
flowchart TD A[User] -->|1.Submits LLM Query| B[Language Model] B -->|2.Sends Query| C[mcp-local-rag Tool] subgraph mcp-local-rag Processing C -->|Search DuckDuckGo| D[Fetch 10 search results] D -->|Fetch Embeddings| E[Embeddings from Google's MediaPipe Text Embedder] E -->|Compute Similarity| F[Rank Entries Against Query] F -->|Select top k results| G[Context Extraction from URL] end G -->|Returns Markdown from HTML content| B B -->|3.Generated response with context| H[Final LLM Output] H -->|5.Present result to user| A classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef process fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef input fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef output fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; class A input; class B,C process; class G output;