Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test the Prometheus integration with MCP with a focus on memory metrics and alerts """ import os import sys import json import time import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta from langflow import MCPAIComponent def parse_arguments(): """Parse command line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test Prometheus integration with MCP") parser.add_argument("--url", help="Prometheus URL (default: http://localhost:9090)", default=os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_URL", "http://localhost:9090")) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Reduce verbosity and suppress detailed alert information") return parser.parse_args() def test_prometheus(prometheus_url=None, quiet=False): """Test the Prometheus integration with MCP""" # Use provided Prometheus URL or default if prometheus_url is None: prometheus_url = os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_URL", "http://localhost:9090") print(f"Testing Prometheus integration with URL: {prometheus_url}") # Create MCPAIComponent with environment URL or default mcp_server_url = os.getenv("MCP_SERVER_URL", "http://localhost:8000") print(f"Connecting to MCP server at: {mcp_server_url}") # Initialize the client mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url=mcp_server_url) # Set the PROMETHEUS_URL environment variable for the server os.environ["PROMETHEUS_URL"] = prometheus_url # Basic query test print("\n1. Testing basic Prometheus query...") try: query_result = mcp.prometheus_query("up") print(f"Query status: {query_result.get('status')}") data = query_result.get('data', {}) result_type = data.get('resultType') results = data.get('result', []) print(f"Result type: {result_type}") print(f"Found {len(results)} series") if results: for i, result in enumerate(results[:5]): # Show first 5 results only print(f" Series {i+1}:") print(f" Metric: {result.get('metric')}") print(f" Value: {result.get('value')}") except Exception as e: print(f"Query failed: {e}") # Memory metric queries print("\n2. Testing memory metric queries...") # Current memory usage percentage try: print("\n2.1 Current memory usage percentage:") query = "(1 - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes) * 100" query_result = mcp.prometheus_query(query) print(f"Query: {query}") print(f"Status: {query_result.get('status')}") data = query_result.get('data', {}) results = data.get('result', []) if results: for i, result in enumerate(results[:3]): print(f" Host {i+1}: {result.get('metric', {}).get('instance', 'unknown')}") # Value is a tuple with [timestamp, value] try: value = float(result.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) print(f" Memory usage: {value:.2f}%") # Add interpretation if value > 90: status = "CRITICAL" elif value > 80: status = "WARNING" elif value > 70: status = "ELEVATED" else: status = "NORMAL" print(f" Status: {status}") except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): print(" Unable to parse value") else: print(" No results found. Node exporter might not be running.") except Exception as e: print(f" Memory usage query failed: {e}") # Total memory capacity try: print("\n2.2 Total memory capacity:") query = "node_memory_MemTotal_bytes" query_result = mcp.prometheus_query(query) data = query_result.get('data', {}) results = data.get('result', []) if results: for i, result in enumerate(results[:3]): print(f" Host {i+1}: {result.get('metric', {}).get('instance', 'unknown')}") try: bytes_value = float(result.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) gb_value = bytes_value / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) print(f" Total Memory: {gb_value:.2f} GB") except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): print(" Unable to parse value") else: print(" No results found. Node exporter might not be running.") except Exception as e: print(f" Total memory query failed: {e}") # Memory usage over time print("\n2.3 Memory usage over time (last 15 minutes):") try: # Calculate time range for the last 15 minutes end_time = start_time = end_time - timedelta(minutes=15) # Format timestamps for Prometheus end_str = end_time.isoformat("T") + "Z" start_str = start_time.isoformat("T") + "Z" # Query for memory usage percentage over time query = "(1 - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes) * 100" range_result = mcp.prometheus_query_range( query=query, start=start_str, end=end_str, step="60s" # 1-minute intervals ) print(f"Query: {query}") print(f"Status: {range_result.get('status')}") data = range_result.get('data', {}) results = data.get('result', []) if results: for i, result in enumerate(results[:2]): print(f" Host {i+1}: {result.get('metric', {}).get('instance', 'unknown')}") values = result.get('values', []) if values: print(f" Data points: {len(values)}") # Calculate average, min, max try: value_points = [float(v[1]) for v in values] avg_value = sum(value_points) / len(value_points) min_value = min(value_points) max_value = max(value_points) print(f" Average memory usage: {avg_value:.2f}%") print(f" Minimum memory usage: {min_value:.2f}%") print(f" Maximum memory usage: {max_value:.2f}%") # Memory usage trend if len(value_points) > 1: first_value = value_points[0] last_value = value_points[-1] if last_value > first_value * 1.1: # 10% increase trend = "INCREASING" elif last_value < first_value * 0.9: # 10% decrease trend = "DECREASING" else: trend = "STABLE" print(f" Memory usage trend: {trend}") except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: print(f" Error calculating statistics: {e}") else: print(" No data points found in the time range") else: print(" No results found. Node exporter might not be running.") except Exception as e: print(f" Memory range query failed: {e}") # Check for memory-related alerts print("\n3. Checking memory alerts...") try: # First check if there are any active memory alerts alerts_result = mcp.prometheus_get_alerts() data = alerts_result.get('data', {}) all_alerts = data.get('alerts', []) # Filter for memory-related alerts - including both node and container alerts memory_alerts = [ alert for alert in all_alerts if 'alertname' in alert.get('labels', {}) and any(memory_term in alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', '').lower() for memory_term in ['memory', 'mem', 'swap', 'container']) ] print(f"Found {len(memory_alerts)} memory-related alerts out of {len(all_alerts)} total alerts") if memory_alerts: # Group alerts by type node_memory_alerts = [] container_memory_alerts = [] for alert in memory_alerts: alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') # Check if this is a container alert if 'container' in alert_name.lower() or 'name' in alert.get('labels', {}): container_memory_alerts.append(alert) else: node_memory_alerts.append(alert) # Get AI recommendations for alerts - ALWAYS show AI recommendations regardless of quiet mode if node_memory_alerts or container_memory_alerts: ai_recommendations = get_ai_recommendations(mcp, node_memory_alerts, container_memory_alerts) print("\n=== AI-ASSISTED ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ===") print(ai_recommendations) print("===================================================") # Only show detailed alert information if not in quiet mode if not quiet: # Display node memory alerts if node_memory_alerts: print("\n Node Memory Alerts:") for i, alert in enumerate(node_memory_alerts): alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') severity = alert.get('labels', {}).get('severity', 'unknown') state = alert.get('state', 'unknown') instance = alert.get('labels', {}).get('instance', 'unknown') summary = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('summary', 'No summary available') print(f" Alert {i+1}: {alert_name}") print(f" Instance: {instance}") print(f" Severity: {severity}") print(f" State: {state}") print(f" Summary: {summary}") # For firing alerts, recommend actions if state.lower() == 'firing': if 'high' in alert_name.lower(): print(" Recommended action: Consider freeing up memory or increasing capacity") elif 'critical' in alert_name.lower(): print(" Recommended action: Immediately free up memory, potential system instability") elif 'medium' in alert_name.lower(): print(" Recommended action: Monitor memory usage trends") elif 'low' in alert_name.lower(): print(" Recommended action: Normal operations, no action needed") elif 'swap' in alert_name.lower(): print(" Recommended action: Increase swap space or reduce memory pressure") # Display container memory alerts if container_memory_alerts: print("\n Container Memory Alerts:") for i, alert in enumerate(container_memory_alerts): alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') severity = alert.get('labels', {}).get('severity', 'unknown') state = alert.get('state', 'unknown') # Get container information container_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('name', alert.get('labels', {}).get('container_name', 'unknown')) summary = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('summary', 'No summary available') print(f" Alert {i+1}: {alert_name}") print(f" Container: {container_name}") print(f" Severity: {severity}") print(f" State: {state}") print(f" Summary: {summary}") # For firing alerts, recommend actions specific to containers if state.lower() == 'firing': print(" Recommended actions:") print(" - Increase container memory limit") print(" - Optimize container application memory usage") print(" - Check for memory leaks in the container application") print(" - Consider scaling horizontally instead of vertically") # Query container memory usage try: print("\n Current Container Memory Usage:") query = 'container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name!=""}' mem_usage_result = mcp.prometheus_query(query) query_limit = 'container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{container_name!=""}' mem_limit_result = mcp.prometheus_query(query_limit) usage_data = mem_usage_result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) limit_data = mem_limit_result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if usage_data and limit_data: for result in usage_data: container = result.get('metric', {}).get('container_name', 'unknown') # Skip pause containers and empty names if container in ['', 'POD', 'pause'] or not container: continue try: # Get memory usage in bytes memory_bytes = float(result.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) memory_mb = memory_bytes / (1024 * 1024) # Find memory limit for this container memory_limit_bytes = next( (float(r.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) for r in limit_data if r.get('metric', {}).get('container_name') == container), float('inf') ) # Handle unlimited containers if memory_limit_bytes == float('inf') or memory_limit_bytes == 0: print(f" Container '{container}': {memory_mb:.2f} MB (no limit set)") continue memory_limit_mb = memory_limit_bytes / (1024 * 1024) usage_percent = (memory_bytes / memory_limit_bytes) * 100 # Determine status if usage_percent > 80: status = "CRITICAL" elif usage_percent > 60: status = "WARNING" elif usage_percent > 40: status = "ELEVATED" else: status = "NORMAL" print(f" Container '{container}': {memory_mb:.2f} MB / {memory_limit_mb:.2f} MB ({usage_percent:.1f}%) - {status}") except (ValueError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: print(f" Container '{container}': Error processing data - {e}") else: print(" No container memory data available") except Exception as e: print(f" Error querying container memory: {e}") else: if not quiet: print(" No memory-related alerts found.") # Create sample/demo alerts if no real ones exist print("\n Demo memory alerts (for testing):") print(" Alert 1: HighMemoryUsage") print(" Severity: warning") print(" State: firing") print(" Summary: High memory usage on demo-host-1") print(" Memory usage: 87.5%") print(" Recommended action: Free up memory by stopping unnecessary processes") print("\n Alert 2: CriticalMemoryUsage") print(" Severity: critical") print(" State: firing") print(" Summary: Critical memory usage on demo-host-2") print(" Memory usage: 96.3%") print(" Recommended action: Immediately add memory or stop critical processes") print("\n Alert 3: SwapUsageHigh") print(" Severity: warning") print(" State: pending") print(" Summary: High swap usage on demo-host-3") print(" Swap usage: 82.7%") print(" Recommended action: Increase swap space or reduce memory consumption") except Exception as e: print(f" Alerts query failed: {e}") if not quiet: # Show dummy alerts if the query failed print("\n Demo memory alerts (query failed):") print(" Alert 1: HighMemoryUsage (Demo)") print(" Severity: warning") print(" State: firing") print(" Summary: High memory usage on demo-host") print(" Recommended action: Free up memory by stopping unnecessary processes") # Generate a memory health report print("\n4. Memory health report:") try: # Query current memory metrics mem_total_result = mcp.prometheus_query("node_memory_MemTotal_bytes") mem_available_result = mcp.prometheus_query("node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes") mem_usage_pct_result = mcp.prometheus_query("(1 - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes) * 100") # Check results and generate report mem_total_data = mem_total_result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) mem_available_data = mem_available_result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) mem_usage_pct_data = mem_usage_pct_result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if mem_total_data and mem_available_data and mem_usage_pct_data: print(" Memory Health Report (actual data):") # Process each host for i, result in enumerate(mem_usage_pct_data[:3]): instance = result.get('metric', {}).get('instance', f'host-{i+1}') # Get memory usage percentage try: mem_usage_pct = float(result.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) # Find corresponding total memory value mem_total = next( (float(r.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) for r in mem_total_data if r.get('metric', {}).get('instance') == instance), 0 ) # Find corresponding available memory value mem_available = next( (float(r.get('value', [0, 0])[1]) for r in mem_available_data if r.get('metric', {}).get('instance') == instance), 0 ) # Convert to GB for readability mem_total_gb = mem_total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) mem_available_gb = mem_available / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) mem_used_gb = mem_total_gb - mem_available_gb print(f"\n Host: {instance}") print(f" Total Memory: {mem_total_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Used Memory: {mem_used_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Available Memory: {mem_available_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Memory Usage: {mem_usage_pct:.2f}%") # Memory health status if mem_usage_pct > 90: status = "CRITICAL - Immediate action required" elif mem_usage_pct > 80: status = "WARNING - High memory usage" elif mem_usage_pct > 70: status = "ATTENTION - Elevated memory usage" else: status = "HEALTHY - Normal memory usage" print(f" Status: {status}") # Recommendations - only print if not in quiet mode if not quiet: print(" Recommendations:") if mem_usage_pct > 90: print(" - Immediately free up memory by stopping non-critical processes") print(" - Consider adding additional memory capacity") print(" - Check for memory leaks in applications") elif mem_usage_pct > 80: print(" - Monitor memory usage closely") print(" - Plan for potential memory expansion") print(" - Optimize memory-intensive applications") elif mem_usage_pct > 70: print(" - Review memory usage trends") print(" - Identify memory-intensive applications") else: print(" - Continue regular monitoring") except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: print(f" Error processing data: {e}") else: # Generate demo report if no real data print(" Memory Health Report (demo data):") hosts = [ { "name": "demo-host-1", "total_gb": 16.0, "usage_pct": 85.6, "status": "WARNING" }, { "name": "demo-host-2", "total_gb": 32.0, "usage_pct": 62.4, "status": "HEALTHY" }, { "name": "demo-host-3", "total_gb": 8.0, "usage_pct": 93.2, "status": "CRITICAL" } ] for host in hosts: name = host["name"] total_gb = host["total_gb"] usage_pct = host["usage_pct"] status = host["status"] used_gb = total_gb * (usage_pct / 100) available_gb = total_gb - used_gb print(f"\n Host: {name}") print(f" Total Memory: {total_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Used Memory: {used_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Available Memory: {available_gb:.2f} GB") print(f" Memory Usage: {usage_pct:.2f}%") print(f" Status: {status}") # Only print recommendations if not in quiet mode if not quiet: print(" Recommendations:") if status == "CRITICAL": print(" - Immediately free up memory by stopping non-critical processes") print(" - Consider adding additional memory capacity") print(" - Check for memory leaks in applications") elif status == "WARNING": print(" - Monitor memory usage closely") print(" - Plan for potential memory expansion") print(" - Optimize memory-intensive applications") else: print(" - Continue regular monitoring") except Exception as e: print(f" Memory report generation failed: {e}") if not quiet: # Show demo report if query failed - only in verbose mode print(" Memory Health Report (demo data - error fallback):") print(" Host: demo-host-fallback") print(" Total Memory: 16.00 GB") print(" Used Memory: 13.60 GB") print(" Available Memory: 2.40 GB") print(" Memory Usage: 85.00%") print(" Status: WARNING - High memory usage") print(" Recommendations:") print(" - Monitor memory usage closely") print(" - Plan for potential memory expansion") print(" - Optimize memory-intensive applications") print("\nPrometheus memory monitoring test completed.") def get_ai_recommendations(mcp, node_alerts, container_alerts): """Get AI-powered recommendations for memory alerts""" try: # Skip if no model with chat capability is available available_models = mcp.list_models() # List available chat models for debugging chat_models = [model for model in available_models if any(cap == "chat" for cap in model.get('capabilities', []))] print("\nAvailable chat models for recommendations:") for model in chat_models: print(f" - {model['id']}") if not chat_models: return "No AI models with chat capability available for recommendations." # Get preferred model from environment preferred_model = os.getenv("OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL", "gpt-4o-mini") print(f"Preferred model from environment: {preferred_model}") # First try to find exact model ID match model_id = None for model in chat_models: if model['id'] == preferred_model: model_id = model['id'] print(f"Using exact match model: {model_id}") break # Then try to find model containing the preferred name if not model_id: for model in chat_models: if preferred_model.lower() in model['id'].lower(): model_id = model['id'] print(f"Using partial match model: {model_id}") break # Then try to find any OpenAI model if not model_id: for model in chat_models: if "openai" in model['id'].lower(): model_id = model['id'] print(f"Using OpenAI model: {model_id}") break # If still no model found, use the first available if not model_id: model_id = chat_models[0]['id'] print(f"Using first available model: {model_id}") # Format memory alert information for the AI node_alert_text = "" if node_alerts: node_alert_text = "Host Memory Alerts:\n" for i, alert in enumerate(node_alerts): alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') severity = alert.get('labels', {}).get('severity', 'unknown') state = alert.get('state', 'unknown') instance = alert.get('labels', {}).get('instance', 'unknown') summary = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('summary', 'No summary available') node_alert_text += f"- Alert {i+1}: {alert_name}\n" node_alert_text += f" Instance: {instance}\n" node_alert_text += f" Severity: {severity}\n" node_alert_text += f" State: {state}\n" node_alert_text += f" Summary: {summary}\n\n" container_alert_text = "" if container_alerts: container_alert_text = "Container Memory Alerts:\n" for i, alert in enumerate(container_alerts): alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') severity = alert.get('labels', {}).get('severity', 'unknown') state = alert.get('state', 'unknown') container_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('name', alert.get('labels', {}).get('container_name', 'unknown')) summary = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('summary', 'No summary available') container_alert_text += f"- Alert {i+1}: {alert_name}\n" container_alert_text += f" Container: {container_name}\n" container_alert_text += f" Severity: {severity}\n" container_alert_text += f" State: {state}\n" container_alert_text += f" Summary: {summary}\n\n" # Create the prompt for the AI prompt = f""" I need expert advice on handling the following memory alerts from Prometheus monitoring: {node_alert_text} {container_alert_text} Please provide: 1. A brief analysis of what these alerts indicate 2. Detailed technical recommendations for addressing each issue 3. Potential long-term solutions to prevent these issues from recurring 4. Any relevant commands or actions that might help diagnose or fix the problems Keep your response focused, technical, and actionable. """ # Query the AI model print(f"\nQuerying AI model ({model_id}) for recommendations...") # Prepare messages for chat messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert systems administrator specializing in memory management, performance optimization, and containerization technologies."}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] try: # Make the API call response = mcp.process( input_type="chat", model_id=model_id, messages=messages, max_tokens=1000 ) # Extract the response content if isinstance(response, dict) and 'choices' in response and len(response['choices']) > 0: content = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] return content else: print(f"Unexpected response format: {response}") return "AI recommendation failed: Could not parse response from the model." except Exception as e: print(f"Error querying AI model: {e}") return f"AI recommendation failed: {str(e)}\n\nFallback Recommendations:\n"\ "- For host memory issues: Check running processes with 'top' or 'htop'\n"\ "- For container memory issues: Consider increasing container memory limits\n"\ "- Monitor memory usage trends to identify patterns\n"\ "- Consider implementing memory limits or quotas" except Exception as e: return f"AI recommendation failed: {str(e)}\n\nFallback Recommendations:\n"\ "- For host memory issues: Check running processes with 'top' or 'htop'\n"\ "- For container memory issues: Consider increasing container memory limits\n"\ "- Monitor memory usage trends to identify patterns\n"\ "- Consider implementing memory limits or quotas" if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_arguments() test_prometheus(args.url, args.quiet)