MCP Filesystem Server
by safurrier
- mcp-filesystem
- tests
"""Integration tests for MCP Filesystem server.
These tests verify that the components work together correctly with actual
filesystem operations. They use a temporary test directory to avoid affecting
the real filesystem.
import json
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import shutil
import pytest
from import PathValidator
from mcp_filesystem.operations import FileOperations
from mcp_filesystem.grep import GrepTools
from mcp_filesystem.advanced import AdvancedFileOperations
def test_dir():
"""Create a temporary test directory with sample files."""
# Create a temporary directory
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="mcp_fs_test_")
temp_path = Path(temp_dir)
# Create some test files and directories
sample_files = {
"file1.txt": "This is the first test file.\nIt has multiple lines.\nThis is line 3.",
"file2.txt": "Second file with different content.\nAnother line here.",
"empty.txt": "",
"config.json": json.dumps({"setting1": "value1", "setting2": 42}),
# Create a subdirectory
subdir = temp_path / "subdir"
# Create test files
for filename, content in sample_files.items():
(temp_path / filename).write_text(content)
# Create a file in the subdirectory
(subdir / "subfile.txt").write_text(
"This is a file in the subdirectory.\nWith content."
# Yield the directory for tests to use
yield temp_path
# Clean up the temporary directory
def path_validator(test_dir: Path) -> PathValidator:
"""Create a path validator that allows access to the test directory."""
return PathValidator([str(test_dir)])
def file_operations(path_validator: PathValidator) -> FileOperations:
"""Create file operations instance with the test path validator."""
return FileOperations(path_validator)
def grep_tools(path_validator: PathValidator) -> GrepTools:
"""Create grep tools instance with the test path validator."""
return GrepTools(path_validator)
def advanced_operations(
path_validator: PathValidator, file_operations: FileOperations
) -> AdvancedFileOperations:
"""Create advanced file operations instance with the test dependencies."""
return AdvancedFileOperations(path_validator, file_operations)
class TestFileSystemIntegration:
"""Integration tests for file system operations.
These tests verify that the components work together correctly with
actual filesystem operations on a temporary test directory.
async def test_read_file_returns_correct_content(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that reading a file returns its actual content."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
expected_content = (
"This is the first test file.\nIt has multiple lines.\nThis is line 3."
# Act
content = await file_operations.read_file(str(test_file))
# Assert
assert content == expected_content
async def test_write_file_creates_new_file(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that writing to a new file creates it with correct content."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "new_file.txt"
test_content = "This is a new file created by the test.\nWith multiple lines."
# Act
await file_operations.write_file(str(test_file), test_content)
# Assert - operations.write_file doesn't return a success message
# Just verify the file was created with the correct content
assert test_file.exists()
assert test_file.read_text() == test_content
async def test_list_directory_shows_all_files(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that listing a directory shows all files and subdirectories."""
# Act
entries = await file_operations.list_directory(str(test_dir))
# Assert
assert len(entries) >= 5 # 4 files + 1 subdirectory
# Check that we have files and directories using the API's actual fields
file_names = [entry["name"] for entry in entries if entry["is_file"] is True]
dir_names = [
entry["name"] for entry in entries if entry["is_directory"] is True
assert "file1.txt" in file_names
assert "file2.txt" in file_names
assert "empty.txt" in file_names
assert "config.json" in file_names
assert "subdir" in dir_names
async def test_grep_files_finds_matching_content(
self, test_dir: Path, grep_tools: GrepTools
"""Test that grep finds files with matching content."""
# Act
results = await grep_tools.grep_files(
str(test_dir), pattern="first", case_sensitive=True
# Assert
assert results.total_matches >= 1
# At least one match should be in file1.txt
file1_matches = [m for m in results.matches if "file1.txt" in m.file_path]
assert len(file1_matches) >= 1
assert "first test file" in file1_matches[0].line_content
async def test_grep_with_context(self, test_dir: Path, grep_tools: GrepTools):
"""Test that grep supports context lines."""
# Add a test file with multiple matches and context
test_file = test_dir / "grep_context_test.txt"
content = "\n".join(
"Line 1: No match here",
"Line 2: No match here",
"Line 3: This has first match",
"Line 4: No match here",
"Line 5: No match here",
"Line 6: This has second match",
"Line 7: No match here",
"Line 8: This has third match",
"Line 9: No match here",
"Line 10: No match here",
# Act: Test with context_before and context_after
results = await grep_tools.grep_files(
pattern="has .* match", # More specific pattern to match only our test lines
# Assert context lines
assert results.total_matches == 3
# Verify that context_before works (at least 1 line of context)
assert len(results.matches[0].context_before) > 0
async def test_grep_with_pagination(self, test_dir: Path, grep_tools: GrepTools):
"""Test that grep supports pagination of results."""
# Add a test file with multiple matches
test_file = test_dir / "grep_pagination_test.txt"
content = "\n".join(
"Line 1: First match here",
"Line 2: Second match here",
"Line 3: Third match here",
"Line 4: Fourth match here",
# Temporarily disable ripgrep to ensure we test our Python implementation
original_ripgrep_available = grep_tools._ripgrep_available
grep_tools._ripgrep_available = False
# Act: Test pagination with offset and limit
results = await grep_tools.grep_files(
str(test_file), pattern="match", results_offset=1, results_limit=2
# Print debug info to help diagnose
print(f"Total matches: {results.total_matches}")
for i, match in enumerate(results.matches):
print(f"Match {i + 1}: {match.line_content}")
# Assert basic result data
assert results.total_matches >= 4
# The more important test: make sure we only get 2 matches back starting from the 2nd match
if results.total_matches >= 4:
# We should get exactly 2 matches due to the limit
assert len(results.matches) == 2
# Restore original ripgrep availability
grep_tools._ripgrep_available = original_ripgrep_available
async def test_edit_file_at_line_modifies_correct_line(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that editing a file at a specific line modifies only that line."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
original_content = test_file.read_text()
line_number = 2
new_line_content = "This is a modified line."
# Act
await file_operations.edit_file_at_line(
"line_number": line_number,
"action": "replace",
"content": new_line_content,
# We don't care about the specific structure of the result
# What matters is the actual behavior: did the file get edited correctly?
# Read the file again to see the changes
modified_content = test_file.read_text()
modified_lines = modified_content.splitlines()
# Check that the expected changes occurred:
# 1. Line 2 was changed to our new content
assert modified_lines[line_number - 1] == new_line_content
# 2. Other lines remained unchanged
original_lines = original_content.splitlines()
for i in range(len(original_lines)):
if i != line_number - 1:
assert modified_lines[i] == original_lines[i]
async def test_edit_file_with_content_verification(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that content verification works when editing a file."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
original_content = test_file.read_text()
original_lines = original_content.splitlines()
line_number = 2
expected_content = original_lines[line_number - 1] # Correct content
incorrect_content = "This is not the actual content"
new_line_content = "This is a modified line with verification."
# Act 1: Edit with correct content verification - should succeed
result_success = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line(
"line_number": line_number,
"action": "replace",
"content": new_line_content,
"expected_content": expected_content,
# Assert success case
assert (
"verification_failures" not in result_success
or not result_success["verification_failures"]
assert result_success["edits_applied"] == 1
# Reset the file
await file_operations.write_file(str(test_file), original_content)
# Act 2: Edit with incorrect content verification - should fail
result_failure = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line(
"line_number": line_number,
"action": "replace",
"content": new_line_content,
"expected_content": incorrect_content,
# Assert failure case
assert "success" in result_failure and not result_failure["success"]
assert "verification_failures" in result_failure
assert len(result_failure["verification_failures"]) > 0
# Verify the file wasn't changed
current_content = test_file.read_text()
assert current_content == original_content
async def test_edit_file_with_relative_line_numbers(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test editing a file using relative line numbers with offset."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
original_content = test_file.read_text()
original_lines = original_content.splitlines()
# Print the original content for debugging
print("\nOriginal file content:")
for i, line in enumerate(original_lines):
print(f"Line {i + 1}: {line}")
# Let's recreate the test file with known content
test_content = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n"
await file_operations.write_file(str(test_file), test_content)
offset = 1 # Start at line 2 (offset 1)
relative_line_number = 1 # Target line 3 (offset 1 + relative 1 = line 3)
new_line_content = "This is line 3 modified with relative numbering."
# Act
result = await file_operations.edit_file_at_line(
"line_number": relative_line_number, # This is relative to offset
"action": "replace",
"content": new_line_content,
# Debug the result
print("\nResult of edit operation:")
# Assert
assert result["edits_applied"] == 1
# Read the file again
modified_content = test_file.read_text()
modified_lines = modified_content.splitlines()
# Debug the modified content
print("\nModified file content:")
for i, line in enumerate(modified_lines):
print(f"Line {i + 1}: {line}")
# Line 3 should be changed
assert modified_lines[2] == new_line_content
# Other lines should be unchanged
assert modified_lines[0] == "Line 1"
assert modified_lines[1] == "Line 2"
async def test_create_and_remove_directory(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test creating and then removing a directory."""
# Arrange
new_dir = test_dir / "new_test_dir"
# Act - Create directory
await file_operations.create_directory(str(new_dir))
# Assert directory was created (create_directory doesn't return a value)
assert new_dir.exists()
assert new_dir.is_dir()
async def test_read_file_lines_returns_specified_range(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that reading specific lines from a file works correctly using offset/limit."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
# Act
content, metadata = await file_operations.read_file_lines(
str(test_file), offset=1, limit=1
# Assert - focus on the key behavior
# 1. Content should contain only the requested line (line 2, which is offset 1)
expected_line = "It has multiple lines."
assert expected_line in content
# 2. The content should NOT include other lines
assert "This is the first test file." not in content # Line 1 (offset 0)
assert "This is line 3." not in content # Line 3 (offset 2)
# 3. Metadata should correctly represent what was read
assert metadata["offset"] == 1 # We requested offset 1
assert metadata["limit"] == 1 # We requested limit 1
assert metadata["lines_read"] == 1 # We should have read 1 line
assert metadata["total_lines"] >= 3 # Test file has at least 3 lines
async def test_read_file_lines_handles_out_of_range(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that reading lines out of range works correctly."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
# Act - offset beyond file length
content, metadata = await file_operations.read_file_lines(
str(test_file), offset=10
# Assert
assert content == "" # No content should be returned
assert metadata["lines_read"] == 0 # No lines were read
assert metadata["total_lines"] == 3 # File has 3 lines total
async def test_get_file_info_returns_correct_metadata(
self, test_dir: Path, file_operations: FileOperations
"""Test that getting file info returns correct metadata."""
# Arrange
test_file = test_dir / "file1.txt"
# Act
info = await file_operations.get_file_info(str(test_file))
# Assert - focus on behavior, not implementation details
# The key functionality is that we get correct info about the file
# 1. File metadata should match actual file properties
assert ==
assert info.is_file is True
assert (
info.is_dir is False
) # The attribute is called 'is_dir', not 'is_directory'
# 2. Size should match the actual file size
expected_size = test_file.stat().st_size
assert info.size == expected_size
# 3. Important metadata fields should be present
assert info.modified is not None
assert info.created is not None
async def test_directory_tree_contains_all_entries(
self, test_dir: Path, advanced_operations: AdvancedFileOperations
"""Test that directory tree contains all entries."""
# Act
tree = await advanced_operations.directory_tree(str(test_dir))
# Assert
assert tree["name"] ==
assert tree["type"] == "directory"
# Check that we have the expected children
children_names = [child["name"] for child in tree["children"]]
assert "file1.txt" in children_names
assert "file2.txt" in children_names
assert "empty.txt" in children_names
assert "config.json" in children_names
assert "subdir" in children_names
# Find the subdirectory and check its children
subdir = next(child for child in tree["children"] if child["name"] == "subdir")
assert subdir["type"] == "directory"
assert len(subdir["children"]) >= 1
assert subdir["children"][0]["name"] == "subfile.txt"