MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


MCP Server is a simple server that implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP) to provide a simpler API to interact with the Model Context Protocol.

Why Use This Server?

In "La Rebelion" we are working on a set of tools and services to simplify processes and workflows for a better and more efficient developer experience. This server is part of a set of tools.

MCP is amazing, but it can be a bit confusing to get started. We have create a facade to simplify the process of creating a server that implements the Model Context Protocol. The pattern is simple, you just need to create the tools with your own logic, register the tools and start the server.

Steps to Create a New Server

In the future we will provide a CLI to create a new server similar to MCP create server, but for now you can follow the steps below based on the official documentation to create a server.

mkdir -p my-server/src cd my-server/ yarn init -y yarn add @modelcontextprotocol/sdk zod zod-to-json-schema yarn add -D @types/node typescript # Here lies the magic yarn add @agentico/mcp-server

You need to update the package.json file and create a tsconfig.json file.

Getting Started

Implement your tools with your custom logic, and register them in the MCPServer. Here is an example of a simple echo tool:

import { Tool, ToolSchema } from "@agentico/mcp-server"; export class EchoTool extends Tool { toolSchema: ToolSchema = { name: "echo", description: "Echoes the input message", schema: { // the schema for the parameters needed by the tool type: "object", properties: { message: { type: "string" }, }, required: ["message"], }, }; /** * Your logic here, implement the execute method to define the tool behavior * @param input The input message - use the schema to define the input type * @returns In the example, we are echoing the message */ async execute(input: any): Promise<any> { // This is a simple echo tool demo, nothing fancy, just echoing the message return Promise.resolve({ content: [ { type: "text", text: `${input.message}` } ] }); } }

Create an index.ts file with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env node import { MCPServer } from '@agentico/mcp-server' import { EchoTool } from "./tools/EchoTool.js"; const myServer = new MCPServer('My MCP Server', '1.0.0'); async function main() { // Register tools myServer.registerTool("echo", EchoTool); await; } main().catch((error) => { console.error("Server error:", error); process.exit(1); });

That's it! You have created a simple server that implements the Model Context Protocol. Test it with Claude Desktop or any other client that supports MCP.

Build the project with the following command:

yarn build

You can start the server, but has no logic yet, you can test it with the following command:

yarn start # or node build/index.js

That's it, start creating your own tools and services to simplify your workflows and processes.

Go Rebels! ✊🏻

UML Diagram

  • MCPServer: Registers the tools that will be used by the server.
  • Tool: Base class for all tools, containing common properties and methods. execute is the method that will be called when the tool is invoked, implement your logic here.
  • EchoTool: Specific implementation of a tool, extending the Tool class and defining its own schema and initialization logic.
  • EchoSchema: Defines the structure of the input for the EchoTool.
  • EchoInput: Type definition for the input based on the schema.

This pattern allows for a flexible and extensible way to manage and implement tools using the MCPServer and Tool classes.

Support Us

If you find this helpful, please consider supporting us by giving a star to this repository, by contributing to the project or by becoming a sponsor.

You can find more information on how to support us at La Rebelion GitHub Sponsors. Also, buying us a coffee, PayPal is a great way to support us or purchasing "La Rebelion" merch.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

MCP Server provides a simpler API to interact with the Model Context Protocol by allowing users to define custom tools and services to streamline workflows and processes.

  1. Why Use This Server?
    1. Steps to Create a New Server
      1. Getting Started
        1. UML Diagram
          1. Support Us
            1. License