Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ MCP Memory Alerting - Handle and notify about Prometheus memory alerts """ import os import sys import time import json import argparse import smtplib import subprocess from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional # Import the MCP client from langflow import MCPAIComponent class MemoryAlertHandler: """Handle memory alerts from Prometheus MCP integration""" def __init__(self, mcp_server_url: str = "http://localhost:8000", prometheus_url: str = "http://localhost:9090", check_interval: int = 60): """Initialize the alert handler Args: mcp_server_url: URL of the MCP server prometheus_url: URL of the Prometheus server check_interval: Alert check interval in seconds """ self.mcp_server_url = mcp_server_url self.prometheus_url = prometheus_url self.check_interval = check_interval self.mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url=mcp_server_url) # Set the Prometheus URL in the environment os.environ["PROMETHEUS_URL"] = prometheus_url # Keep track of already notified alerts self.notified_alerts = set() # Configuration for notification methods self.notification_config = { "email": { "enabled": False, "smtp_server": "", "smtp_port": 587, "username": "", "password": "", "from_addr": "", "to_addrs": [""] }, "slack": { "enabled": False, "webhook_url": "" }, "log": { "enabled": True, "file": "memory_alerts.log" }, "system": { "enabled": True, # For desktop notifications } } def fetch_alerts(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Fetch memory-related alerts from Prometheus""" try: alerts_result = self.mcp.prometheus_get_alerts() if alerts_result.get('status') == 'success': all_alerts = alerts_result.get('data', {}).get('alerts', []) # Filter for memory-related alerts memory_alerts = [ alert for alert in all_alerts if 'alertname' in alert.get('labels', {}) and any(term in alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', '').lower() for term in ['memory', 'mem', 'swap', 'container']) ] # Format alerts for handling formatted_alerts = [] for alert in memory_alerts: alert_name = alert.get('labels', {}).get('alertname', 'Unknown') severity = alert.get('labels', {}).get('severity', 'unknown') state = alert.get('state', 'unknown') # Get target (container or instance) if 'container' in alert_name.lower() or 'name' in alert.get('labels', {}): target = alert.get('labels', {}).get('name', alert.get('labels', {}).get('container_name', 'unknown')) target_type = "container" else: target = alert.get('labels', {}).get('instance', 'unknown') target_type = "host" summary = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('summary', 'No summary available') description = alert.get('annotations', {}).get('description', '') # Create a unique alert ID alert_id = f"{alert_name}_{target}_{severity}" # Format start time if available starts_at = alert.get('startsAt', '') if starts_at: try: # Parse ISO format timestamp starts_at_dt = datetime.fromisoformat(starts_at.replace('Z', '+00:00')) formatted_time = starts_at_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC') except (ValueError, TypeError): formatted_time = starts_at else: formatted_time = "Unknown" formatted_alerts.append({ "id": alert_id, "name": alert_name, "severity": severity, "state": state, "target": target, "target_type": target_type, "summary": summary, "description": description, "starts_at": formatted_time }) return formatted_alerts else: print(f"Error fetching alerts: {alerts_result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}") return [] except Exception as e: print(f"Exception fetching alerts: {str(e)}") return [] def get_memory_info(self, alert: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get additional memory information for an alert target""" try: target = alert["target"] target_type = alert["target_type"] memory_info = {} if target_type == "host": # Query host memory metrics query = f'(1 - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{{instance="{target}"}} / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{{instance="{target}"}}) * 100' result = self.mcp.prometheus_query(query) if result.get('status') == 'success': data_result = result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if data_result: usage_pct = float(data_result[0].get('value', [0, '0'])[1]) memory_info["usage_percent"] = usage_pct # Get total memory query = f'node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{{instance="{target}"}}' result = self.mcp.prometheus_query(query) if result.get('status') == 'success': data_result = result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if data_result: total_bytes = float(data_result[0].get('value', [0, '0'])[1]) memory_info["total_gb"] = total_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) elif target_type == "container": # Query container memory metrics query = f'container_memory_usage_bytes{{container_name="{target}"}}' result = self.mcp.prometheus_query(query) if result.get('status') == 'success': data_result = result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if data_result: usage_bytes = float(data_result[0].get('value', [0, '0'])[1]) memory_info["usage_mb"] = usage_bytes / (1024 * 1024) # Get memory limit query = f'container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{{container_name="{target}"}}' result = self.mcp.prometheus_query(query) if result.get('status') == 'success': data_result = result.get('data', {}).get('result', []) if data_result: limit_bytes = float(data_result[0].get('value', [0, '0'])[1]) if limit_bytes > 0: memory_info["limit_mb"] = limit_bytes / (1024 * 1024) if "usage_mb" in memory_info: memory_info["usage_percent"] = (memory_info["usage_mb"] * 1024 * 1024 / limit_bytes) * 100 return memory_info except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting memory info: {e}") return {} def format_alert_message(self, alert: Dict[str, Any], memory_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Format an alert for notification""" message = [] message.append(f"MEMORY ALERT: {alert['name']}") message.append(f"Severity: {alert['severity'].upper()}") message.append(f"Target: {alert['target']} ({alert['target_type']})") message.append(f"Status: {alert['state'].upper()}") message.append(f"Started: {alert['starts_at']}") message.append(f"Summary: {alert['summary']}") if alert['description']: message.append(f"Description: {alert['description']}") # Add memory info message.append("\nCurrent Memory Details:") if alert['target_type'] == 'host': if 'usage_percent' in memory_info: message.append(f"Usage: {memory_info['usage_percent']:.1f}%") if 'total_gb' in memory_info: message.append(f"Total Memory: {memory_info['total_gb']:.2f} GB") elif alert['target_type'] == 'container': if 'usage_mb' in memory_info: message.append(f"Usage: {memory_info['usage_mb']:.2f} MB") if 'limit_mb' in memory_info: message.append(f"Limit: {memory_info['limit_mb']:.2f} MB") if 'usage_percent' in memory_info: message.append(f"Percent: {memory_info['usage_percent']:.1f}%") # Add recommendations message.append("\nRecommended Actions:") if 'high' in alert['name'].lower() or 'critical' in alert['name'].lower(): if alert['target_type'] == 'host': message.append("- Investigate and stop unnecessary processes") message.append("- Consider adding more memory to the system") message.append("- Check for memory leaks in applications") else: # container message.append("- Increase container memory limit") message.append("- Optimize container application memory usage") message.append("- Consider scaling horizontally with more containers") elif 'medium' in alert['name'].lower(): message.append("- Monitor the situation for further degradation") message.append("- Plan for potential memory expansion") message.append(f"\nPrometheus URL: {self.prometheus_url}/alerts") return "\n".join(message) def send_email_notification(self, alert: Dict[str, Any], message: str) -> bool: """Send an email notification for an alert""" config = self.notification_config["email"] if not config["enabled"]: return False try: msg = MIMEMultipart() msg["From"] = config["from_addr"] msg["To"] = ", ".join(config["to_addrs"]) msg["Subject"] = f"Memory Alert: {alert['name']} - {alert['severity'].upper()}" msg.attach(MIMEText(message, "plain")) server = smtplib.SMTP(config["smtp_server"], config["smtp_port"]) server.starttls() if config["username"] and config["password"]: server.login(config["username"], config["password"]) server.send_message(msg) server.quit() return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending email: {e}") return False def send_slack_notification(self, alert: Dict[str, Any], message: str) -> bool: """Send a Slack notification for an alert""" config = self.notification_config["slack"] if not config["enabled"] or not config["webhook_url"]: return False try: import requests # Color based on severity color = { "critical": "#FF0000", # Red "warning": "#FFA500", # Orange "info": "#0000FF" # Blue }.get(alert["severity"].lower(), "#808080") # Default gray payload = { "attachments": [ { "fallback": f"Memory Alert: {alert['name']}", "color": color, "title": f"Memory Alert: {alert['name']}", "text": message.replace("\n", "\n>"), "footer": "MCP Memory Alerting", "ts": int(time.time()) } ] } response = config["webhook_url"], json=payload, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) return response.status_code == 200 except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending Slack notification: {e}") return False def send_system_notification(self, alert: Dict[str, Any], message: str) -> bool: """Send a system notification (desktop notification)""" config = self.notification_config["system"] if not config["enabled"]: return False try: title = f"Memory Alert: {alert['name']} - {alert['severity'].upper()}" summary = f"{alert['target']} ({alert['target_type']}): {alert['summary']}" # Try different notification methods based on platform if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2": # Linux: try notify-send["notify-send", title, summary]) return True elif sys.platform == "darwin": # macOS: try osascript apple_script = f'display notification "{summary}" with title "{title}"'["osascript", "-e", apple_script]) return True elif sys.platform == "win32": # Windows: try PowerShell script = f""" [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null $app_id = 'MCP.MemoryAlertHandler' $content = @" <toast> <visual> <binding template="ToastText02"> <text id="1">{title}</text> <text id="2">{summary}</text> </binding> </visual> </toast> "@ $xml = New-Object Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument $xml.LoadXml($content) [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier($app_id).Show($xml) """["powershell", "-Command", script]) return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending system notification: {e}") return False def log_alert(self, alert: Dict[str, Any], message: str) -> bool: """Log an alert to a file""" config = self.notification_config["log"] if not config["enabled"]: return False try: log_file = config["file"] timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") with open(log_file, "a") as f: f.write(f"=== ALERT LOGGED AT {timestamp} ===\n") f.write(message) f.write("\n\n") return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error logging alert: {e}") return False def process_alerts(self, dry_run: bool = False) -> None: """Process and handle alerts""" alerts = self.fetch_alerts() # Only process alerts in FIRING state firing_alerts = [a for a in alerts if a["state"].lower() == "firing"] if not firing_alerts: print(f"No firing alerts found at {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") return print(f"Found {len(firing_alerts)} firing alerts") for alert in firing_alerts: alert_id = alert["id"] # Skip if we've already notified about this alert if alert_id in self.notified_alerts: continue # Get additional memory information memory_info = self.get_memory_info(alert) # Format alert message message = self.format_alert_message(alert, memory_info) print(f"\nProcessing alert: {alert['name']} ({alert['severity']})") print(f"Target: {alert['target']} ({alert['target_type']})") if dry_run: print("DRY RUN - Would send notifications:") print(message) else: # Send notifications based on configured methods notification_sent = False # Log to file if self.log_alert(alert, message): print(" - Alert logged to file") notification_sent = True # Send email if self.notification_config["email"]["enabled"]: if self.send_email_notification(alert, message): print(" - Email notification sent") notification_sent = True # Send Slack notification if self.notification_config["slack"]["enabled"]: if self.send_slack_notification(alert, message): print(" - Slack notification sent") notification_sent = True # Send system notification if self.notification_config["system"]["enabled"]: if self.send_system_notification(alert, message): print(" - System notification sent") notification_sent = True if notification_sent: # Add to notified set self.notified_alerts.add(alert_id) else: print(" - No notifications sent") def run_alerting(self) -> None: """Run the alerting system""" print(f"Starting memory alert monitoring at {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") print(f"MCP Server: {self.mcp_server_url}") print(f"Prometheus: {self.prometheus_url}") print(f"Check interval: {self.check_interval} seconds") try: while True: self.process_alerts() # Reset notification list after some time to allow re-notification # for alerts that are still firing after 1 hour for alert_id in list(self.notified_alerts): if alert_id not in [a["id"] for a in self.fetch_alerts() if a["state"].lower() == "firing"]: self.notified_alerts.remove(alert_id) print(f"Alert {alert_id} resolved, removed from notification list") time.sleep(self.check_interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nAlert monitoring stopped.") def main(): """Main function""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MCP Memory Alerting") parser.add_argument("--mcp-url", default=os.getenv("MCP_SERVER_URL", "http://localhost:8000"), help="MCP server URL") parser.add_argument("--prometheus-url", default=os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_URL", "http://localhost:9090"), help="Prometheus server URL") parser.add_argument("--interval", type=int, default=60, help="Alert check interval in seconds") parser.add_argument("--log-file", default="memory_alerts.log", help="Log file path") parser.add_argument("--email", action="store_true", help="Enable email notifications") parser.add_argument("--email-to", help="Email recipients (comma-separated)") parser.add_argument("--slack", action="store_true", help="Enable Slack notifications") parser.add_argument("--slack-webhook", help="Slack webhook URL") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Don't send notifications, just print them") parser.add_argument("--once", action="store_true", help="Process alerts once and exit") args = parser.parse_args() alert_handler = MemoryAlertHandler( mcp_server_url=args.mcp_url, prometheus_url=args.prometheus_url, check_interval=args.interval ) # Configure notification methods alert_handler.notification_config["log"]["file"] = args.log_file if alert_handler.notification_config["email"]["enabled"] = True if args.email_to: alert_handler.notification_config["email"]["to_addrs"] = args.email_to.split(",") if args.slack: alert_handler.notification_config["slack"]["enabled"] = True if args.slack_webhook: alert_handler.notification_config["slack"]["webhook_url"] = args.slack_webhook if args.once: alert_handler.process_alerts(dry_run=args.dry_run) else: alert_handler.run_alerting() if __name__ == "__main__": main()