PRD Creator MCP Server

by Saml1211

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Built on Node.js runtime, enabling execution of the PRD Creator MCP server across different platforms.

PRD Creator MCP Server

A specialized Model Context Protocol (MCP) server dedicated to creating Product Requirements Documents. This MCP server enables AI systems connected to MCP clients to generate detailed, well-structured product requirement documents through a standardized protocol interface.


  • PRD Generator: Create complete PRDs based on product descriptions, user stories, and requirements
  • PRD Validator: Validate PRD completeness against industry standards and customizable rule sets
  • Template Resources: Access a library of PRD templates for different product types
  • MCP Protocol Support: Implements the Model Context Protocol for seamless integration with MCP clients



  • Node.js v16 or higher
  • npm or yarn

Install from source

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone cd prd-creator-mcp
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the project:
npm run build


Running the server

Run the server using:

npm start

The server will run with STDIO transport by default, which makes it compatible with MCP clients.

Adding to MCP client configuration

To use the PRD Creator MCP Server with an MCP client (like Claude Desktop or Cursor), add it to your MCP settings:

For Claude Desktop (on macOS), add to ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "prd-creator": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/prd-creator-mcp/dist/index.js"], "disabled": false } } }

Available Tools

The server provides the following tools:

1. generate_prd

Generate a complete PRD document from a template.


  • productName: The name of the product
  • productDescription: Description of the product
  • targetAudience: Description of the target audience
  • coreFeatures: Array of core feature descriptions
  • constraints (optional): Array of constraints or limitations
  • templateName (optional): Template name to use (defaults to "standard")


{ "productName": "TaskMaster Pro", "productDescription": "A task management application that helps users organize and prioritize their work efficiently.", "targetAudience": "Busy professionals and teams who need to manage multiple projects and deadlines.", "coreFeatures": [ "Task creation and management", "Priority setting", "Due date tracking", "Team collaboration" ], "constraints": [ "Must work offline", "Must support mobile and desktop platforms" ], "templateName": "comprehensive" }

2. validate_prd

Validate a PRD document against best practices.


  • prdContent: The PRD content to validate
  • validationRules (optional): Array of validation rule IDs to check


{ "prdContent": "# My Product\n\n## Introduction\n...", "validationRules": ["has-introduction", "minimum-length"] }

3. list_validation_rules

List all available validation rules.

Available Resources

The server provides access to PRD templates through the following URI pattern:

  • prd://templates/{templateName}

Available templates:

  • standard: A basic PRD template with essential sections
  • comprehensive: A detailed PRD template with expanded sections


Project Structure

prd-creator-mcp/ ├── src/ │ ├── config/ # Configuration management │ ├── storage/ # Database and caching │ ├── tools/ # Tool implementations │ ├── resources/ # Resource implementations │ ├── templates/ # Initial PRD templates │ └── index.ts # Main entry point ├── tests/ # Test files ├── dist/ # Compiled output └── # Documentation

Running Tests

npm test



Developed by Sam Lyndon

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A specialized Model Context Protocol server that enables AI systems to generate detailed, well-structured product requirement documents through a standardized interface.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Install from source
    2. Usage
      1. Running the server
      2. Adding to MCP client configuration
      3. Available Tools
      4. Available Resources
    3. Development
      1. Project Structure
      2. Running Tests
    4. License