Model Control Plane (MCP) Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json import argparse import tempfile import subprocess from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any, Tuple from datetime import datetime # Add the parent directory to Python path for proper imports script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) parent_dir = os.path.dirname(script_dir) if parent_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir) from langflow import MCPAIComponent def analyze_git_diff(repo_url: str, commit_sha: str, target_commit: str = 'HEAD', capture_output: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Analyze the diff between two commits in a Git repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository to analyze commit_sha: Base commit SHA to compare from target_commit: Target commit to compare to (default: HEAD) capture_output: If True, capture and return the output instead of printing Returns: Dict containing diff analysis information if capture_output=True """ results = {} # Helper to log results def log_result(key: str, value: Any): if capture_output: results[key] = value else: print(f"\n=== {key} ===") if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): print(json.dumps(value, indent=2)) else: print(value) log_result("analysis_type", "git_diff") log_result("repository", repo_url) log_result("base_commit", commit_sha) log_result("target_commit", target_commit) log_result("timestamp", # Validate the commit SHA try: is_valid = validate_commit_sha(repo_url, commit_sha) if not is_valid: log_result("error", f"Invalid commit SHA: {commit_sha}") if capture_output: return results return {"status": "error", "message": f"Invalid commit SHA: {commit_sha}"} except Exception as e: log_result("error", f"Error validating commit SHA: {str(e)}") if capture_output: return results return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)} # Get the diff between commits try: diff_text = get_diff_between_commits(repo_url, commit_sha, target_commit) # Extract basic statistics diff_stats = { "total_lines": len(diff_text.splitlines()), "files_changed": diff_text.count("diff --git"), "additions": diff_text.count("\n+") - diff_text.count("\n+++"), "deletions": diff_text.count("\n-") - diff_text.count("\n---"), } log_result("diff_stats", diff_stats) # Check for requirements.txt changes with enhanced analysis try: # Try to get a more detailed requirements analysis using MCPAIComponent try: mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url="http://localhost:8000") # First check if the enhanced requirements analysis is available req_analysis = mcp.analyze_requirements(repo_url, commit_sha, target_commit) if req_analysis and isinstance(req_analysis, dict) and 'status' in req_analysis and req_analysis['status'] != 'error': log_result("requirements_analysis", req_analysis) # Log detailed information about potential issues and recommendations if 'potential_issues' in req_analysis and req_analysis['potential_issues']: log_result("potential_dependency_issues", req_analysis['potential_issues']) if 'recommendations' in req_analysis and req_analysis['recommendations']: log_result("dependency_recommendations", req_analysis['recommendations']) else: # Fall back to basic requirements comparison if enhanced analysis failed old_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, commit_sha, "requirements.txt") new_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, target_commit, "requirements.txt") if old_requirements is not None and new_requirements is not None: added, removed, changed = compare_requirements(new_requirements, old_requirements) req_changes = { "added": added, "removed": removed, "changed": changed, } log_result("requirements_changes", req_changes) except Exception as e: log_result("requirements_analysis_error", str(e)) # Fallback to basic requirements comparison old_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, commit_sha, "requirements.txt") new_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, target_commit, "requirements.txt") if old_requirements is not None and new_requirements is not None: added, removed, changed = compare_requirements(new_requirements, old_requirements) req_changes = { "added": added, "removed": removed, "changed": changed, } log_result("requirements_changes", req_changes) except Exception as e: log_result("requirements_analysis_error", str(e)) # Try to get a more detailed diff analysis using MCPAIComponent except Exception as e: log_result("error", str(e)) # Return results if in capture mode if capture_output: return results else: return {"status": "completed", "output": "printed to console"} def compare_requirements(current_reqs: str, previous_reqs: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]: """ Compare two requirements.txt files and identify added, removed, and changed dependencies. Args: current_reqs: Content of the current requirements.txt file previous_reqs: Content of the previous requirements.txt file Returns: Tuple of (added, removed, changed) dependencies """ def parse_requirements(content: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Parse requirements.txt content into a dictionary of package name -> version.""" if not content or content.strip() == "": return {} result = {} for line in content.splitlines(): # Skip empty lines and comments if not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith('#'): continue # Handle different formats: pkg==version, pkg>=version, etc. parts = line.split('==') if len(parts) == 2: # Standard version pinning (pkg==1.0.0) pkg_name = parts[0].strip() version = parts[1].strip() result[pkg_name] = version elif '>=' in line: # Minimum version (pkg>=1.0.0) parts = line.split('>=') pkg_name = parts[0].strip() version = parts[1].strip() result[pkg_name] = f">={version}" elif '>' in line: # Greater than version (pkg>1.0.0) parts = line.split('>') pkg_name = parts[0].strip() version = parts[1].strip() result[pkg_name] = f">{version}" elif '<=' in line: # Maximum version (pkg<=1.0.0) parts = line.split('<=') pkg_name = parts[0].strip() version = parts[1].strip() result[pkg_name] = f"<={version}" elif '<' in line: # Less than version (pkg<1.0.0) parts = line.split('<') pkg_name = parts[0].strip() version = parts[1].strip() result[pkg_name] = f"<{version}" else: # Just package name or other format pkg_name = line.strip() result[pkg_name] = "any" return result current_pkgs = parse_requirements(current_reqs) previous_pkgs = parse_requirements(previous_reqs) # Find added packages added = [f"{pkg}=={version}" for pkg, version in current_pkgs.items() if pkg not in previous_pkgs] # Find removed packages removed = [f"{pkg}=={version}" for pkg, version in previous_pkgs.items() if pkg not in current_pkgs] # Find changed versions changed = [f"{pkg}: {previous_pkgs[pkg]} -> {current_pkgs[pkg]}" for pkg in current_pkgs if pkg in previous_pkgs and current_pkgs[pkg] != previous_pkgs[pkg]] return added, removed, changed def get_file_from_commit(repo_url: str, commit_sha: str, file_path: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the content of a file from a specific commit in a Git repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository commit_sha: Commit SHA to extract the file from file_path: Path to the file within the repository Returns: Content of the file or None if the file doesn't exist in that commit """ try: # Create a temporary directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Clone the repository (shallow clone to save time and space) ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo_url, temp_dir], check=True, capture_output=True ) # Check out the specific commit try: ["git", "checkout", commit_sha], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Try fetching the commit first ["git", "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", commit_sha], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) # Now try to check out again ["git", "checkout", commit_sha], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) # Check if the file exists file_full_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_full_path): return None # Read the file content with open(file_full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: content = # Clean up import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return content except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting file '{file_path}' from commit {commit_sha}: {e}") # Clean up on error try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except: pass return None def validate_commit_sha(repo_url: str, commit_sha: str) -> bool: """ Validate if a commit SHA exists in a repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository commit_sha: Commit SHA to validate Returns: True if the commit SHA exists, False otherwise """ try: # Create a temporary directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Clone the repository (shallow clone to save time and space) ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo_url, temp_dir], check=True, capture_output=True ) # Try to show the commit details try: # First, try to fetch the specific commit ["git", "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", commit_sha], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) # Then, check if the commit exists result = ["git", "cat-file", "-t", commit_sha], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) # Clean up import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) # If the command succeeded, and returned "commit", the SHA is valid return result.stdout.strip() == "commit" except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Clean up on error import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return False except Exception as e: print(f"Error validating commit SHA: {e}") # Clean up on error try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except: pass return False def get_diff_between_commits(repo_url: str, base_commit: str, target_commit: str = 'HEAD') -> str: """ Get the diff between two commits in a Git repository. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository base_commit: Base commit SHA target_commit: Target commit SHA (default: HEAD) Returns: Diff text between the commits """ try: # Create a temporary directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Clone the repository ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo_url, temp_dir], check=True, capture_output=True ) # Try to fetch both commits ["git", "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", base_commit], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) if target_commit != 'HEAD': ["git", "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", target_commit], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True ) # Get the diff result = ["git", "diff", base_commit, target_commit], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) # Clean up import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return result.stdout except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting diff between commits: {e}") # Clean up on error try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except: pass return f"Error: {str(e)}" def test_git_diff(repo_url=None, compare_commit=None): """ Test git diff functionality between two commits. Args: repo_url: URL of the Git repository compare_commit: Base commit SHA to compare against """ # Get repo URL from command line if not provided if not repo_url and len(sys.argv) > 1: repo_url = sys.argv[1] # Get commit SHA from command line if not provided if not compare_commit and len(sys.argv) > 2: compare_commit = sys.argv[2] # Check if we have the necessary information if not repo_url: print("Error: Please provide a Git repository URL") print("Usage: python <git-repo-url> [<commit-sha>]") sys.exit(1) print(f"Testing Git diff for repository: {repo_url}") if compare_commit: print(f"Comparing against commit: {compare_commit}") # Validate the commit SHA print(f"Validating commit SHA: {compare_commit}") is_valid = validate_commit_sha(repo_url, compare_commit) if is_valid: print(f"Commit SHA {compare_commit} is valid.") # Get the diff print(f"Getting diff between {compare_commit} and HEAD...") diff = get_diff_between_commits(repo_url, compare_commit) # Show basic statistics diff_lines = diff.splitlines() files_changed = diff.count("diff --git") additions = diff.count("\n+") - diff.count("\n+++") deletions = diff.count("\n-") - diff.count("\n---") print(f"\nDiff Statistics:") print(f"Files changed: {files_changed}") print(f"Additions: {additions}") print(f"Deletions: {deletions}") print(f"Total diff lines: {len(diff_lines)}") # Check for requirements.txt changes with enhanced analysis print("\nAnalyzing requirements.txt changes...") try: # Try to get a more detailed requirements analysis mcp = MCPAIComponent(mcp_server_url="http://localhost:8000") req_analysis = mcp.analyze_requirements(repo_url, compare_commit) if req_analysis and isinstance(req_analysis, dict) and req_analysis.get('status') != 'error': print("\nEnhanced Requirements Analysis:") # Print summary if 'summary' in req_analysis: print(f"\nSummary: {req_analysis['summary']}") # Print added packages if 'added_packages' in req_analysis and req_analysis['added_packages']: print("\nAdded Dependencies:") for pkg_name, ver_spec in req_analysis['added_packages'].items(): print(f" + {pkg_name}{ver_spec}") # Print removed packages if 'removed_packages' in req_analysis and req_analysis['removed_packages']: print("\nRemoved Dependencies:") for pkg_name, ver_spec in req_analysis['removed_packages'].items(): print(f" - {pkg_name}{ver_spec}") # Print changed packages if 'changed_packages' in req_analysis and req_analysis['changed_packages']: print("\nChanged Dependencies:") for pkg_name, change in req_analysis['changed_packages'].items(): print(f" ~ {pkg_name}: {change['old']} -> {change['new']}") # Print AI Analysis if available if 'ai_analysis' in req_analysis: ai_analysis = req_analysis['ai_analysis'] print("\nAI-Powered Dependency Analysis:") # Print risk assessment print("\nRisk Assessment:") for risk_level in ['high_risk', 'medium_risk', 'low_risk']: if ai_analysis['dependency_analysis']['risk_assessment'][risk_level]: print(f"\n{risk_level.replace('_', ' ').title()}:") for pkg in ai_analysis['dependency_analysis']['risk_assessment'][risk_level]: print(f" • {pkg['package']}: {pkg['analysis']}") if pkg.get('recommendations'): for rec in pkg['recommendations']: print(f" - {rec}") # Print overall recommendations if ai_analysis['dependency_analysis']['recommendations']: print("\nOverall Recommendations:") for rec in ai_analysis['dependency_analysis']['recommendations']: print(f" • {rec}") else: # Fallback to basic requirements comparison print("Enhanced requirements analysis not available. Using basic comparison...") check_requirements_basic(repo_url, compare_commit) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during requirements analysis: {e}") # Fallback to basic requirements comparison print("Using basic requirements.txt comparison...") check_requirements_basic(repo_url, compare_commit) # Try to send the diff to the MCP server for AI analysis # Get comprehensive analysis with next steps try: print("\nPerforming comprehensive analysis with next steps...") comprehensive_results = mcp.analyze_comprehensive(repo_url, compare_commit) if comprehensive_results and isinstance(comprehensive_results, dict): print("\nComprehensive Analysis:") # Print summary if 'summary' in comprehensive_results: print(f"\nSummary: {comprehensive_results['summary']}") # Print recommendations if 'recommendations' in comprehensive_results: print("\nRecommendations:") for rec in comprehensive_results['recommendations']: print(f" • {rec}") # Print next steps if 'next_steps' in comprehensive_results: print("\nNext Steps:") for step in comprehensive_results['next_steps']: print(f" → {step}") else: print("Comprehensive analysis not available or returned empty results.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during comprehensive analysis: {e}") else: print(f"Error: Commit SHA {compare_commit} is invalid.") else: print("No commit SHA provided for comparison.") print("Showing the latest commit information instead.") try: # Create a temporary directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Clone the repository ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo_url, temp_dir], check=True, capture_output=True ) # Get latest commit info result = ["git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=format:%h|%an|%ad|%s"], cwd=temp_dir, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) commit_parts = result.stdout.split('|') if len(commit_parts) >= 4: print("\nLatest Commit:") print(f"SHA: {commit_parts[0]}") print(f"Author: {commit_parts[1]}") print(f"Date: {commit_parts[2]}") print(f"Message: {commit_parts[3]}") print("\nUse this commit SHA to compare with an earlier version.") # Clean up import shutil shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting latest commit info: {e}") def check_requirements_basic(repo_url, compare_commit, target_commit='HEAD'): """Basic requirements.txt analysis using the legacy compare_requirements function""" print("\nChecking for requirements.txt changes...") old_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, compare_commit, "requirements.txt") if old_requirements is not None: print("Found requirements.txt in the base commit.") # Get current requirements.txt new_requirements = get_file_from_commit(repo_url, target_commit, "requirements.txt") if new_requirements is not None: print("Found requirements.txt in the current commit.") # Compare requirements added, removed, changed = compare_requirements(new_requirements, old_requirements) if added or removed or changed: print("\nRequirements Changes:") if added: print("\nAdded Dependencies:") for dep in added: print(f" + {dep}") if removed: print("\nRemoved Dependencies:") for dep in removed: print(f" - {dep}") if changed: print("\nChanged Dependencies:") for dep in changed: print(f" ~ {dep}") else: print("No changes to requirements.txt dependencies.") else: print("requirements.txt not found in the current commit.") else: print("requirements.txt not found in the base commit.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test Git diff functionality between commits") parser.add_argument("repo_url", nargs="?", help="URL of the Git repository") parser.add_argument("commit_sha", nargs="?", help="Base commit SHA to compare against") parser.add_argument("--comprehensive", action="store_true", help="Get comprehensive analysis with next steps") args = parser.parse_args() test_git_diff(args.repo_url, args.commit_sha)