# Script to run memory-based Prometheus tests
set -e
echo "========================================================"
echo "Prometheus Memory Test Suite"
echo "========================================================"
# Function to check if a command exists
command_exists() {
command -v "$1" &>/dev/null
# Check if Prometheus is running
echo "Checking if Prometheus is already running..."
if docker ps | grep -q prometheus; then
echo "Prometheus is already running"
echo "Starting Prometheus services with Docker Compose..."
docker compose up -d
# Wait for services to start
echo "Waiting for services to start..."
sleep 10
# Verify Prometheus is accessible
echo "Verifying Prometheus is accessible..."
if ! curl -s "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up" >/dev/null; then
echo "Error: Cannot connect to Prometheus. Please check if it's running."
exit 1
echo "Prometheus is running and accessible."
# Start MCP server in the background if not already running
echo "Checking if MCP server is running..."
if curl -s "http://localhost:8000/v1/models" >/dev/null; then
echo "MCP server is already running"
echo "Starting MCP server in the background..."
uv run start_mcp_server.py --prometheus-url "http://localhost:9090" --debug &
# Wait for server to start
echo "Waiting for MCP server to start..."
sleep 5
if ! curl -s "http://localhost:8000/v1/models" >/dev/null; then
echo "Error: MCP server failed to start"
exit 1
echo "MCP server started with PID: $MCP_PID"
# Run the memory test
echo ""
echo "========================================================"
echo "Running Prometheus Memory Test"
echo "========================================================"
echo "Note: Using quiet mode - AI recommendations are shown but detailed alert lists are hidden"
uv run test_prometheus.py --quiet
# Ask if user wants to simulate memory pressure
echo ""
echo "========================================================"
echo "Would you like to simulate memory pressure to trigger alerts? (y/n)"
read -p "> " simulate_pressure
if [[ "$simulate_pressure" == "y" || "$simulate_pressure" == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Running memory pressure simulation..."
# Ask for target percentage
read -p "Enter target memory usage percentage (default: 85): " target_percent
# Ask for duration
read -p "Enter duration in seconds (default: 300): " duration
# Run the simulation
echo "Starting memory pressure simulation with target $target_percent% for $duration seconds..."
uv run simulate_memory_pressure.py --target $target_percent --duration $duration
# Wait a bit for Prometheus to detect the change
echo "Waiting for Prometheus to process metrics..."
sleep 15
# Run the test again to see alerts
echo "Running Prometheus test again to check for alerts..."
echo "Note: Using quiet mode - AI recommendations are shown but detailed alert lists are hidden"
uv run test_prometheus.py --quiet
# Clean up
if [[ ! -z "$MCP_PID" ]]; then
echo ""
echo "========================================================"
read -p "Stop the MCP server? (y/n): " stop_server
if [[ "$stop_server" == "y" || "$stop_server" == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Stopping MCP server (PID: $MCP_PID)..."
kill $MCP_PID
echo "MCP server is still running with PID: $MCP_PID"
echo "To stop it manually later, run: kill $MCP_PID"
echo ""
echo "========================================================"
read -p "Stop Docker containers? (y/n): " stop_docker
if [[ "$stop_docker" == "y" || "$stop_docker" == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Stopping Docker containers..."
docker compose down
echo "Docker containers are still running."
echo "To stop them later, run: docker compose down"
echo ""
echo "Prometheus memory test completed."