MCP-OpenAPIrmasters-securityAlicense-qualityAn MCP server that exposes HTTP methods defined in an OpenAPI specification as tools, enabling interaction with APIs via the Model Context Protocol.2PythonMIT License
mcp-any-openapimatthewhand-securityAlicense-qualityA Python-based MCP server that integrates OpenAPI-described REST APIs into MCP workflows, enabling dynamic exposure of API endpoints as MCP tools.210PythonMIT LicenseLinuxApple
MCP Server: Scalable OpenAPI Endpoint Discovery and API Request Toolbaryhuang-securityAlicense-qualityThis server facilitates scalable discovery and execution of OpenAPI endpoints using semantic search and high-performance processing, overcoming limitations of large spec handling for streamlined API interactions.15PythonMIT LicenseLinux
OpenAI MCP Serverpierrebrunelle-securityAlicense-qualityQuery OpenAI models directly from Claude using MCP protocol.147PythonMIT License
MCP OpenAI Servermzxrai-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that lets you seamlessly use OpenAI's models right from Claude.12428JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
mcp-server-qdrantofficialqdrantAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis repository is an example of how to create a MCP server for Qdrant, a vector search engine.2244PythonApache 2.0