
remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • The MCP server provides a Discord server link for contact and support.

  • The MCP server provides a WeChat QR code for contact and support with Datafocus.

FOCUS DATA MCP Server [中文]

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server enables artificial intelligence assistants to directly query data results. Users can obtain data results from DataFocus using natural language.


  • Register on DataFocus to open an application space, and import (directly connect to) the data tables to be analyzed.
  • Select Datafocus data table initialization dialogue
  • Natural language data acquisition results


  • jdk 23 or higher. Download jdk
  • gradle 8.12 or higher. Download gradle
  • register Datafocus to obtain bearer token:
    1. Register an account in Datafocus
    2. Create an application
    3. Enter the application
    4. Admin -> Interface authentication -> Bearer Token -> New Bearer Token


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone cd focus_mcp_data
  1. Build the server:
gradle clean gradle bootJar The jar path: build/libs/focus_mcp_data.jar

MCP Configuration

Add the server to your MCP settings file (usually located at ~/AppData/Roaming/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "focus_mcp_data": { "command": "java", "args": [ "-jar", "path/to/focus_mcp_data/focus_mcp_data.jar" ], "autoApprove": [ "tableList", "gptText2DataInit", "gptText2DataData" ] } } }

Available Tools

1. tableList

Get table list in datafocus.


  • name (optional): table name to filter
  • bearer (required): bearer token


{ "name": "test", "bearer": "ZTllYzAzZjM2YzA3NDA0ZGE3ZjguNDJhNDjNGU4NzkyYjY1OTY0YzUxYWU5NmU=" }

2. gptText2DataInit

Initialize dialogue.


  • names (required): selected table names
  • bearer (required): bearer token
  • language (optional): language ['english','chinese']


{ "names": [ "test1", "test2" ], "bearer": "ZTllYzAzZjM2YzA3NDA0ZGE3ZjguNDJhNDjNGU4NzkyYjY1OTY0YzUxYWU5NmU=" }

3. gptText2DataData

Query data results.


  • chatId (required): chat id
  • input (required): Natural language
  • bearer (required): bearer token


{ "chatId": "03975af5de4b4562938a985403f206d4", "input": "max(age)", "bearer": "ZTllYzAzZjM2YzA3NDA0ZGE3ZjguNDJhNDjNGU4NzkyYjY1OTY0YzUxYWU5NmU=" }

Response Format

All tools return responses in the following format:

{ "errCode": 0, "exception": "", "msgParams": null, "promptMsg": null, "success": true, "data": { } }

Visual Studio Code Cline Sample

  1. vsCode install cline plugin
  2. mcp server config
  3. use
    1. get table list
    2. Initialize dialogue
    3. query: what is the sum salary


security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

The intelligent data query plugin under DataFocus that supports multi-round conversations provides plug-and-play ChatBI capabilities.

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. MCP Configuration
          1. Available Tools
            1. 1. tableList
            2. 2. gptText2DataInit
            3. 3. gptText2DataData
          2. Response Format
            1. Visual Studio Code Cline Sample
              1. Contact: