by nearai

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Enables interaction with the NEAR blockchain, providing tools for managing NEAR accounts, checking balances, signing and sending transactions, creating new accounts, managing access keys, and sending NEAR tokens.


This project is an MCP compatible server for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. This tool provides a way for LLMs and AI agents to securely access and interact with NEAR accounts and blockchain functionality.


The main way near-mcp is mean to be used is with an MCP compadible service.

Adding to the claude code cli:

claude mcp add near-mcp npx @nearai/near-mcp@latest run

Adding via JSON config:

{ "mcpServers": { "near-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@nearai/near-mcp@latest", "run"], "env": {} } } }

Adding to goose

┌ goose-configure │ ◇ What would you like to configure? │ Add Extension │ ◇ What type of extension would you like to add? │ Command-line Extension │ ◇ What would you like to call this extension? │ near-mcp │ ◇ What command should be run? │ npx @nearai/near-mcp@latest run │ ◇ Please set the timeout for this tool (in secs): │ 60 │ ◇ Would you like to add environment variables? │ No │ └ Added near-mcp extension

Or you can install it globally and use it directly.

# Install globally npm install -g @nearai/near-mcp@latest # Or use directly with npx npx @nearai/near-mcp@latest run

Available Tools

see for a list of available tools and arguments.

Integration with AI Models

This tool is designed to be used with AI models that support the Model Context Protocol. It enables AI assistants to:

  1. Manage NEAR accounts on behalf of users
  2. Check account balances and status
  3. Sign and send transactions
  4. Create new accounts and manage access keys

Security Considerations

  • This MCP is meant to be run locally. Account private keys are stored in a local unencrypted keystore where the MCP server is running.
  • The underlying models should not have access to see the private keys of the accounts they are interacting with with one exception. The import_account tool allows the model to import an account from a private key. This requires the user to provide the private key to the model.


We welcome contributions to the NEAR MCP server! Please see the file for more information.

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Interact with the NEAR blockchain through MCP calls

  1. Installing
    1. Available Tools
      1. Integration with AI Models
        1. Security Considerations
          1. Contributing
            1. Reporting Issues