browser-use MCP server

by Deploya-labs
from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Type from browser_use.agent.views import AgentOutput from browser_use.controller.registry.views import ActionModel from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, create_model @dataclass class CustomAgentStepInfo: step_number: int max_steps: int task: str add_infos: str memory: str task_progress: str future_plans: str class CustomAgentBrain(BaseModel): """Current state of the agent""" prev_action_evaluation: str important_contents: str task_progress: str future_plans: str thought: str summary: str class CustomAgentOutput(AgentOutput): """Output model for agent @dev note: this model is extended with custom actions in AgentService. You can also use some fields that are not in this model as provided by the linter, as long as they are registered in the DynamicActions model. """ model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) current_state: CustomAgentBrain action: list[ActionModel] @staticmethod def type_with_custom_actions( custom_actions: Type[ActionModel], ) -> Type["CustomAgentOutput"]: """Extend actions with custom actions""" return create_model( "CustomAgentOutput", __base__=CustomAgentOutput, action=( list[custom_actions], Field(...), ), # Properly annotated field with no default __module__=CustomAgentOutput.__module__, )