Test content") # Act file_info = FileInfo(test_file) info_dict = file_info.to_dict() # Assert assert isinstance(info_dict, dict) assert info_dict["name"] == "fileinfo_dict.txt" assert info_dict["path"] == str(test_file) assert info_dict["is_file"] is True assert info_dict["is_directory"] is False assert "size" in info_dict assert "created" in info_dict assert "modified" in info_dict assert "permissions" in info_dict async def test_fileinfo_string_representation(self, test_fs): """Test the string representation of FileInfo.""" # Arrange test_file = test_fs / "fileinfo_str.txt" test_file.write_text("Test content") # Act file_info = FileInfo(test_file) info_str = str(file_info) # Assert assert "File" in info_str assert "fileinfo_str.txt" in info_str assert "Size" in info_str assert "Created" in info_str assert "Modified" in info_str assert "Permissions" in info_str if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main(["-xvs", __file__])